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Woods Cross Ut. Group
Abraham --
Acceptance Of Others.
Group Present: Tom and Tim (new-twin brothers), Miriam, Carol, Sandy, Simon, Faye, Nina, Calvin, Dave, Cory, Angie, Anthony, Nathan.
March 5, 2001
FEBRUARY 19, 2001
I am Abraham. I am amazed every day to view how rapidly the kingdom is growing. We feel such gratitude when we see our efforts have made a difference. I realize events in daily living might lead you to believe that life works against you, but you that carry a deep and abiding faith know the reason for such occurrences and don't usually feel a mortal desperation or anxiety.
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I look forward to meeting with you here each week. I learn as much as I teach. I love the study on the universal laws. The momentum of time, space, eternity and destiny are fueled by the universal laws. I appreciate the universal laws of truth, beauty and goodness because they start with you from the beginning of existence and carry you onward through eternity. Truth is our path; beauty helps us to appreciate the path and goodness urges us to move forward upon the path, yes.
In a fast paced world such as this we are always overlooking the small blessings. Many mortals tend to look for grand occurrences that say God is at work, and in the process become discouraged when their expectations are not met. There are conditionings of the mind that seem to help you keep up with mortal living.
We have discussed redirecting focus through worship and following this it is standard to discuss the universal law of acceptance and the doing of Father's will. A child who attempts to leave from his home for the first time is filled with the fear of unknowingness. He desires to reach his destination, but is loath to leave the parents side. The unknowingness creates images of unsafety in his mind and he cannot help clinging to his parent's leg. With a little coaxing and encouragement from a wise parent they can get the child to go a little beyond the front yard.
Societal stimulants and ever-striving to just survive, take the focus off of the small blessings. Just in noticing small blessings is your focus set on Father. In this focus are you better able to handle situations that cause inner-turmoil. In noticing the small blessings you learn to recognize Father’s fingerprints.
The child however, who is skilled in life's possibilities, might feel better equipped to handle those things that might come before him. With education and encouragement the destination is not so fearful. He is equipped with some knowledge and feels that inner confidence and strength. Your experiences today are your lessons to becoming skilled citizens in the universe. That Spirit connection is the encouragement you need to venture out beyond your own front yard.
We have been discussing the universal law of acceptance and the doing of Father’s will. We have also covered self-acceptance. I would speak a little on acceptance of your fellows.
Father uses various methods to educate His children, and although some of these methods seem painful and trying, He is equipping you to have less fear and feel more at ease in the universe. A parent who dares not send forth their child out to have experience tells the child that he is not to be trusted and not equipped to handle life's circumstances. He has little or no self-confidence and lives in a world of unknowingness and fear.
I feel such comfort each week when we meet. You welcome me as I am. You know my personality and you welcome it. I feel at ease to speak my mind without fear of ridicule or rejection. You accept me as your brother, friend, teacher and fellow sojourner. You may not always agree with what I say but that has no bearing on my level of comfort because I know you love and accept me as I am, as I also do you, each.
Father would not purposefully put you in painful circumstances, but experience at times does turn out to cause pain. Our Father, the good Parent, puts before us those values and meanings that we need to learn from life's experiences. He trusts us in our own ability and intentions. He trusts the universal laws will bring knowledge and balance. He encourages us to have faith in ourselves.
We meet various individuals daily and as we learn about them we can draw closer to them. Some personalities we clash with and have not commonalities. We may even dislike their character. As we traverse the worlds we will meet various individuals who will be different from us. We are in understanding that each one is no doubt a child of God and also on their own path to Father.
Many individuals would choose to stay behind closed doors in an effort to feel safe--safe from experience, safe from the pain that experience can bring. There is not much spiritual progress in this kind of safety. There is only the fear of unknowingness. You cannot gain strength from not exercising. You cannot reap the benefits of meanings and values if you shun experience.
I think by now, we are understanding we cannot force our own way on others or lead them in a way that we see fit. We can express our opinion, we can encourage -- but really, at no time should we attempt to change another. We are all Father’s children. Not one is with more status than another. You can have acceptance of that and have love for your fellows without the difference in personalities creating conflicts; although conflicts are not really that bad because they can create growth from new understanding.
