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Topic: Luck of the Draw

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Bzutu, Samuel

TR: George Barnard



Bzutu: “Greeting. It is I, Bzutu, to cover part of the enquiry regarding arranged marriages and divorce. During the times of the Adamite and Andite migrations into Europe and Asia there were wiser elders, simpler lives to be led, and generally a better choice of spouses to be selected by these elders. In modern times such parental and guardian choices for who will marry whom are tending to be less successful. You may conclude that convenience from the point of view of the elders, rather than envisaged marital bliss for their offspring, is frequently considered paramount.

“There are records of the not-yet-born having been promised in marriage austensibly to keep certain genetic lines alive. In this male-dominated society they were the patriarchs who took it upon themselves to make these choices. The divorce rate in the western world, however, does not convince anyone that you now have a better system of selection. Over to your Teacher now…”

Samuel: “A comparison between your world here and now, and my world in my time, would hardly rate as fair. Consider the following among many differences, between us Panoptians, and you Urantians: We have greatly longer life-spans on our planet, greater Adamic input, a single, planet-wide form of worship, and we are a single race, not many races as on your world.

“As well, we were rather more placid in our ways, already in my time, and considered to be fully mature and ready for marriage by the time we were some thirty years old as you reckon your years. However, women in our communities were mostly in charge and more involved with social aspect generally. Whilst one could not claim that marriages were arranged, per se, strong recommendations would be given as a result of in-depth profiling, and by and large such advice was acted upon.

“More than any other factor, the level of spiritual advancement of both spouses was taken into consideration, for this is overwhelmingly the outstanding reason why one is brought into the time-space worlds. And here you are at a disadvantage, because you are so short lived and mostly, although religious worship may be present, spiritual progress is generally absent, or late to arrive. And when this does come to the fore in one of the partners, not so much the spiritual behavior, but the change in the partner, will be feared.

“Here now I’ve come to the point of considering the plight of more than a few of you, and answering the questions posed. So often on your world, the partner in your life is very much represented by the luck of the draw. Relative to natives of Panoptia, you have but a short window in time to prepare for life, have your family, and provide for their well being. Even so, spirituality is your main reason for being, and for the partner finding himself, or herself, left behind, there needs to be understanding that something of importance is happening.

“Only when all soul searching, and mediation proves to be in vain, should a parting of the ways be considered, for marriage is not a sacrement, no, but it is a contract of the first order nevertheless. Thank you for your time. This is Samuel.”