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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright *[ 1564] ==Definition== 1: knowledge or understanding of one's own [[c...'

*[ 1564]
1: [[knowledge]] or [[understanding]] of one's own [[capabilities]], [[character]], [[feelings]], or [[motivations]]
'''Self-knowledge''' is a term used in [[psychology]] to [[describe]] the [[information]] that an [[individual]] draws upon when finding an answer to the question "What am I like?".

While seeking to [[develop]] the answer to this question, self-knowledge requires ongoing [ self-awareness] and [[self-consciousness]] (which is not to be confused with [[consciousness]].) Young infants and even [[animals]] will display some of the [[traits]] self-awareness and [[agency]], yet not be considered as also having [[self-consciousness]]. At some greater level of [[cognition]], however, a [[self-conscious]] component emerges in addition to an increased self-awareness component, and then it becomes possible to ask "What am I like?", and to answer with ''self-knowledge''.

Self-knowledge is a component of the [[self]], or more accurately, the [[self]]-[[concept]]. It is the [[knowledge]] of one's [[self]] and one's properties and the [[desire]] to seek such knowledge that guide the [[development]] of the self concept. Self-knowledge informs us of our mental [[representations]] of ourselves, which contain [[attributes]] that we uniquely pair with ourselves, and [[theories]] on whether these attributes are stable, or [[dynamic]].

The [[self]]-[[concept]] is [[thought]] to have three primary aspects:

*The Cognitive Self
*The Affective Self
*The Executive Self

The affective and executive selves are also known as the [[felt]] and [[active]] selves respectively, as they refer to the [[emotional]] and [[behavioral]] components of the self-concept. ''Self-knowledge'' is linked to the [[cognitive]] self in that its [[motives]] guide our search to gain greater [[clarity]] and [[assurance]] that our own self-concept is an accurate [[representation]] of our true self; for this reason the cognitive self is also referred to as the known [[self]]. The cognitive self is made up of everything we know (or think we know about ourselves). This implies [[physiological]] properties such as hair [[color]], [[race]], and height etc.; and [[psychological]] properties like [[beliefs]], [[values]], and dislikes to name but a few.[]
'''Self Knowledge''' is a major [[topic]] in the ancient [[wisdom]] [[tradition]] [ Vedanta], and is acquired after the [[student]] makes certain preparations, such as the [[practice]] of [[austerities]], cultivating [[calm]], freeing oneself from cravings and aversion, and then performs the ''ātma-vicāra'', or [ self-enquiry]. This [[knowledge]] is that [[all things]] are one. The [[consciousness]] of the [[individual]] [[soul]] and the soul of [[God]] are the same.

This [[knowledge]], while normally acquired under the direction of a [[guru]] or teacher, is not taught in the [[traditional]] sense, but is [[experienced]] directly by the [[prepared]] [[student]], by the [[process]] of [[insight]] alone, who performs the ''vicāra''.

Vedanta is a form of [ monism] or [ advaita] (non-dualism), which sees the world as being all [[part]] of a single [[whole]].

One of the earliest [[teachers]] of Vedanta was [ Adi Shankaracharya], who wrote commentaries which helped [[organize]] and explain the [[subtle]] concepts of the [[Upanishads]].

Shankara taught that the reason why we [[suffer]] in life is because we are seeking [[happiness]], [[fulfillment]], and completeness in the external world of forms, in the form of ''kama'' ([[sense]]-[[pleasure]]), ''artha'' (security), and ''dharma'' (civic duty).

As one reaches the last two stages of life, one realizes that none of these things brought lasting [[happiness]] and a sense of completeness.

Shankara taught that the source of our suffering is a form of [[ignorance]]. Therefore, no [[action]] will cure this affliction. The lasting remedy is in the form of [[knowledge]] alone, and this is the knowledge of the true [[nature]] of [[Self]].

Once this knowledge is [[attained]], by direct [[experience]], it is said that one [[attains]] a kind of lasting [[happiness]], and this prepares one for [[transition]] out of the world of [[name]] and [[form]], i.e., death of the [[body]].[]

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