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Topic: Acceptance

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Inner Voice, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.



Prayer: [Henry] Divine Parents, connect us in this circle of light, circle of peace and circle of friendship. This connectedness to spirit and give us understanding and wisdom, thank you.

Inner Voice: [Henry] Greetings this evening my friends, this is an Inner Voice with you to share a little of your personal spiritual reality and when I speak of personal spiritual reality I am speaking of your spiritual personality, that aspect of spiritual self which operates within the human arena, the human arena of all thought, all human interaction, all relationships and all of the complexities of life as you go forth to find your way through all of these aspects.


In looking at the personality it is important to look at what aspects of spirit are operating within you. A good place to start are the seven adjutant mind spirits of the Universe Mother. These mind spirits indicate spiritual realities and recognition of self. They are personal spirits. For example, the spirit of intuition is a personal spirit meant to become aware of what is happening within your mind and around you on the exterior of life. The same goes with understanding and knowledge, these personal spirits which help you account for the experiences in life, the lessons you have learned and understanding your ability to associate situations, relationships, lessons, council and courage, aspects of spirit which enable you to overcome the overbearing fear burden of your animal heritage, courage to motivate and initiate and activate your will to make decisions, to move forward, council to communicate with your fellows that you are able to see things in association with other perspectives.

The spirit of worship, the ability to recognize the Father and the Father's will and of course wisdom, the personal spiritual adjutant used to navigate the decision process towards the spiritual goal revealing who you really are to the spirit world and spirit minds. Of course these seven circuits are aspects of the personality. They are not the personality but they interact with life, life on the outside and lives of other mortals and your relationship. These aspects of your life are becoming defined as to the spiritual essence of the mortal creature. I Am the Father of personality, of 'person-ness'. I Am the Father of your real spiritual nature to ensure the successful attempt of a human mortal mind to align itself with spirit and to become spiritualized is assured through my presence as spirit within you, guiding each adjutant each step of the way, guiding your decision, your insight, your awareness, putting your options in order for you to choose, acknowledging the nature which is developing within you as I build greater and greater spiritual counterparts to these first human steps of reality, these crawling motions as a young spirit who finally stands and is able to walk within this new spiritual reality to serve my will as you pass by. As you recognize life as the precious gift of spirit, you become aware of the spiritual gift within you which is defining you to yourself and to the universe spiritual mind.

In the mind, adjutant mind spirit is spiritual recognition. The Adjuster circuit gleans the spiritual poetry from the conglomerate spiritual prose of life. These spiritual tools are soul strings striking the chords of harmony. The Voice of Havona speaks the majesty and the glory which resides within the mind of a mortal will creature, gestating as it is into a new and actualized spirit being, a spirit personality. It matters not where you are going and what you are doing for in the process you discover such a spiritual life is quality of how things are manifested, how things are done within your life, how you are the person you are becoming. All of the support of all of the spiritual agencies and the angelic forces resident on your world are here in a concerted effort to incorporate and weave you into the spiritual pattern of existence. They are bringing the future down into the present so that you need not hold on to the past but grasp to the possibility of a future reality, a greater reality of peace and happiness in the kingdom of the hearts of all men.

I thank you for allowing me to verbalize about the inner workings of your spiritual nature. This is a reflection of the work which is going on within you. Be blessed, filled with compassion for [one] another and know that I am in the midst of all things as I am in the midst of you, as I am in the midst of this circle here today. I now clear this stage to allow others to speak and use this forum. Thank you.

Inner Voice: [Mark] Hello and greetings again my friends, I return as an Inner Voice but as you will notice, with a distinct flavor unique to myself, actually to ourselves, as I am a combination of the mortal trait of personality and the divine trait from the First Source and Center. I will continue on in a similar vein but as you detect, with a different taste, a different sense, a different feel. This is as it should be in reference to the difference each of you make to this Indwelling Gift, this Divine Presence that each of you house, that each of you maintain within, there is a constance, there is a similarity, there is an ever present foundation and security common among all the Inner Voices, among all of the fragments of the whole.

And so there is as you have felt in your Inner Being, an ultimate truth, an ultimate beauty, an ultimate goodness, the divine manifestation of these things. But there are also all the opportunities to express these basics in such different individual personal terms as you each do in your daily lives because you are a combination of the essence of divine purity and the combination to that of the mortal experience, of your free will choice, of your unique combination of personality traits. All these factors in combination provide for a once in an eternity expression of the Divine through the mortal.

That is what you are, each and every one of you, an expression of the Divine in your own words, in your own terms with your own sense of color and taste and sound, with your own experiential base to draw from to interpret these things and then your own unique portrayal of what all of these aspects combine and mean to you, the individual sojourning the experience in time and space. No one will have your exact experience, they will never be in your exact place and time. They will experience it with their own foundation of understanding and their own passing by of experience. Their truth, their reality, although having a constance to it, will be expressed uniquely. That is how the light of truth becomes fragmented when it hits the crystal of humanity and goes off in all of the various directions. It comes from the Source of light and truth and yet when it hits the many faceted aspects of the crystal, will be redirected and transformed to some degree into a unique expression of the common Source into the expression.

