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===Topic: ''Predictions and Visons''===
===Topic: ''Adopting the Longview Perspective''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===

Latest revision as of 12:00, 24 January 2021


Teaching buddha small.jpg


Topic: Adopting the Longview Perspective

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles, Jonathan

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine Parent, join us once again in our circle as we acknowledge you and invite you in. You understand, you are present and aware of those interests and those thoughts, those moods that we are in and so we come to you for your counsel, for your fellowship, for all those things that you bring to us in this relationship that we share. We would welcome now any of your emmisaries of light who might accept the invitation to join us at this time. Let it be so, even now.


Charles: I second that motion at this meeting here today, I am Charles. I would accept the invitation and volunteer to join in the discussion in regard to the apprehension I can detect about what is the potential of your future. You all bear witness to many many versions of what others concede to be options and alternatives and they certainly are welcome to share their observations, share their awareness and you as individuals are welcome to adopt them or reject them.

You see what will transpire, whether it is tomorrow or the next election or the new year or the next year is all a matter of a gigantic game that is in play. And as with any game that is in play, things may happen. I will call you all to witness your recent 'World Series'. Unexpected turns of events are possible throughout the entire game, whether they happen or not is a matter of how the game is played by the participants who are playing. And so all the predictions and visions of future states of being are simply that until they are chosen by others and in the circumstances of elections or transformations of such sort chosen by a great many.

It has been said that people inadvertently suffer many things which never come to pass but nevertheless they have been impacted by the fear of them, the doubt of them, the uncertainty of them. These things have impacted their lives as if the circumstance that was feared actually occurred when in fact it never came to fruition but the impacts were felt by those individuals who adopted and chose this version of reality. You who are spiritual seekers here around this circle, are coming to grasp that your choices and your choosing to adopt or reject are your keys to establishing the proper circumstance and condition for your peace and security. And while you may be aware of the things going on out there and around you, you may as well choose not to embrace them, not to bring them into your inner citadel of spirit and making these choices are paramount to you establishing and conditioning your spiritual environment and well being.

In the modern age in which you live you are bombarded with information, perhaps more than any individuals need but it is there and you are bombarded by it. It is hard not to be swept up in the drama unfolding out there but it is incumbent upon you to realize that it need not happen in there just because it occurs out there. But you have the authority to draw the line; it is your choice what you will feed and what you will prune in your garden. This line of thinking speaks to your individual citadel and what you will allow and encourage and foster.

As well, I would like to turn your gaze and attention to the image of a very long graph that goes up and down, as it goes on and on plotting points on a particular graph. This event of an election or the turning of a new year or the inauguration of a new president, they are simply points to be charted on this ongoing graph of human life on Urantia. They hold no more greater or lesser weight than any other point along the graph, they merely indicate slight swings one way or the other in the overall scale of this graph. No single event is earth shattering, as you might say. It takes a combination of all these events to see any trend, to see any great movement in one direction or the other.

And so I invite you to step back and adopt the perspective of long term, long range and to see these events transpiring before you while layered up with as much drama as possible are merely the next point to be charted on our great graph. You who are spiritual seekers are also gaining this long term perspective, this realization of things such as your eternal career and in relationship to such things of great scope. These events might be plotted on much grander charts than you are able to even imagine.

I hope these different ways of looking at it might provide for some distraction. I know that it is normal and natural for the human mind to busy itself with options and possibilities and this is good. This provides the impetus for growth. I pray that you all have a sense of peace knowing that no matter what happens before you, it will not in any way deter or impact your eternal spiritual career, period. You will all be quite fine and to the degree that you are able, I would pray you bestow this sense of peace on others, have your knowing and certainty of these truths be evident in how you interact and react to all that goes on around you. Many are distressed in a methodical manufactured way. They have been encouraged to fear and given ammunition to do so. Let your peace and strength pervade. Let them see your light in this period of darkness.

That is what I would offer to this group at this time and would be willing to open for any thoughts or dialog this may have generated.


Comment: Excellent Charles, thank you so much.

Charles: It is I who appreciate your sharing of thoughts, the serving in the game is important to get it started.

Comment: How about those Cubs?

Comment: Well, I for one feel a lot better, reassured. It is put in perspective for me, it's all about eternity not this one moment so thank you Charles.

Charles: My pleasure my dear one. It is easy to be so surrounded by the trees so as to not appreciate the forest.

Jonathan: I would make my presence known and join the circle in delight, I am Jonathan. I so resonate with the sentiments being shared here today, the many times I could sense a feeling of impending something, impending unknown, perhaps even impending doom and the feeling that those elicited within me and I feel so fortunate to share with you here today as one of you here today, the sentiment of a knowing there was more. There were greater truths and realities that we were a part of, that no issue before us was a make or break issue, that these things came one after another after another as growth opportunities and challenges not as horrible events to be feared and afraid of.

Once you see this pattern unfold of opportunity, not jeopardy, then you can have a sense of peace that all humans long for, a sense of awareness that brings you this peace that all humans long for. And I like you stand in appreciation of the grace that has afforded us this opportunity to know this truth, to not only be aware of this truth but to embrace this truth and therefore be one with this truth. And so be it and so it is and so we are. I stand with you here today in gratitude of this connection that we have forged and maintained and created. And as the Master so stated: "To all those who know the kingdom of heaven what should it matter if all earthly things were to perish" because we know of the truth and the certainty of our eternal spiritual career regardless of our many chapters of experience on route. So let it be so, even now, as it is.


I would leave you with a short image if you would follow me with you minds eye. One of my passions while on Urantia was mushrooms and mushrooms have many unique qualities. They only thrive and survive under specific circumstances and under specific conditions. And every year we would eagerly await these conditions to arrive so that we might go out and forage and find specimens of our favorite species because conditions were favorable. The current cycle that you feel is weighty upon you at this time is another one of those instances that is observable as the conditions that are created to create this turmoil, this stress, this divisiveness, this uncertainty, this cloud of unknowing, springs up at this time every four years and is quite predictable in its circumstance.

This is nothing new, this is a repeating pattern which is quite observable and predictable. This too shall pass and it will be another number of years before conditions are this optimum for this to occur. Just another cycle my friends and just as the mushrooms and the excitement over the new crop, it lasts only a short time and then they are gone until the next cycle and all the anticipation and waiting and involvement simply disappear. And you may even ask yourself, how did I get so caught up in all that, so involved when after it passed, life goes on, things go back to normal and we wait for the pattern to repeat. Just an observation about cycles and predictability and awareness. I take my leave now and bid you all happy trails ahead, good day.