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7:0.1 The [[Eternal Son|Original Son]] is ever concerned with the execution of the [[spiritual]] aspects of [[the Father]]'s eternal [[purpose]] as it [[progressively]] [[unfolds]] in the [[phenomena]] of the [[The Seven Superuniverses|evolving universes]] with their [[Paper 30 - Personalities of the Grand Universe|manifold groups]] of living [[beings]]. We do not fully comprehend this eternal plan, but the Paradise Son undoubtedly does.

7:0.2 The Son is like [[the Father]] in that he seeks to bestow everything possible of himself upon his [[Paper 20 - The Paradise Sons of God|co-ordinate Sons]] and upon their [[Paper 35 - The Local Universe Sons of God|subordinate Sons]]. And the Son [[shares]] the [[Paper 3 - The Attributes of God|Father's self-distributive]] [[nature]] in the unstinted bestowal of himself upon the [[Infinite Spirit]], their conjoint executive.

7:0.3 As the upholder of [[spirit]] [[realities]], the Second Source and Center is the eternal [[Balance|counterpoise]] of the [[Isle of Paradise]], which so magnificently upholds all things [[material]]. Thus is the [[First Source and Center]] forever revealed in the [[material]] [[beauty]] of the exquisite [[patterns]] of the central Isle and in the spiritual [[values]] of the supernal [[personality]] of the Eternal Son.

7:0.4 The Eternal Son is the actual upholder of the vast [[creation]] of [[spirit]] realities and spiritual beings. The spirit world is the [[habit]], the [[personal]] [[Manner|conduct]], of the Son, and the impersonal [[realities]] of spirit nature are always [[responsive]] to the [[will]] and [[purpose]] of the [[perfect]] [[personality]] of the Absolute Son.

7:0.5 The Son is not, however, personally [[responsible]] for the [[Behavior|conduct]] of all spirit personalities. The will of the personal creature is [[relatively]] [[free]] and hence determines the [[actions]] of such [[volitional]] beings. Therefore the freewill spirit world is not always truly representative of the [[character]] of the Eternal Son, even as [[nature]] on [[Urantia]] is not truly [[revelatory]] of the perfection and immutability of [[Paradise]] and [[Deity]]. But no matter what may characterize the freewill [[action]] of [[Human|man]] or [[angel]], the Son's eternal grasp of the [[universal]] [[gravity]] [[control]] of all spirit realities continues as [[absolute]].

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