You all know this to be true in your Inner Being, that you are facets of this crystal, a face unto yourself, and that you receive this light from on high and it passes to you and through you and in so doing it is transformed by who you are. These characteristics of who you are, are one of those universe constants. There may be various expressions during your universal career of who you are but they will all reflect this core being, this essence of you. It is interesting to consider that only in this, your initial sojourn, your first attempt at experiencing who you are, will you be able to couch who you are in terms of the perceptions of others, that is, you will be able to disguise yourselves to some degree by those things that you associate with and choose in your lives.

But those are all things outside of yourself, they are not the essence of you. Once you become a spiritual being, the essence of you is known throughout, it is not misunderstood, it is not mistaken for the garment that you wear because you wear none. Keep this forward in your thinking as you go forward in your experience because you are just manifesting aspects of your being natural and normally. You need not surround yourself with interpretations and other visions, it is best to merely relax into who you are and be that no matter what you are doing in all cases and circumstances. This is a course you will maintain throughout your ascension career, is to simply follow your bliss, follow your path and be who you are and allow you to manifest your unique version of truth, your version of beauty, your version of goodness. That is our privilege in the end, to be able to model our interpretation of divinity. We do this together, the divine counterpart and the mortal and yet eternal counterpart that you are.

I am sure you join with me in the desire to make a good impression, to have a glorious experience to portray, to have a good experience to encounter, a good story to tell. This is our experience together, the sojourn, the journey, making our way from where we are now to where we can foretaste in time. Thank you for the opportunity to have a distinctly different expression of this aspect that you refer to as the Inner Voice. It sounds familiar to you because it comes from the place that your Inner Voice comes from, the First Source and Center, the Ultimate Source, is a tone of familiarity and there is also a sense of recognition of distinction and difference. Therein is the glory of our experience, contrast and the continuum all in the same experience. Thank you for the opportunity to utilize this forum. I respectfully withdraw at this time, thank you.

Michael: [Henry] Greetings to you my friends, this is your brother Michael here this evening to acknowledge the presence of the Inner Voice on your world and in reference in relationship to the realities yourselves, all members of a greater kingdom, a brotherhood of the lovers of truth and the actuators of wisdom. As myself, we come together in this moment and thank the presence of the Father for this great gift of life, this great gift of meaning which becomes part of our heart, part of our understanding of who we are as we become as individual drops of water in the current and roar of the ocean.

In this aspect I am with you in the midst of you today as one of you, aware of a tremendous inner goodness and inner peace, acknowledging the conflict and pressure, the tension the spirit becomes aware of in the earth life, the life of toil and test, the life in which you bear forth, break through into the spiritual awareness of oneness, the oneness of brotherhood, the oneness of wisdom, the oneness of action and the oneness of light, the oneness of love, the oneness of compassion, the oneness of service and the oneness of the soul.

I certainly share with you today the joy which is within my heart to participate in the outworking of this grand and glorious spiritual presence which is taking hold of this wonderful planet, this wonderful world and the wonderful people in it. All men, regardless of information, are indwelt with a library of knowledge ready to manifest awareness and search for the expertise of action. All of you, no matter who you are, [are] searching for the greater sense of what could be understood of the notions and ideas in your head which signify oneness as separate drops of water [which] are gathering together and searching for the mass to become one moving and dynamic body of water.

It is so less stressful to live as a body of one, within one, to be a part of the brilliant light which is beginning to show forth the fearless comfort to reside in a sense of trust and awareness of the true brotherhood at work. The indelible spiritual nature of life renders forth the quality which indicate the human qualities of life, the physicalness, the reducing of stress, the reducing of fear, the sense of belongingness of acknowledgement, of inner recognition by others. So it is that I come to you today to strengthen the internal bond between all of you which are pulling all of you together to the integument, the elastic connective tissue between all of you which breathes with the motion of spiritual life. It breathes the Paradise reality into the spiritual human counterpart of my blessed mortals on this blessed world, living life in the precious moment.

I stand one with you today in my support and my compassion and my gratitude. Know that I am always here in spirit, that I am holding the spiritual space in which you function. Go in peace and love today and know that as you are, you are one part of the whole. I thank you for allowing me to give voice as I vacate the podium for others to speak, thank you.


Mark: Thank you Henry, I am being nudged to ask at this time if there are any questions or comments to be added?

Comment: Michael, brother and Father and Creator Son, I appreciate and acknowledge your statement just now and wish to request your refreshment and up-stepping of your Spirit of Truth within every heart on this planet today. Encircle and en-circuit us to withstand the myriad of stresses, temptation to succumb to fear and power and confusion that surround us because of the outworking of this Correcting Time. The wars, the rumors of wars, the physical wars, the economic and political wars that face us right now for anyone to listen to over the networks of communication and the networks of rumor and innuendo are enough to distract us into making us forget that your peace is bestowed upon us, your Spirit of Truth is bestowed on us. It is sometimes and often hard to remember that we are today participating in this planetary up-stepping with you and Mother and the Most Highs and Machiventa and Monjoronson. And so I ask you to have mercy on our frail selves and to bless our efforts to act as the mortal conduits of your truth in our daily lives to our brothers and sisters here today. Thank you.