The universe does set up certain circumstances that teach you cosmic citizenship. How can you learn when in a state of resistance and fear? How can you progress spiritually when you do not make effort to bravely face the road before you? Acceptance is key to gaining meanings and values from your experience. To accept the lessons before you is not an invitation to suffering, no, but to teach strength, endurance and self-confidence. Acceptance is the practice of letting go of what you think you know to being committed to staying teachable.
Some individuals you know are perhaps not so loveable, but certainly we can accept the fact that they are growing individuals on their own path and will learn according to their own ability. I truly believe that most people have the best of intentions and try to do what is right in their eyes.
The worlds technology seems to promote a life of ease and many have such resistance to anything that takes real effort. Acceptance asks you not to do anything but be observant and spiritually connected so that you can find Father's meanings and values. You can have confidence in your abilities as a mortal child of God and cosmic citizen. So many say, "I would do the will of God if only I knew what it was." Without understanding the law of acceptance you will definitely have a difficult time discerning Father's will.
The holy wars in the Middle East are groups of individuals who are attempting to force their beliefs onto others. You see, each group has the best of intentions and believe they are only doing what is right. Perhaps they are blinded by the fact that every child of God has the same intentions. They are only attempting to do what they believe is right.
To have acceptance of those mortal things that befall you is to become observant of the lesson therein and through spiritual connection being able to discern Father's will in any given moment. To choose to be a doer of the will is not so much being submissive or laying down to be used as a pawn, no. Choosing to be a doer of Father's will is allowing your desired outcomes to fall away and yes, in a sense loosing yourself, to slowing down, becoming observant, not acting so much on impulse or emotion, but connecting with the divine Parent and receiving guidance.
There are so many divisions in religion, government, and even families because there is no acceptance of diversity. If they are not with us they must be against us is a familiar saying. Why cannot individuals allow for others to grow in their own time? You cannot force growth or fit a quart into a pint. You can, however, learn to have acceptance - that everyone is a child of God. They need not look to you as their savior, but how beautiful it would be for them to know you uphold them in their differences. How can anyone look down upon a brother’s blindness when they themselves are also blind?
To be overcome with emotion is to push forth your desired expectations and stumbling over Father's will. Our Master taught self-forgetfulness and in this there was the acceptance of Father's will, self confidence in the ability to carry out the will, peace in heart and mind that leaves you open to meanings and values, yes, new understandings.
We can be more accepting of our fellows through learning patience and allowing for unfolding. We need not agree with our fellows but we can respect their right to learn and grow in their own time.
Forget not this week to stay with worship. Strengthen your divine connection. Know that our good Parent is urging us onward through experience. Can you trust in a Parent who has created the universes and their inhabitants, and oversees the overall collective functioning? Do you shun mortal experience so you will be kept safe or are you observant to the lesson and open to spiritual progress? Can you live in this world as a divine being and feel truly at home? Can you say if choosing the divine will comes with a cost, and if so, what is it?
As a side note to this lesson on acceptance, I would like to add a few things. There are new concepts born every day -- new ideas to ponder. It would seem as if everyone has the answer. I would remind you that you have your own Indwelling Father Fragment that helps you discern truth. In trying to apply the law of acceptance in your lives, know this does not apply to new concepts or fads. You need not accept every idea that happens to cross your path.
No questions this evening. Just know that I am ever appreciative to our divine Parent that He has allowed me to be with you. As always my love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.
I mean to say, that the world's growth is moving so rapidly that we must be clear-minded enough to discern truth from falsehood. You can contemplate new ideas; you can pray and do stillness, but certainly you are equipped to judge for yourself which ideas you will hold true and those you would let go. In this day and age new things will come and go. I suggest, be open-minded but cautious in accepting all you see.
I have not time for questions. I am sorry, Simon (laughter), perhaps during the week. I would be back next week with a new universal law to discuss and answer questions. Until then, feel free during the week to call on me in your journaling time. As always, my love goes with you. Shalom.

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