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16:3.1 The Seven Master Spirits are indescribable [[beings]], but they are distinctly and definitely [[personal]]. They have [[names]], but we elect to introduce them by [[number]]. As primary [[personalizations]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]], they are akin, but as primary [[expressions]] of the seven possible [[Associativity|associations]] of triune Deity, they are [[essentially]] [[diverse]] in [[nature]], and this diversity of [[nature]] determines their [[differential]] of [[superuniverse]] conduct. These Seven Master Spirits may be described as follows:

16:3.2 ''Master Spirit Number One''. In a special [[manner]] this [[Spirit]] is the [[direct]] [[representation]] of the [[Paradise Father]]. He is a peculiar and efficient [[manifestation]] of the [[power]], [[love]], and [[wisdom]] of the [[Universal Father]]. He is the close associate and [[supernal]] [[adviser]] of the chief of [[Mystery Monitors]], that being who presides over the College of [ Personalized Adjusters] on [[Divinington]]. In all [[associations]] of the Seven Master Spirits, it is always Master Spirit Number One who speaks for the [[Universal Father]].

16:3.3 This Spirit presides over the first [[superuniverse]] and, while unfailingly exhibiting the [[divine]] [[nature]] of a primary [[personalization]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]], seems more especially to resemble the [[Universal Father]] in [[character]]. He is always in [[personal]] [[liaison]] with the seven [ Reflective Spirits] at the headquarters of the first superuniverse.

16:3.4 ''Master Spirit Number Two''. This Spirit adequately portrays the matchless [[nature]] and [[charming]] [[character]] of the [[Eternal Son]], the first-born of all [[creation]]. He is always in close [[association]] with all orders of the [ Sons of God] whenever they may happen to be in the [[Havona|residential universe]] as [[individuals]] or in joyous conclave. In all the assemblies of the Seven Master Spirits he always speaks for, and in behalf of, the [[Eternal Son]].

16:3.5 This Spirit directs the [[destinies]] of superuniverse number two and rules this vast domain much as would the Eternal Son. He is always in [[liaison]] with the seven [ Reflective Spirits] situated at the capital of the second superuniverse.

16:3.6 ''Master Spirit Number Three''. This Spirit [[personality]] especially resembles the [[Infinite Spirit]], and he directs the [[movements]] and [[work]] of many of the [ high personalities of the Infinite Spirit]. He presides over their assemblies and is closely associated with all personalities who take exclusive [[origin]] in the Third Source and Center. When the Seven Master Spirits are in council, it is Master Spirit Number Three who always speaks for the Infinite Spirit.

16:3.7 This Spirit is in charge of superuniverse number three, and he administers the affairs of this segment much as would the Infinite Spirit. He is always in [[liaison]] with the [ Reflective Spirits] at the headquarters of the third superuniverse.

16:3.8 ''Master Spirit Number Four''. Partaking of the combined natures of [[the Father]] and [[the Son]], this Master Spirit is the determining [[influence]] regarding [ Father-Son] policies and procedures in the councils of the Seven Master Spirits. This Spirit is the chief director and adviser of those [[ascendant]] [[beings]] who have [[attained]] the Infinite Spirit and thus have become candidates for seeing the Son and the Father. He fosters that enormous [[group]] of [[personalities]] taking origin in the Father and the Son. When it becomes necessary to [[represent]] the Father and the Son in the association of the Seven Master Spirits, it is always Master Spirit Number Four who speaks.

16:3.9 This Spirit fosters the fourth segment of the [[grand universe]] in accordance with his peculiar [[association]] of the [[attributes]] of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. He is always in personal [[liaison]] with the [ Reflective Spirits] of the headquarters of the fourth superuniverse.

16:3.10 ''Master Spirit Number Five''. This [[divine]] [[personality]] who exquisitely blends the [[character]] of the [[Universal Father]] and the [[Infinite Spirit]] is the adviser of that enormous group of beings known as the [ power directors], [ power centers], and [ physical controllers]. This Spirit also fosters all [[personalities]] taking origin in the Father and the Conjoint Actor. In the councils of the Seven Master Spirits, when the Father-Spirit [[attitude]] is in question, it is always Master Spirit Number Five who speaks.

16:3.11 This Spirit directs the welfare of the fifth superuniverse in such a way as to suggest the combined [[action]] of the [[Universal Father]] and the [[Infinite Spirit]]. He is always in [[liaison]] with the [ Reflective Spirits] at the headquarters of the fifth superuniverse.

16:3.12 ''Master Spirit Number Six''. This [[divine]] [[being]] seems to portray the combined [[character]] of the [[Eternal Son]] and the [[Infinite Spirit]]. Whenever the creatures jointly created by the Son and the Spirit forgather in the central universe, it is this Master Spirit who is their adviser; and whenever, in the councils of the Seven Master Spirits, it becomes [[necessary]] to speak conjointly for the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, it is Master Spirit Number Six who [[responds]].