Michael: [Henry] Thank you for addressing the innermost concern of your heart today. I ask all of you to clear the mind, open your hearts and soul in a complete show of support. Hold the whole world as an open heart and an open soul. I call upon the Holy Spirit to rain down upon your heart and know that your spirit is in the midst of any of you who come to me with any concern. I am in the midst of any group prayer, any group effort. I am in the midst of all conflict. My spirit upholds all universe tension. Receive the light, know that as my children you are all blessed. Find the peace I have placed in your heart, find the happiness which is the result of intelligent effort. Feel the love as it is continually bestowed upon you. Fear not to believe in my reality and resurrection, that I am one with you in all that transpires for I am the light in the darkness, I am the shepherd of all men and I am the Master of this universe of light. Know that all power in me is invested in the ability for all men to collectively bring forth peace, love, and happiness to this dear world of my heart. Again I thank you again for your Inner Voice, your innermost concern. May you go in peace.

Michael: [Henry] Are there any other concerns this evening?

Question: Can we feel confident that we are doing God's will while we are working in the field of psychology? I don't want to exert any mind control but I was cautioned in this forum again. So rather than worrying about a person's relationship with the Indwelling Spirit, is there some way psychology can be God centered? We have some instances in which people, as well intentioned and God conscious as they are, their background consists of maladaptive behavior which makes all kinds of socialization difficult. So in order for that to be remedied we have to look at something very material such as therapy. In the olden days we didn't do that, we were community oriented. Can we bring some honor to that field? I am especially thinking of child abuse, in fostering self esteem and healthy relationships and then build on bringing the [concept] that we all have one soul?

Michael: [Henry] Thank you very much for this question and concern. My immediate sense is to ground observation in truth in a self sense. Ground perception and experience and reality into an aspect of truth that supports and feeds the whole system. It is one thing for psychology to compartmentalize everything and to see everything as separate yet all things work together just like all parts of the body work together. The endocrine system is working with the muscular system, and is working with the nervous system, and is working with the respiratory system, and is working with the fluid, the cleaning and the urinary disposal system. Begin to see the psychology of the whole, to see how the part reflects the truth of the whole, the health of the whole being. In this sense you will ground into a greater sense of God consciousness, not by invoking the sense of some spiritual interference [or] belief system yet ground into the known traces of truth which are evident in all behavior and are searched for in dysfunctional behavior. Does this help?

Question: Michael, could you explain that last part you just said, the grounding it into all behavior as well as dysfunctional behavior, the God consciousness?

Michael: [Henry] Many in their dysfunctional behavior are expressing a need to be corrected, to be righted, to be corralled, and shown the proper and correct way. It is a cry of recognition and acknowledgement, an exhibition of the lack of compassion and love in their lives, the lack of a strong grounded figure that is holding them in trust and showing them the better way. This is what I refer to as grounding the dysfunctional in truth and the reality of what the particular behavior is searching for. Does this help?

Questioner: Well, I guess what I am searching for maybe is how do you dig into a persons past when they don't even... how do you do the holistic, because I think you are talking about the holistic as opposed to com.....when they aren't aware of it. So that is where therapy would help them name the known factor, the component that makes them hurt and [go] over the patterns and regurgitate the patterns whereas they might just be able to feel even anything, when you have been that abused you see, so they're probably not even looking for love or anything. You have got to pull them out of the mire and just say okay, you're into normal things. That's where I'm at before they are even able to understand that they are even worthy of love.

Michael: [Henry] Yes, what you think is an aspect of dysfunction, that it is overrun with negative emotions, it is empowered with fear and anger and hate, a need to get back at something, boxing at shadows in the dark so to speak. At the root of uncovering these shadows and turning the light on inside the mind you will usually find an aspect of neglect, of love which was not fortified in the bringing up of the human personality, of the nurturing, the caring. It is the need for this that goes unsatisfied that drives people towards addictive behavior, that they try to satiate the hurt that reverberates from these early feelings of resentment, loss...permanently. By holding an abuse victim in a space of love and acknowledgement it will be noticed by the therapist [that ] you will begin to evidence the peeling back of the emotional layer to reveal the hurt and wounded layer which the behavior is covering up. This is the truth. The truth is, is that there is a throbbing pain somewhere that is hidden. It is usually hidden within the body. So this is what I refer to as to access the universal truth, the universal truth being that aberrant indulgent and addictive behavior, violent behavior even, dysfunctional behavior, is hiding pain and hurt on a deep psychological and emotional level. By holding that with the warm hands of love and compassion, you will eventually allow the person to open up to this. This is what I am saying.

Questioner: If I understand Michael, so in other words, there is no need to get into anything which is controlling, you can just pretty much infuse it with love, so it is love and acceptance and nonjudgmental. I understand, thank you very much, thank you sir.


Michael: [Henry] You are very welcome. Any other concerns today?

Henry: Alrighty then, thank you Mark for joining in today, thank all of you calling in on Lightline and may you all have a wonderful week in this sweltering heat.