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143:6.1 On the evening that Nalda drew the crowd out from [ Sychar] to see [[Jesus]], [[the twelve]] had just returned with [[food]], and they besought ''Jesus'' to eat with them instead of talking to the people, for they had been without [[food]] all day and were [[hungry]]. But [[Jesus]] knew that [[darkness]] would soon be upon them; so he [[persisted]] in his [[determination]] to talk to the people before he sent them away. When [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] sought to [[persuade]] him to eat a bite before speaking to the crowd, [[Jesus]] said, " I have meat to eat that you do not know about. " When [[the apostles]] heard this, they said among themselves: " Has any man brought him aught to eat? Can it be that the [[woman]] gave him [[food]] as well as drink? " When [[Jesus]] heard them talking among themselves, before he spoke to the people, he turned aside and said to [[the twelve]]: " My meat is to [[Do the will of God|do the will of Him]] who sent me and to accomplish His [[work]]. You should no longer say it is such and such a time until the [[harvest]]. Behold these people coming out from a [[Samaritan]] [[city]] to hear us; I tell you the fields are already white for the [[harvest]]. He who reaps [[receives]] wages and gathers this fruit to [[eternal]] life; consequently the sowers and the reapers [[rejoice]] [[together]]. For herein is the saying true: `One sows and another reaps.' I am now sending you to reap that whereon you have not [[labor]]ed; others have labored, and you are about to enter into their labor. " This he said in [[reference]] to the [[preaching]] of [[John the Baptist|John the Baptist]].
143:6.1 On the evening that Nalda drew the crowd out from [ Sychar] to see [[Jesus]], [[the twelve]] had just returned with [[food]], and they besought ''Jesus'' to eat with them instead of talking to the people, for they had been without [[food]] all day and were [[hungry]]. But [[Jesus]] knew that [[darkness]] would soon be upon them; so he [[persisted]] in his [[determination]] to talk to the people before he sent them away. When [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] sought to [[persuade]] him to eat a bite before speaking to the crowd, [[Jesus]] said, " I have meat to eat that you do not know about. " When [[the apostles]] heard this, they said among themselves: " Has any man brought him aught to eat? Can it be that the [[woman]] gave him [[food]] as well as drink? " When [[Jesus]] heard them talking among themselves, before he spoke to the people, he turned aside and said to [[the twelve]]: " My meat is to [[Do the will of God|do the will of Him]] who sent me and to accomplish His [[work]]. You should no longer say it is such and such a time until the [[harvest]]. Behold these people coming out from a [[Samaritan]] [[city]] to hear us; I tell you the fields are already white for the [[harvest]]. He who reaps [[receives]] wages and gathers this fruit to [[eternal]] life; consequently the sowers and the reapers [[rejoice]] [[together]]. For herein is the saying true: `One sows and another reaps.' I am now sending you to reap that whereon you have not [[labor]]ed; others have labored, and you are about to enter into their labor. " This he said in [[reference]] to the [[preaching]] of [[John the Baptist|John the Baptist]].
143:6.2 [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] went into [ Sychar] and [[preached]] two days before they [[established]] their camp on [ Mount Gerizim]. And many of the dwellers in [ Sychar] believed the [[gospel]] and made request for [[baptism]], but [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] did not yet [[baptize]].
143:6.2 [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] went into [ Sychar] and [[preached]] two days before they [[established]] their camp on [ Mount Gerizim]. And many of the dwellers in [ Sychar] believed the [[gospel]] and made request for [[baptism]], but [[the apostles]] of [[Jesus]] did not yet [[baptize]].
143:6.3 The first night of the camp on [ Mount Gerizim] [[the apostles]] [[expected]] that [[Jesus]] would [[rebuke]] them for their [[attitude]] toward the [[woman]] at ['s_well Jacob's well], but he made no [[reference]] to the matter. Instead he gave them that memorable talk on " The [[realities]] which are central in [[the kingdom]] of God. " In any [[religion]] it is very easy to allow [[values]] to become disproportionate and to [[permit]] [[facts]] to occupy the place of [[truth]] in one's [[theology]]. The [[fact]] of [[the cross]] became the very [[center]] of subsequent [[Christianity]]; but it is not the central [[truth]] of the [[religion]] which may be derived from the life and teachings of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
143:6.3 The first night of the camp on [ Mount Gerizim] [[the apostles]] [[expected]] that [[Jesus]] would [[rebuke]] them for their [[attitude]] toward the [[woman]] at ['s_well Jacob's well], but he made no [[reference]] to the matter. Instead he gave them that memorable talk on " The [[realities]] which are central in [[the kingdom]] of God. " In any [[religion]] it is very easy to allow [[values]] to become disproportionate and to [[permit]] [[facts]] to occupy the place of [[truth]] in one's [[theology]]. The [[fact]] of [[the cross]] became the very [[center]] of subsequent [[Christianity]]; but it is not the central [[truth]] of the [[religion]] which may be derived from the life and teachings of [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]].
143:6.4 The [[theme]] of [[Jesus]]' teaching on [ Mount Gerizim] was: That he wants all men to see [[God]] as a [[Father]]-[[friend]] just as he ([[Jesus]]) is a [[brother]]-friend. And again and again he impressed upon them that [[love]] is the greatest [[relationship]] in the world—in the [[universe]]—just as [[truth]] is the greatest pronouncement of the [[observation]] of these [[divine]] [[relationships]].
143:6.4 The [[theme]] of [[Jesus]]' teaching on [ Mount Gerizim] was: That he wants all men to see [[God]] as a [[Father]]-[[friend]] just as he ([[Jesus]]) is a [[brother]]-friend. And again and again he impressed upon them that [[love]] is the greatest [[relationship]] in the world—in the [[universe]]—just as [[truth]] is the greatest pronouncement of the [[observation]] of these [[divine]] [[relationships]].
143:6.5 [[Jesus]] [[declared]] himself so fully to the [[Samaritans]] because he could [[safely]] do so, and because he knew that he would not again [[visit]] the [[heart]] of Samaria to [[preach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
143:6.5 [[Jesus]] [[declared]] himself so fully to the [[Samaritans]] because he could [[safely]] do so, and because he knew that he would not again [[visit]] the [[heart]] of Samaria to [[preach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
143:6.6 [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] camped on [ Mount Gerizim] until the end of August. They [[preached]] the good news of [[the kingdom]]—the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]]—to the [[Samaritans]] in the [[cities]] by day and spent the nights at the camp. The [[work]] which [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] did in these Samaritan [[cities]] yielded many [[souls]] for [[the kingdom]] and did much to [[prepare]] the way for the [[marvelous]] [[work]] of [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] in these regions after [[Jesus]]' [ death] and [ resurrection], subsequent to the [[dispersion]] of [[the apostles]] to the ends of the [[earth]] by the bitter [[persecution]] of believers at [[Jerusalem]].
143:6.6 [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] camped on [ Mount Gerizim] until the end of August. They [[preached]] the good news of [[the kingdom]]—the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]]—to the [[Samaritans]] in the [[cities]] by day and spent the nights at the camp. The [[work]] which [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] did in these Samaritan [[cities]] yielded many [[souls]] for [[the kingdom]] and did much to [[prepare]] the way for the [[marvelous]] [[work]] of [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] in these regions after [[Jesus]]' [ death] and [ resurrection], subsequent to the [[dispersion]] of [[the apostles]] to the ends of the [[earth]] by the bitter [[persecution]] of believers at [[Jerusalem]].
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