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24:2.1 Notwithstanding that the [ cosmic mind] of the [[Universal]] [[Intelligence]] is cognizant of the [[presence]] and whereabouts of all [[thinking]] [[creatures]], there is operative in the [[universe of universes]] an [[independent]] [[method]] of keeping count of all [[Free will|will]] [[creatures]].

24:2.2 The ''Census Directors'' are a special and completed [[creation]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]], and they exist in [[numbers]] unknown to us. They are so created as to be able to maintain [[perfect]] [[synchrony]] with the [[reflectivity]] [[technique]] of the [[superuniverses]], while at the same time they are [[personally]] [[sensitive]] and [[responsive]] to [[intelligent]] [[Free will|will]]. These directors, by a not-fully-understood [[technique]], are made [[immediately]] aware of the [[birth]] of [[Free will|will]] in any part of the [[grand universe]]. They are, therefore, always competent to give us the [[number]], [[nature]], and whereabouts of all will [[creatures]] in any part of the [[Havona|central creation]] and the [[seven superuniverses]]. But they do not [[function]] on [[Paradise]]; there is no need for them there. On [[Paradise]] [[knowledge]] is [[inherent]]; [[the Deities]] know [[all things]].

24:2.3 Seven Census Directors operate in [[Havona]], one being stationed on the [ pilot world of each Havona circuit]. Excepting these seven and the reserves of the order on the [ Paradise worlds of the Spirit], all Census Directors [[function]] under the [[jurisdiction]] of the [[Ancients of Days]].

24:2.4 One Census Director presides at the headquarters of each [[superuniverse]], while subject to such a chief director are thousands upon thousands, one on the capital of every [[local universe]]. All [[personalities]] of this order are [[equal]] excepting those on the [[Havona]] pilot worlds and the [[seven superuniverse]] chiefs.

24:2.5 In the [[Orvonton|seventh superuniverse]] there are one hundred thousand Census Directors. And this [[number]] consists entirely of those assignable to [[local universes]]; it does not include the personal staff of Usatia, the [[superuniverse]] chief of all [[Orvonton]] directors. Usatia, like the other superuniverse chiefs, is not directly [[attuned]] to the registration of [[intelligent]] [[Free will|will]]. He is solely [[attuned]] to his subordinates stationed in the [[Orvonton]] [[universes]]; thus he [[acts]] as a [[magnificent]] [[totaling]] [[personality]] for their reports coming in from the capitals of the [[local creations]].

24:2.6 From time to [[time]] the official recorders of [[Uversa]] place on their [[records]] the [[status]] of the [[superuniverse]] as it is indicated by the registrations in and upon the [[personality]] of Usatia. Such [[census]] [[data]] is indigenous to the [[superuniverses]]; these reports are [[transmitted]] neither to [[Havona]] nor to [[Paradise]].

24:2.7 The Census Directors are concerned with [[human beings]]—as with other will [[creatures]]—only to the extent of recording the [[fact]] of [[Free will|will]] [[function]]. They are not concerned with the records of your life and its [[doings]]; they are not in any sense recording personalities. The Census Director of [[Nebadon]], number 81,412 of [[Orvonton]], now stationed on [[Salvington]], is at this very [[moment]] personally [[conscious]] and [[aware]] of your living [[presence]] here on [[Urantia]]; and he will afford the [[records]] [[confirmation]] of your [[death]] the [[moment]] you cease to [[function]] as a [[Free will|will]] [[creature]].

24:2.8 Census Directors register the [[existence]] of a new will creature when the first act of will is [[performed]]; they indicate the [[death]] of a will creature when the last [[act]] of will takes place. The partial [[emergence]] of will [[observed]] in the [[reactions]] of certain of the higher [[animals]] does not belong to the domain of the Census Directors. They keep count of nothing but [[bona fide]] will creatures, and they are [[responsive]] to nothing but will [[function]]. Exactly how they register the [[function]] of will, we do not know.

24:2.9 These [[beings]] always have been, and always will be, Census Directors. They would be comparatively useless in any other division of [[universe]] [[labor]]. But they are [[infallible]] in [[function]]; they never [[default]], neither do they falsify. And notwithstanding their [[marvelous]] [[powers]] and unbelievable prerogatives, they are [[persons]]; they have recognizable [[spirit]] [[presence]] and [[form]].

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