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*1. "the flow of documents has been greatly reduced"[http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:2011-08-22-ABC_Summaries,_Document_H#Opening]
*1. "the flow of documents has been greatly reduced"[http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:2011-08-22-ABC_Summaries,_Document_H#Opening]
:c. It has been reported that these have ceased
:c. It has been reported that these have ceased if not withdrawn altogether.
*2. "there is no impediment experienced in the production of these Summaries from all of you."[http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:2011-08-22-ABC_Summaries,_Document_H#ABC_Summaries_and_The_Politics_Around_Them]
*2. "there is no impediment experienced in the production of these Summaries from all of you."[http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:2011-08-22-ABC_Summaries,_Document_H#ABC_Summaries_and_The_Politics_Around_Them]
:c. Implicit in this statement is that there has been an impediment experienced from the principal "reflectivator" M.Xavier
:c. Implicit in this statement is that there has been an impediment experienced from the principal "reflectivator" M.Xavier

Revision as of 15:26, 27 October 2011


ADVISORY October 27, 2011 To Subscribers of the BCC List


I have received a number of inquiries from the subscribers to the list about where we are with the new ABC Summaries. This is occurring because the flow of documents has been greatly reduced in this period of about a month since the issue of Document -H-. I wish to advise everyone there is no problem and they will resume as soon as it is necessary to provide breaking news and/or new teachings they wish to provide Urantia’s few readers of this kind of direct revelatory method.

In addition to letting you all know that at least I am not aware of any interruption in the production of documents, I am very much aware of the reasons for the present break in their production.

ABC Summaries and The Politics Around Them

Politics are what happens when there is interaction between a group and another group, or the relationship adjustments when it is person to person. What they say and what they do in these adjustments is the politics that result from this kind of input.

There are at least two levels of politics going on which affect the production of the ABC Summaries. One level is the direct level you all are on when receiving this information from the BCC List. Let me say now I have had nothing but curiosity, respect, and a very fair evaluation of the material and there is no impediment experienced in the production of these Summaries from all of you.

The second level that we can characterize as political is not the human level, but the celestial level. I hope that at least some of you understand that I and many others are dealing with what we humans would call a bureaucracy, or as the Urantia Book calls it, a hierarchy that must inter-relate. Unlike our bureaucracies, the celestial hierarchy has perfection built in but there is a time lag in getting everybody on board just like happens with us in any large undertaking.

It suddenly has become apparent to some of us that the usual conversations between the celestial hierarchy spokespersons has been reduced to a small fraction of what it was just a few weeks ago. What is going on so all of you know for your own evaluations is that the Magisterial Mission is running to put every last preparation into place. In doing that, they are being asked by Christ Michael to minimize addressing large groups of followers on Urantia in order to reduce controversy and mistakes that could jeopardize acceptance of Monjoronson when he arrives in the flesh within a very short time.

The Universe is Shifting Gears to Support Monjoronson on Urantia

I see very little of this actual activity in my recent experience because most of the activity is on a very high level of spiritual administration. However, I did receive information that the Melchizedeks are preparing a new lesson plan to be provided to all of you and the rest of Urantia when they can find a way to get their message out beyond our small list of about 185 persons plus whoever they may send copies to. I think the change the Melchizedeks are planning will be announced under something like “New Teachings”, but we must await that effort to know for sure.

There will also be an introduction of new personnel including Metatron being the first one to receive attention at this time. They wish us to know these new individuals and their involvement since the incarnation of Monjoronson will also bring with him the twelve Melchizedek Sector Governors and their staffs. Adam and Eve and their staff will also be coming. All of this points to the continuing need to introduce new ABC Summaries when they wish this material to be known on a timely basis.

Gauging The Reaction To Revelatory Materials

You all need to be made aware that as voluntary subscribers to the BCC list you also fall into the category of those who are awaiting a transplant of information from your Thought Adjusters in order that you may better comprehend the levels of spiritual changes being brought to Urantia. I can not address this individually to any of you and am restricted in my ability to know what changes Monjoronson brings on the super level of comprehension with you and your Adjusters, but the list is providing a foundation upon which the universe can evaluate your reactions and the use the Adjuster can make of them to improve your already considerable interest and abilities in the spiritual arena.

The Changing of the Guard

I am restricted in what I may say with regard to this necessary evolution of the administration of Urantia’s affairs. However, as we expected, the probable change of personnel on Urantia involves Machiventa Melchizedek and his staff, and the mind influences called the Adjutant Spirits from the Mother Spirit of Nebadon. Machiventa Melchizedek wishes it to be known that he will continue as Planetary Prince until Christ Michael arrives in the flesh. Upon that event, he will relinquish the title and become adjutant to the new Temple being designed for Urantia to arrive any day as the capital headquarters of Urantia’s spiritual changes and administration center. It is a morontia building and will not be visible to human eyes unaided.

