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*"But to both Jew and gentile I declare the hour has about come when the Son of Man will be glorified. You well know that, except a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it abides alone. But if it dies in good soil, it springs up again to life and bears much fruit. He who selfishly loves his life stands in danger of losing it. But he who is willing to lay down his life for my sake and for the sake of this gospel shall enjoy a more abundant existence on earth and in heaven, life eternal.   
*"But to both Jew and gentile I declare the hour has about come when the Son of Man will be glorified. You well know that, except a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it abides alone. But if it dies in good soil, it springs up again to life and bears much fruit. He who selfishly loves his life stands in danger of losing it. But he who is willing to lay down his life for my sake and for the sake of this gospel shall enjoy a more abundant existence on earth and in heaven, life eternal.   
*"'''I know my hour is approaching, and I am troubled'''. I perceive that my people are determined to spurn the kingdom, but I am rejoiced to receive these truth-seeking gentiles who come here today inquiring for the way of light. Nevertheless, my heart aches for my people, and my soul is distraught by that which lies just before me. What shall I say as I look ahead and discern what is about to befall me? Shall I say, Father save me from this awful hour? For this very purpose have I come into the world and even to this hour. Rather will I say, and pray that you will join me: Father, glorify your name, your will be done."
*"I know my hour is approaching, and I am troubled. I perceive that my people are determined to spurn the kingdom, but I am rejoiced to receive these truth-seeking gentiles who come here today inquiring for the way of light. '''Nevertheless, my heart aches for my people, and my soul is distraught by that which lies just before me'''. What shall I say as I look ahead and discern what is about to befall me? Shall I say, Father save me from this awful hour? For this very purpose have I come into the world and even to this hour. Rather will I say, and pray that you will join me: Father, glorify your name, your will be done."
