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38:7.1 In all [[essential]] [[endowments]] ''cherubim and sanobim'' are similar to [[seraphim]]. They have the same [[origin]] but not always the same [[destiny]]. They are [[wonderfully]] [[intelligent]], marvelously [[efficient]], touchingly [[affectionate]], and almost [[human]]. They are the lowest order of [[angels]], hence all the nearer of kin to the more [[progressive]] types of [[human beings]] on the [[evolutionary worlds]].

38:7.2 Cherubim and sanobim are [[inherently]] [[associated]], [[functionally]] united. One is an [[energy]] [[Active|positive]] [[personality]]; the other, energy [[Passive|negative]]. The right-hand deflector, or positively charged angel, is the ''cherubim''—the senior or [[controlling]] [[personality]]. The left-hand deflector, or negatively charged angel, is the ''sanobim''—the [[complement]] of [[being]]. Each type of angel is very limited in [[solitary]] [[function]]; hence they usually serve in pairs. When serving [[independently]] of their seraphic directors, they are more than ever dependent on mutual contact and always [[function]] [[together]].

38:7.3 Cherubim and sanobim are the [[faithful]] and [[efficient]] aids of the seraphic ministers, and all [[seven]] orders of [[seraphim]] are provided with these subordinate assistants. Cherubim and sanobim serve for ages in these capacities, but they do not accompany seraphim on assignments beyond the confines of the [[local universe]].

38:7.4 The cherubim and sanobim are the routine [[spirit]] workers on the [[individual worlds]] of [[the systems]]. On a nonpersonal assignment and in an [[emergency]], they may serve in the place of a seraphic pair, but they never [[function]], even temporarily, as attending [[angels]] to [[human beings]]; that is an exclusive [[seraphic]] [[privilege]].

38:7.5 When assigned to a [[planet]], cherubim enter the local [[courses]] of [[training]], including a [[study]] of [[planetary]] usages and [[languages]]. The ministering spirits of time are all [ bilingual], speaking the language of the [[local universe]] of their [[origin]] and that of their [[native]] [[superuniverse]]. By [[study]] in the schools of the realms they acquire additional tongues. ''Cherubim and sanobim'', like [[seraphim]] and all other [[orders]] of [[spirit]] [[beings]], are continuously engaged in efforts at self-improvement. Only such as the subordinate beings of [ power control and energy direction] are incapable of [[progression]]; all [[creatures]] having [[actual]] or [[potential]] [[personality]] [[volition]] seek new [[achievements]].

38:7.6 ''Cherubim and sanobim'' are by [[nature]] very near the [[morontia]] level of [[existence]], and they [[prove]] to be most [[efficient]] in the borderland [[work]] of the [[physical]], [[morontial]], and [[spiritual]] [[domains]]. These [[children]] of the [[local universe]] [[Mother Spirit]] are characterized by "fourth creatures" much as are the [ Havona Servitals] and the [ conciliating commissions]. Every fourth cherubim and every fourth sanobim are quasi-[[material]], very definitely resembling the [[morontia]] level of [[existence]].

38:7.7 These angelic fourth creatures are of great [[assistance]] to the [[seraphim]] in the more [[literal]] [[phases]] of their [[universe]] and [[planetary]] activities. Such [[morontia]] cherubim also [[perform]] many indispensable borderline tasks on the [[Mansion Worlds|morontia training worlds]] and are assigned to the [[service]] of the [ Morontia Companions] in large [[numbers]]. They are to the [[morontia]] [[spheres]] about what the [[midway creatures]] are to the [[evolutionary planets]]. On the [[inhabited worlds]] these [[morontia]] cherubim frequently [[work]] in [[liaison]] with the [[midway creatures]]. Cherubim and midway creatures are distinctly separate orders of [[beings]]; they have dissimilar [[origins]], but they disclose great similarity in [[nature]] and [[function]].

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