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Again, in these times it is important to begin to [[exercise]] [[modesty]], modesty in [[thought]], modesty in [[action]], modesty in spending, and mankind is moving into an era where he is beginning to [[experience]] the pull of the [[spiritual]] [[pressure]] of the [[brotherhood]] of man. It is like a [[weight]] which has fallen on all of you to follow, that is, working within the [[Human Condition|conditions]] presently to move you into a greater [[Awareness|sense]] of who you are in your [[response]]. This is all. Spirit desires a tremendously [[simple]] life for you. You make it so [[complicated]]. This is not the result of spirit. Even if the [[representation]] of [[spirit]] has been [[corrupted]] on the [[planet]], humans still have [[choice]], they still have [[wisdom]], [[understanding]], [[counsel]], [[knowledge]] and [[courage]] to come together and to [[worship]] [[God]], not worship man or man's [[achievements]].  
Again, in these times it is important to begin to [[exercise]] [[modesty]], modesty in [[thought]], modesty in [[action]], modesty in spending, and mankind is moving into an era where he is beginning to [[experience]] the pull of the [[spiritual]] [[pressure]] of the [[brotherhood]] of man. It is like a [[weight]] which has fallen on all of you to follow, that is, working within the [[Human Condition|conditions]] presently to move you into a greater [[Awareness|sense]] of who you are in your [[response]]. This is all. Spirit desires a tremendously [[simple]] life for you. You make it so [[complicated]]. This is not the result of spirit. Even if the [[representation]] of [[spirit]] has been [[corrupted]] on the [[planet]], humans still have [[choice]], they still have [[wisdom]], [[understanding]], [[counsel]], [[knowledge]] and [[courage]] to come together and to [[worship]] [[God]], not worship man or man's [[achievements]].  
Man should be [[proud]] of his great achievements and he should be tremendously [[thankful]] to [[God]] who provides the wherewithal and the [[ability]] for man to achieve such. Within your own [[souls]], have you kept your part of the bargain? To those who give, much will be given and to those who take, all will be taken away. There is much [[truth]] in [ old sayings] on [[Urantia]], for the problems which beset [[Bible}Biblical]] times beset you now. You will learn as a [[body]] united, to come together to solve the [[Human Condition|great condition]] of life. This is also the way it is [[designed]] and good luck on your [[journey]]. Again, thank you this evening.
Man should be [[proud]] of his great achievements and he should be tremendously [[thankful]] to [[God]] who provides the wherewithal and the [[ability]] for man to achieve such. Within your own [[souls]], have you kept your part of the bargain? To those who give, much will be given and to those who take, all will be taken away. There is much [[truth]] in [ old sayings] on [[Urantia]], for the problems which beset [[Bible|Biblical]] times beset you now. You will learn as a [[body]] united, to come together to solve the [[Human Condition|great condition]] of life. This is also the way it is [[designed]] and good luck on your [[journey]]. Again, thank you this evening.
Philip: Thank you Monjoronson, we really [[appreciate]] those suggestions and comments and we would thank our t/r tonight. That does conclude our session. Thank you.
Philip: Thank you Monjoronson, we really [[appreciate]] those suggestions and comments and we would thank our t/r tonight. That does conclude our session. Thank you.

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