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(New page: ABRAHAM & MARY JUNE 4, 2007 WOODS CROSS GROUP I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How wonderful it is to see the support in this room—true friendship, yes. It is a cold glass of water to drink on...)
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I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. How wonderful it is to see the support in this room—true friendship, yes. It is a cold glass of water to drink on a hot day. We gather to become refreshed. I am grateful to see the act of surrender so that we may receive our lesson. What a comfortable place to gather and let down your guard or personas that you use out in the world. We all know well by now that in here ego does not serve. What a freedom. What a chance to become closer to Father. What an opportunity to remember real love.

I can now really appreciate the process of growing older. It seems that with each passing year you gain wisdom that is freeing you from the trivial of everyday living. It seems when we were younger everything was so wrapped up in drama and took our every ounce of energy. What a distraction. What an imprisonment. As we have evolved and chosen a path of spiritual education, we can see how we have gained freedom.

I speak mostly of freedom in mind. Everyday living in mortal life can seem to beat about your spirit. The technology you have now is really impressive and on the other hand, gives you access to so much distraction. It is like your heart and energy goes out to all you become aware of. That can create such a static between your mind and the spirit. When we are so distracted we become spiritually exhausted and from there is developed hopelessness. How wonderful is evolution.

I am MARY. I too feel the wellspring of love and acceptance. I am always in amazement of Abraham’s lessons. They are so helpful in living spiritually in a material world. I like the topic of freedom in mind. I have met individuals who were severely burdened by physical disabilities and yet, their spirit was so alive. I can think back of when I was quite young and lending my mind to uselessness. The experience was important even though I was so exhausted and had not energy to spare.

I thank Father so much for the gift of His Son. What an excellent teacher. It would seem to me that the Master was fazed by nothing. He was impressed by nothing. His mind seemed to be detached from all the drama, for He knew that all things lead to an ultimate good. Faith is really an exercise in relaxation. To know that Father is in every detail is such a comfort that you can have freedom in mind. You can have clarity. You can find enjoyment in all aspects of living.

I am remembering the moments of our Master, who hung from the cross and those of us who stayed to endure the final hours. I was in appreciation of John Zebedee. Being the youngest of the apostles, it was encouraging for me to see his strength at the appearance of such horror. I do know that he wanted to crumble completely, but he maintained his mind for the Master, who was still instructing him even from the cross. He was a source of strength for me and my sisters, who had emotionally broken down. At that point we were imprisoned by emotion and fear, hopelessness. Our little John would rally us in faith, remind us of the lessons the Master taught, reminded us of our focus.

The other apostles encouraged John to run, to make his escape before he was also caught and crucified. He certainly felt torn by fear and loyalty. He received the last instructions from the Master to care for mother Mary and John knew he must stay alive to carry out this task. He rallied us for one more pep talk and this surely cleared our minds to put energy where it should be going. We all knew there was work to be done. While we felt no freedom by our emotional terror, John helped us to find that small light of hopefulness and to focus on the work ahead.

We had to take care of each other. This was an event that would change history. John held us all with an embrace that I thought would give me injury. His energy was on such a higher level than emotion. His mind was free to receive spiritual information. He loathed to leave us, but we encouraged him to go, be safe for the work ahead. As the days passed this put upon us such a seriousness that made us be quiet, listen and remember the Master’s plan and purpose.

In all the ugly events that occur on a daily basis, we can find freedom in faith. We can be comforted by the fact that all is well within the Kingdom. Every individual that listens to spirit are given Kingdom tasks. It is worthwhile to shut your eyes from time to time. Take not in that material influence. Remember that you were given an assignment and in any drama we are to remember that higher level of spiritual energy.

This week let us have thoughts about John’s strength and his dedication to carry out the Master’s instructions. He set aside all his fear to listen to anything the Master had to say. His tremendous love for the Master did help him to have complete understanding on self-forgetfulness. He would have gladly given his life. I do know it is difficult to find clarity in a chaotic world, but we must remember this clarity is a path to spiritual instruction. It takes effort, no doubt, to turn aside from fear or ego.

Even though this planet seems so harsh, we must always keep in mind that evolution goes forward. We are going with it. We are finding more and more freedom in mind. Let us be aware of it and truly enjoy it. That is all. Know that I am in appreciation of all of you. We are deeply honored to serve by your side. Keep up the good fight of faith. Know that our love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.