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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 41:9.1 The larger suns maintain such a gravity control over their electrons that [[ligh...'

41:9.1 The larger [[suns]] [[maintain]] such a [[gravity]] [[control]] over their [[electrons]] that [[light]] escapes only with the aid of the powerful [[X rays]]. These helper [[rays]] penetrate all [[space]] and are concerned in the [[maintenance]] of the basic [[ultimaton]]ic [[associations]] of [[energy]]. The great energy losses in the early days of a [[sun]], subsequent to its [[attainment]] of maximum [[temperature]]—upwards of 35,000,000 degrees—are not so much due to [[light]] escape as to [[ultimaton]]ic leakage. These [[ultimaton]] [[energies]] escape out into [[space]], to engage in the [[adventure]] of [[electronic]] [[association]] and [[energy]] [[materialization]], as a veritable energy blast during adolescent solar times.

41:9.2 [[Atoms]] and [[electrons]] are subject to [[gravity]]. The [[ultimatons]] are not subject to local [[gravity]], the interplay of [[material]] [[attraction]], but they are fully [[obedient]] to [[absolute]] or [[Paradise]] [[gravity]], to the [[trend]], the swing, of the [[universal]] and [[eternal]] [[circle]] of the [[universe of universes]]. [[Ultimatonic]] [[energy]] does not obey the [[linear]] or direct [[gravity]] [[attraction]] of near-by or remote [[material]] [[mass]]es, but it does ever swing true to the [[circuit]] of the great [[ellipse]] of the [[Master Universe|far-flung creation]].

41:9.3 Your own [[Sun|solar center]] [[radiates]] almost one hundred billion tons of [[actual]] [[matter]] annually, while the [ giant suns] lose [[matter]] at a prodigious rate during their earlier [[growth]], the first billion years. A sun's life becomes [[stable]] after the maximum of internal [[temperature]] is reached, and the subatomic energies begin to be released. And it is just at this critical point that the larger suns are given to convulsive pulsations.

41:9.4 [[Sun]] [[stability]] is wholly dependent on the [[equilibrium]] between [[gravity]]-[[heat]] contention—tremendous [[pressures]] counterbalanced by unimagined [[temperatures]]. The interior [[gas]] elasticity of the suns upholds the overlying layers of varied [[materials]], and when [[gravity]] and [[heat]] are in [[equilibrium]], the [[weight]] of the outer [[materials]] exactly [[equals]] the [[temperature]] [[pressure]] of the underlying and interior [[gases]]. In many of the [ younger stars] continued [[gravity]] condensation produces ever-heightening internal [[temperatures]], and as internal heat increases, the interior [[X-ray]] [[pressure]] of supergas winds becomes so great that, in [[connection]] with the centrifugal [[motion]], a [[sun]] begins to throw its exterior layers off into [[space]], thus redressing the imbalance between [[gravity]] and [[heat]].

41:9.5 Your own [[sun]] has long since [[attained]] [[relative]] [[equilibrium]] between its [ expansion and contraction cycles], those disturbances which produce the [ gigantic pulsations] of many of the younger [[stars]]. Your [[sun]] is now passing out of its six billionth year[]. At the present time it is [[functioning]] through the period of greatest [[economy]]. It will shine on as of present [[efficiency]] for more than twenty-five billion years. It will probably [[experience]] a partially efficient period of decline as long as the combined periods of its youth and [[stabilized]] [[function]].

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