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Topic: Personal Ministry Within the Teaching Mission

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am so honored you continue to invite me back week after week. Many of our lessons seem to be monotonous, but you never fail to make me feel welcome. Your trust has made me put forth more effort, your kindness has made me more kind, your love has made me more loving, your continuing faith has made me more faithful. I very much enjoy this area of the Garden.


You each by now must have some idea of your personal ministry within the Correcting Time. Your willingness and efforts made to live a life of faith does change the world; it does bring progress to the Correcting Time. The many of you that have stayed the course, even during those difficult periods, have built our foundation that will bring slow and steady progress. If you can think for a moment about the short time that we have been involved in this undertaking, you would be amazed at the increase in spiritual and intellectual growth. You as individuals, and as a whole, have had your share of faith challenges, personal conflicts, as well as personality clashes. You are still here steady and strong.

I am reminded of the story of that day the Master and John Mark spent in the hills. You are like that persuasive boy who will not let go of the basket. To be with Jesus was John Mark’s supreme desire and the Master would not say no to that. John Mark simply enjoyed being with the positive personality of the Master.

Jesus was then, and still is, easy to be around, dutiful in His work and still balanced to enjoy the fruits of living. Had all the apostles wanted to be with the Master in this same pure way that John Mark had, surely would it have been granted. Perhaps some apostles would have sincerely enjoyed Jesus’ company, but also some would have wanted to be with Him so as to not miss out on any new happenings. John Mark just wanted to be near the Master. He wanted not advice or skills for living, nor keys to the Kingdom, no. He simply wanted to be in that loving presence.

This story does also tell me that of all the worldly occurrences that Jesus could have been involved in, He chose to spend the day with this wide-eyed adventurous youth. Certainly could Jesus have made serious impact on the world putting forth more time into miraculous happenings. He could have affected the masses with yet another sermon. To understand the personality of our Creator Son is to look upon His choices. Where did He do the most good? Did He receive as much as He gave? Did He enjoy His ministry? Did He do His works for personal glory or popular opinion? Why did Jesus stay the course?

This week, my friends, I would ask you to find time to spend a few pure moments with the Master. Allow yourselves to be enveloped in His easy going personality. Allow yourselves to be energized by His faithful example. Continue to hold fast to the basket. Our lesson is short to allow time for questions.


CALVIN: Abraham, our sister Miriam sent a request for any words you might have for her. Thank you for this lesson.

ABRAHAM: Certainly. Miriam, my daughter, I realize your time as of late has not gone real smooth. You are resilient however, and seem to effortlessly bounce back from any circumstance. You are maturing in spirituality, and while you have advanced, it seems the lessons have become more difficult. This is supposed to happen. Be not downcast or allow negative feelings to interrupt your growth. Know that you celestial family stands by. Stay the course. In every discomfort there is opportunity, opportunity for you to grow and to aid in the growth of others. You do well Miriam. Have not worry. As soon as you are physically able—come back to your fellowship here. Know that my ministry and love is always available. Another question?

HARRISON: Abraham, Carol and I would like to have guidance relative to viewing, working with or understanding her father and his ministry he has and our involvement in that ministry. Do I need to explain anymore?

ABRAHAM: I have a question. Do you believe he believes he is correct in his actions? (Carol: Yes.) You cannot change nor stop him. You can be the loving people that you have always been. That will be your best ministry to him. He is strong in his beliefs. Many in the world are exactly like that and the best that you can do is to be about the Father’s business to the best of your own ability. You cannot throw your pearls before swine, but your loving offering of personal understanding and wisdom to him, and those that know him, will of more assistance than you know. He knows you both are correct in your understanding of him. He is going to have as much power as people allow him to have. Those that support him give him power and desire to carry on with what he believes in. Your living example of faith is eye opening to him and to the family at large. You must not feel offended, for he is within his right to live as he pleases and he does. You also are within your full right to lovingly speak your mind and move about Father’s will as you see fit. Ponder over your understanding of family. Certainly it goes beyond blood. You each do well. Have not worry. Continue upon the path you have chosen. Another question?

CALVIN: Abraham, in the lessons the last few weeks about letting the evolution evolve with the experience of getting closer to our Mother and now the Master. In the story of John Mark—it seems to me it is such a slow growth toward them. Is that the way it is? Is there a faster path we should be taking? Does that make sense?

ABRAHAM: Understood. It is like the example of our Correcting Time. This has been such a short time. You each personally cannot see the great strides in growth the world as a whole has made. There are certain rules of criteria you can follow to speed things along, but definitely that is not our goal here. Just as it is with our Correcting Time, slow but sure. Anything lasting needs time to take root and become part of reality. It is difficult to build upon a faulty foundation. Much of the time we have to chip away at the old foundation to make ready for the new. Certainly this is the purpose to experiencing an ongoing spiritual career. Brother Ham had gave us some very simple advice in the beginning about taking time for stillness practice. This is certainly helpful in freeing the mind of material storage to broadening to a spiritual horizon. Almost on a daily basis we must account for those things we put as priorities. Where your treasures are there will also be your heart. What is most important? Good question Calvin. (So with the story of John Mark—it was his most important priority to be with the Master. I believe you are saying with the apostles they had other concerns that took precedence.) Absolutely, correct. You are in understanding. Some of the apostles had not pure intentions as did the boy. This is understandable and not judged, but their intentions were for the most part ego based, where John Mark had simple and pure love for the Master. He just wanted to be near the Master. He wanted nothing else. (Tape turned.)You are correct in your understanding. Well done.


If there are no more questions I will take my leave. It has been a wonderful evening for me to spend time in discussion with you. I would enjoy more time in this type of communication, yes. Know that my love is growing always for you each. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.