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0:9.1 Just as the [[Supreme Being]] [[progressive]]ly evolves from the antecedent [[divinity]] endowment of the encompassed [[grand universe]] [[potential]] of [[energy]] and [[personality]], so does God the Ultimate eventuate from the potentials of divinity residing in the transcended [[time-space]] domains of the [[master universe]]. The actualization of Ultimate Deity signalizes [[absonite]] unification of the [ first experiential Trinity] and signifies unifying Deity expansion on the second level of [[creative]] [[self-realization]]. This constitutes the personality-power equivalent of the universe experiential-Deity actualization of Paradise absonite realities on the eventuating levels of transcended time-space values. The completion of such an experiential unfoldment is designed to afford [[ultimate]] [[service]]-[[destiny]] for all [[time-space]] [[creatures]] who have attained absonite levels through the completed realization of the [[Supreme Being]] and by the ministry of God the Sevenfold.

0:9.2 God the Ultimate is designative of [[personal]] [[Deity]] functioning on the divinity levels of the [[absonite]] and on the universe [[spheres]] of supertime and transcended space. The Ultimate is a supersupreme eventuation of Deity. [[The Supreme]] is the [[Trinity]] unification comprehended by [[finite]] [[beings]]; the [[Ultimate]] is the unification of the [[Paradise]] [[Trinity]] comprehended by [[absonite]] [[beings]].

0:9.3 The [[Universal Father]], through the [[mechanism]] of evolutionary Deity, is actually engaged in the stupendous and amazing act of [[personality]] [[Focus|focalization]] and power mobilization, on their respective universe [[meaning]]-levels, of the divine reality values of the [[finite]], the [[absonite]], and even of the [[absolute]].

0:9.4 The first three and past-eternal Deities of [[Paradise]]—the [[Universal Father]], the [[Eternal Son]], and the [[Infinite Spirit]]—are, in the eternal future, to be [[personality]]-complemented by the experiential actualization of associate evolutionary Deities—[[God the Supreme]], God the Ultimate, and possibly God the Absolute.

0:9.5 God the Supreme and God the Ultimate, now evolving in the [[experiential]] universes, are not [[existential]]—not past eternals, only future eternals, [[time-space]]-conditioned and transcendental-conditioned eternals. They are Deities of supreme, ultimate, and possibly supreme-ultimate endowments, but they have experienced historic [[universe]] [[origins]]. They will never have an end, but they do have personality beginnings. They are indeed actualizations of eternal and infinite Deity [[potentials]], but they themselves are neither unqualifiedly [[eternal]] nor [[infinite]].

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