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Topic: Opening Doors

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Helen Whitworth

Session 1


Thought Adjuster: "It takes courage to knock upon long-closed doors and reopen them to examine the ‘skeletons in the closet’ of your mind. Yet, for each door that is studiously avoided, there is an implicit fear—a fear of returning to the way you used to be, a fear of renewing old hurt, a fear that you have insufficient strength to face these challenges once more. However, whilst the door remains closed, the fear builds, undermining your sense of growth, your ability to deal with each and every circumstance as it arises.

"If you open the door with your fear as the key you will, of course, resonate those expectations, and you may expect each and every past challenge to come and hit you anew, with renewed vigor, repeating that cycle of behavior once more.

"However, if you take truth and forgiveness as your key to unlock that dark door you may find, at best, that the skeletons simply exist no longer, and that the light of the cupboard washes clean any past hurt and pain, or at worst that it will provide a new challenge for you to face and overcome with impeccability, transmuting the ugly beasts lurking in the shadows into harmless animals, that may be noticed, dealt with with love, and then quietly removed from your environment, having had their hold over you neutralized.

"It is mainly fear that you have little enough strength for these activities that hold you back, but each door unopened is like a festering wound, forgotten under layers of clothes, yet slowly rotting away good flesh with bad.

"Re-opening the door that you have just approached, after promptings from your Guardians, will bring up many issues that run deep currents through your adult life and sense of spiritual being. When one meets as catalyst for change, nothing is ever the same again, and it is so easy for you to lay all you are since that point upon the individual who heralded such a shake up in your view of the world.

"But consider this; your world was ripe to be shaken. The foundations you had built required crashing down to rebuild anew. Was your friend not acting as agent of God when he assisted you in this tumultuous event? Do no mistake the lesson for the individual who acts as messenger. He was, in most part, unknowing even of the letter he carried for you.

"I wish you to consider deep and hard the message he carried, and your response to him as person, and as messenger. You have long held understanding of the worth he played in assisting your life to collapse and renew, but you have yet to face the deepest emotions you held, and still hold, for him, and the fear you have of his ‘hold over you’.

"I ask you to think on each feeling, and to discover whether it belongs to his role, or his person. From that perspective it will give you a great deal of understanding as to the knots you have tied yourself into on this subject over years, and the best approach for you in facing him once more as brother, lover and friend.

"Do not assume either, that the being you last saw so many years ago is the same being that inhabits his name now. Years change every human, and as your perceptions change also, then so too does the object of your perception from within your reality.

"I cannot, and will now, say what the outcome of this ‘adventure’ will be. But at least, if you face it with truth, love and forgiveness, rather than fear, there will at least be one less skeleton rattling round in the recesses of your psyche. And remember, I AM always with you to hold you close, whenever you have need.

"Make no assumptions, and detach from the outcome. Heal yourself and treat yourself with kindness. He is in truth neither Nemesis nor Messiah, but a simple human who had the grace to allow himself to be used by the Divine Energy of the Universe to further your growth. Release your fear of him, as you have your attachment to your Icelandic Brother; and the cycle that has haunted you so long, most recently with the Warrior, shall be broken, leaving you to find your own, most beautiful companion.


"Now go see Wolf tonight. She has some news for you from The One you hold most dear, that can only come to being once you have faced this challenge."

Session 2

November 14, 2005. Subject: "You Are Already Complete."


Thought Adjuster: "I come to you gently today, my child, for your being is full of new ideas, healing and possibility. I feel the glow in your heart of that possibility, the hints of a reality yet to come, and the excitement that accompanies these thoughts.

"The world will not, and cannot, change overnight. There is too much yet to be achieved, which if hurried would only cause chaos, confusion, and a further descent into the darkness of the mass soul. Yet, as with a fetus growing within its mother’s womb, each feature slowly develops in perfect timing until a complete, perfect and healthy child is ready to be born.

"Do not forget in your enthusiasm, to come to me, for when all is rushing, whirling images, I can help you to bring sense and meaning to this moment, now, from within the depth of stillness.

"Seek refuge tonight with the Mother. Allow her to enfold you, for there you may find restorative peace and nurture for a while. And know I shall be with you. Rest in me a while, my dear, and let us find joy in each other. (pause)

"In another world, another reality, you are already complete and standing within your truth as I AM. What you perceive as ‘your life’ is only a fragment of this whole, separated by the veil of forgetfulness—yet the brightness of God shines through all veils of all thickness, and if you so allow, with conscious seeking, it is possible to become this reality within your own perspective of being.

"There are many thing to distract you from this task and purpose—fear, attachment amongst them, alongside a driving force towards a sleep-like stupor that becomes such an ‘easy’ choice within your world. Yet what could be easier than allowing all illusion, which has to be held onto so tightly, to fall away and to wither under the brightness of the Divine gaze.


"Anoint yourself with my essence, and with the trust and knowing of who you really are, and that shall be your reality, and your reward. Feel the layers drop, resonate to your Divine Self, your immortal being, and paradise awaits you here on Earth. You are tired tonight, yet refreshed as always by my presence. Allow yourself to drift and let go a while. I love you all ways."

Session 3

November 16, 2005. Subject: "The Power Of The Body."


Thought Adjuster: "You have worked hard during the past few days, and this has left you a little drained. Your body has been neglected for some time now, and it is fitting that, finally, you pay it some attention and work to bring it close to perfection; strengthening your physical muscles as you are accustomed to strengthening your other muscles—those of spirit, emotions and intellect.

"When muscles are not used they weaken, yet it is too easy for you to consider you physical aspects as ‘less than’ your subtler forms. It is, however, your physical form that takes you bodily around the world into which you have born, and your spirit relies upon this form to be as well maintained as possible in order for it to fully express itself in your world, as your physical body relies upon a healthy spirit to animate it and keep it free from dis-ease.

"All are truly important. So, if for a while, your emotions, thoughts and soul seem neglected in favor of you working upon your concrete body, then, so be it. You would not hesitate to lay aside thought for a while as you work upon your emotions, nor to relinquish emotion for time as you examine philosophy, so why treat your body as different?

"In time, of course, balance must be brought between all four—each considered in each moment, but whilst there is weakness in one it is only right to focus your light upon that perspective of ‘you’. Bring Spirit to it all through, however you work, on whichever state. And then its light can be used to ensure the quickest and most complete healings, and a joy and surety can be retained through the hardest of toils.

"Sit then with me and enjoy your aching muscles, for they surely are a sign that things are changing, as the ache in the heart shows you of changing emotion.

"Grow strong and feed well. Bring (the) fuel into each cell that it needs (in order) to grow, and enjoy this opportunity to get to know your body more intimately than before, and wonder at its miracles of self-healing. So quick to injure, so quick to repair, and consider how similar this can be to your emotions, which also hold scars, both long and short-lived, that can all be healed if you so allow.

"It is a wondrous structure within which you encapsulate yourself, is it not? Each little cell does work as to its type, in harmony with others, and forming together to create a magnificent and complex whole. Is not this too the print of Humanity? You see yourselves as a cell, isolated. We see the truth of the entire body, and look forward to the day when humanities entire vehicle is perfected, free from disease, and working together in harmony with grace as each old cell ‘dies’ or is sacrificed to prevent infection, and joy as each new cell is born, perfectly poised to replace those gone before.


"Such is the power of the body, and of metaphor, in teaching of spirit. How can you deny any longer the miracle of your being? Do not think tonight, or travel with aim. Just sink into the arms of spirit and find rest there. I AM."