With the changing of the guard on Urantia there will be an uplift in the Adjutant Spirit group. The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom, now the only Adjutants encircuited by the midwayers, will become available to the higher animals. These changes to life and its ability to contact the levels of personality which contact with all seven adjutants foretells, is a plan devised by Christ Michael. It will take hundreds of years to realize the results of this change, but a planet which attains light and life has its own animal and fauna populations which have spiritual contact. Again, I believe readers will see there is a rich backlog of information that The ABC Summaries will be useful to send out as they become available.

The Last Chance Saloon Is Soon To Close

I know, that is a terrible metaphor to use with such a serious subject being discussed, but that is what they call it. The “Last Chance” says it all. The advent of Monjoronson in the flesh is going to upend Christianity and the other world religions in ways not fully known yet. IN effect, they must visit the very premise that brought them into existence in order to make sense of what they must deal with in converging their views of God with that which is promulgated by Monjoronson, a Son of God with Paradise standing. The idea of a “saloon” is the idea of a slightly materialistic watering hole for the spiritually thirsty. Monjoronson wants to take spirit back to the dignity of the idea of a religion unencumbered with the politics of a materialistic age where all are welcome to worship regardless of their persuasion of thought regarding eternity and perfection. These lessons are not to be conducted in a saloon like atmosphere, but in the material compliment of Urantia’s Temple of God being brought to earth even now as we speak.

Urantia’s Judgement

Monjoronson’s arrival signals the epochal judgement of the realm. It signals the formal declaration of the fifth epochal dispensation and the end to Agondonter status. Those who have attained this status in the past will continue to hold the title on Uversa and Havona and will have their own destiny to achieve as finaliters. The ABC Summaries in the past alluded to the work of God the Ultimate and the work of finaliters with this yet-to-be revealed experiential Deity of Ultimacy. Agondonter status is to be part of that experience for the outer space levels, while not a prerequisite, is most useful in the new duties assigned to such personnel in those new areas of life. The ABC Summaries have not finished with this area of revealment.

The Status of The ABC Summaries

It is useful to have some understanding how these Summaries are viewed by Monjoronson. He has dictated to me the following:

Monjoronson: I wish to compliment Mr. Besser on providing a necessary adjunct to the revelatory material that we wish to present in order to help all of you make sense of the immense investment in time and materials we all have gone to to provide these Summaries. They will continue and they will be present at our inauguration of spiritual power on Urantia to provide the Planetary Broadcasts all of you have wished to hear ever since they were spoken to in the Urantia Book.

We wish to congratulate all who have contributed to these Summaries and to inform all of you that the reflectivity circuit in use now will be used in the future for all broadcasts and announcement by my staff and my office. It is essential that all of you become advised of their efficiency and ability to transmit perfectly what we wish to convey. The Summaries have done that in most cases, and in a very few examples, they missed the boat because we provided no information to make certain conclusions of thought. This is very rare to have happened and we wish to thank all of the reflectivators who contributed to them.

Our arrival is imminent. We take great pleasure in writing this message to all of you who are standing on the side lines in order to hear what is happening. All of you must understand that I and my staff are truly looking forward to what we will do and be with all of you when we are able to converse face to face together. I am happy to report that all of you have been considered a tremendous help to the upliftment on Urantia and will be duly notified of my arrival in the flesh through your Thought Adjusters. I will make statements on your radio and television as well. I bid you adieu. This is Monjoronson.


I hope I have provided all of the list enough information so you may understand my situation and the universe needs. This affects what we produce and what goes out when. When you do not hear from the BCC list for awhile, it is probably due to the fact that all information for a moment is being withheld until the most propitious moment arrives for its dissemination.

I thank you all for your interest and welcome your comments to me.

Ron Besser--rdavis 16:56, 27 October 2011 (UTC)


  • 1. "the flow of documents has been greatly reduced"[1]
c. It has been reported that these have ceased if not withdrawn altogether.
  • 2. "there is no impediment experienced in the production of these Summaries from all of you."[2]
c. Implicit in this statement is that there has been an impediment experienced from the principal "reflectivator" M.Xavier
  • 3. "Unlike our bureaucracies, celestial hierarchy has perfection built in"[3]
c. Noted attribution of "perfection" to finite communications.
  • 4. "voluntary subscribers to the BCC list you also fall into the category of those who are awaiting a transplant of information from your Thought Adjusters"[4]
c. Do "involuntary subscribers" have no need to wait?
  • 5."The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom...will become available to the higher animals."[5]
c. Does this mean they will become "human" e.g. receive Thought Adjusters and begin an Ascension Career?
  • 6. Monjoronson via Ron Besser has 'dictated': "It is essential that all of you become advised of their efficiency and ability to transmit perfectly what we wish to convey."[6]
c. Repeats attribution of 'perfection' to finite communications
  • 7. "I will make statements on your radio and television as well."[7]
c. Note reliance upon mass media
  • 8. "welcome your comments to me."[8]
c. Ron Besser welcomes comments 'to him'.--rdavis 19:14, 27 October 2011 (UTC)