16:3.13 This Spirit directs the affairs of the sixth superuniverse much as would the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. He is always in [[liaison]] with the [ Reflective Spirits] at the headquarters of the sixth superuniverse.

16:3.14 ''Master Spirit Number Seven''. The presiding Spirit of the [[Orvonton|seventh superuniverse]] is a [[uniquely]] [[equal]] portrayal of the [[Universal Father]], the [[Eternal Son]], and the [[Infinite Spirit]]. The Seventh Spirit, the fostering adviser of all triune-origin beings, is also the adviser and director of all the [[ascending]] [[pilgrims]] of [[Havona]], those lowly beings who have [[attained]] the [[courts]] of [[glory]] through the combined [[ministry]] of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.

16:3.15 The Seventh Master Spirit is not organically [[representative]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]]; but it is a known [[fact]] that his [[personal]] and [[spiritual]] [[nature]] is the [[Conjoint Actor]]'s portraiture in [[equal]] [[proportions]] of the three [[infinite]] [[persons]] whose [[Deity]] [[union]] is the [[Paradise Trinity,]] and whose [[function]] as such is the [[source]] of the [[personal]] and [[spiritual]] [[nature]] of [[God the Supreme]]. Hence the Seventh Master Spirit discloses a [[personal]] and organic [[relationship]] to the spirit person of the evolving [[the Supreme|Supreme]]. Therefore in the Master Spirit councils on high, when it becomes [[necessary]] to cast the ballot for the combined [[personal]] [[attitude]] of [[the Father]], [[the Son|Son]], and [[the Spirit|Spirit]] or to depict the [[spiritual]] [[attitude]] of the [[Supreme Being]], it is Master Spirit Number Seven who [[functions]]. He thus [[inherently]] becomes the presiding head of the Paradise council of the Seven Master Spirits.

16:3.16 No one of the Seven Spirits is organically [[representative]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]], but when they [[unite]] as sevenfold Deity, this [[union]] in a [[deity]] sense—not in a [[personal]] sense—equivalates to a [[functional]] level associable with [[Trinity]] [[functions]]. In this sense the " Sevenfold Spirit " is [[functionally]] associable with the [[Paradise Trinity]]. It is also in this sense that Master Spirit Number Seven sometimes speaks in [[confirmation]] of [[Trinity]] [[attitudes]] or, rather, acts as spokesman for the attitude of the Sevenfold-Spirit-union regarding the attitude of the Threefold-Deity-union, the attitude of the Paradise Trinity.

16:3.17 The multiple functions of the Seventh Master Spirit thus range from a combined portraiture of the [[personal]] [[natures]] of [[the Father]], [[the Son|Son]], and [[the Spirit|Spirit]], through a [[representation]] of the [[personal]] [[attitude]] of [[God the Supreme]], to a disclosure of the [[deity]] [[attitude]] of the [[Paradise Trinity]]. And in certain respects this presiding Spirit is similarly [[expressive]] of the attitudes of the [ Ultimate] and of the [ Supreme-Ultimate].

16:3.18 It is Master Spirit Number Seven who, in his multiple capacities, [[personally]] sponsors the [[progress]] of the [[ascension]] candidates from the [ worlds of time] in their attempts to achieve [[comprehension]] of the undivided Deity of [[Supremacy]]. Such comprehension involves a grasp of the [[existential]] [[sovereignty]] of the [ Trinity of Supremacy] so [[co-ordinated]] with a [[concept]] of the [[growing]] experiential [[sovereignty]] of the [[Supreme Being]] as to [[constitute]] the [[creature]] grasp of the [[unity]] of [[Supremacy]]. Creature [[realization]] of these three factors [[equals]] [[Havona]] [[comprehension]] of [[Trinity]] [[reality]] and endows the [[pilgrims]] of [[time]] with the ability [[eventually]] to penetrate the [[Trinity]], to discover the three [[infinite]] [[persons]] of [[Deity]].

16:3.19 The inability of the [[Havona]] [[pilgrims]] fully to find [[God the Supreme]] is compensated by the Seventh Master Spirit, whose triune nature in such a [[Weird|peculiar]] [[manner]] is [[revelatory]] of the spirit person of the [[Supreme]]. During the present universe age of the noncontactability of the person of the Supreme, Master Spirit Number Seven [[functions]] in the place of the God of [ ascendant creatures] in the matter of [[personal]] [[relationships]]. He is the one high spirit being that all ascenders are certain to recognize and somewhat [[comprehend]] when they reach the [[centers]] of [[glory]].

16:3.20 This Master Spirit is always in liaison with the [[ Reflective Spirits] of [[Uversa]], the headquarters of the seventh superuniverse, our own segment of [[creation]]. His [[administration]] of [[Orvonton]] discloses the marvelous [[symmetry]] of the [[co-ordinate]] blending of the [[divine]] [[natures]] of [[the Father|Father]], [[the Son|Son]], and [[the Spirit|Spirit]].

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