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[Transcriber’s Notes on change of capitalization policy:] Dear Folks, I decided to try some of Mother Spirit's suggestions on re-examining habits and methods, and then accepting too her "need to experiment;" so here goes: normal capitalization. I think it works. What I capitalized before--all references to extra-human personalities--can be inferred from context. I kind-of miss Michael and Mother Spirit specifically including us with themselves, sometimes--"we" as contrasted to "We"-- but perhaps this too can be detected by our own spirits. Enjoy. Jerry.
Nebadonia & Monjoronson—
October 9, 2006
Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.
T/R’s—JL & Rick Voss
      (The Early Days of the Correcting Time)
      (Abstractions and Generalities)
      (The Real Difference Between Good and Evil)
      (Your Free Will Depends upon Your Creativity)
      (To What Do Words Refer)
      (The Persistence of the Lucifer Rebellion)
      (Good and Evil, and War)
      (There Is Cause for Hope)
===Topic: ''Early Days of Correcting Time''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teachers: [[Nebadonia]] & [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[JL]], [[Rick Voss]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Welcome. Welcome to our one-hundredth session in this particular configuration, meaning we enjoyed several years of your messages through Donna D’Ingillo (of the Center for Christ Consciousness) before she left for Oakland. It may seem silly the way we attribute a kind of anniversary feeling to round numbers, but we do. It helps us remember all the wonderful times beyond counting when, after you signed off, there was a long, super-still moment we hated to disturb, then a lot of laughter and a few very sincere "Wow’s," our faces wet with tears of joy for our having so directly experienced your love, our souls tickled to have found the two of you, above all things, so playful. So please accept, dear parents, our hearts full of gratitude. Amen.
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Welcome. Welcome to our one-hundredth session in this particular configuration, meaning we enjoyed several years of your messages through Donna D’Ingillo (of the Center for Christ Consciousness) before she left for Oakland. It may seem silly the way we attribute a kind of anniversary feeling to round numbers, but we do. It helps us remember all the wonderful times beyond counting when, after you signed off, there was a long, super-still moment we hated to disturb, then a lot of laughter and a few very sincere "Wow’s," our faces wet with tears of joy for our having so directly experienced your love, our souls tickled to have found the two of you, above all things, so playful. So please accept, dear parents, our hearts full of gratitude. Amen.
NEBADONIA: My sons, this is your mother, Nebadonia, and all I can say is: We give up! We surrender! We accept your heartfelt gratitude and love--unconditionally. Just as we beam our own to you, unconditionally. Yes indeed, what fun this is. What joy and cheerful attitudes we can bring to meet all the serious challenges of a new day.
NEBADONIA: My sons, this is your mother, Nebadonia, and all I can say is: We give up! We surrender! We accept your heartfelt gratitude and love--unconditionally. Just as we beam our own to you, unconditionally. Yes indeed, what fun this is. What joy and cheerful attitudes we can bring to meet all the serious challenges of a new day.
These are your spiritual triumphs that warm our souls too. You give such an inestimable amount of value to our lives. Know that God and the whole celestial family meet their work without hesitation, with good cheer, thus suffusing all of reality with a kind of glow, a spiritual light everywhere as real as these physical photons you experience bouncing around. This joy of good cheer is the very essence of spirit, and when you can perceive it, and receive it, even during your darkest hours, your most intense pain--whether physical, or psychic, or spiritual, this is the reassurance of our presence. This is the sure knowledge that our Father shares our life with us. From his side, as well as from ours, there is no separation. We are able to perceive the totality of your personalities, and your souls. So thank you, my children, for your appreciation of this. Now I would like to pause to give another one of my sons the opportunity to transmit yet another of our celestial family.
These are your spiritual triumphs that warm our souls too. You give such an inestimable amount of value to our lives. Know that God and the whole celestial family meet their work without hesitation, with good cheer, thus suffusing all of reality with a kind of glow, a spiritual light everywhere as real as these physical photons you experience bouncing around. This joy of good cheer is the very essence of spirit, and when you can perceive it, and receive it, even during your darkest hours, your most intense pain--whether physical, or psychic, or spiritual, this is the reassurance of our presence. This is the sure knowledge that our Father shares our life with us. From his side, as well as from ours, there is no separation. We are able to perceive the totality of your personalities, and your souls. So thank you, my children, for your appreciation of this. Now I would like to pause to give another one of my sons the opportunity to transmit yet another of our celestial family.
(The early days of the Correcting Time)
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my friends, it is with great pleasure that I am among you tonight to celebrate your one-hundredth anniversary of bringing forth our love, our guidance, and our joy. Feel our joy in co-creating with you these wonderful moments that we share together. For it is deep within you that our love fills you. We will always remember these early days of what has become known as the Correcting Time.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, my friends, it is with great pleasure that I am among you tonight to celebrate your one-hundredth anniversary of bringing forth our love, our guidance, and our joy. Feel our joy in co-creating with you these wonderful moments that we share together. For it is deep within you that our love fills you. We will always remember these early days of what has become known as the Correcting Time.
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NEBADONIA: My dear children, much has come up in the last few weeks’ sessions about the nature of this tool of language you must use, right within yourselves, to think, to express your experiences to yourselves as they become your memories. We have invited you to try, in stillness, to contact your souls, which are very distinct from your own memories. Your soul transcripts, being spiritual, bring with them such a fullness of your original experiences--the sights, the smells, the way reality felt at that particular age, whereas your memories are not usually quite so comprehensive and fulfilling.
NEBADONIA: My dear children, much has come up in the last few weeks’ sessions about the nature of this tool of language you must use, right within yourselves, to think, to express your experiences to yourselves as they become your memories. We have invited you to try, in stillness, to contact your souls, which are very distinct from your own memories. Your soul transcripts, being spiritual, bring with them such a fullness of your original experiences--the sights, the smells, the way reality felt at that particular age, whereas your memories are not usually quite so comprehensive and fulfilling.
(Abstractions and generalities)
Your memories rely upon how you think about what is happening, and what has happened, so permit me to go another step deeper into what may appear initially to be rather academic or abstract. Consider something as commonplace and useful as the concept of cold. On the surface of it, it seems absurd to suggest you have never experienced pure cold, yet you never have. You’ve always experienced some cold thing, whether it was the air you were in, or a tool you’ve picked up, or the clothes you put on first thing in the morning. So the word "cold" is an abstraction, a general designation derived from all these specific situations and experiences.
Your memories rely upon how you think about what is happening, and what has happened, so permit me to go another step deeper into what may appear initially to be rather academic or abstract. Consider something as commonplace and useful as the concept of cold. On the surface of it, it seems absurd to suggest you have never experienced pure cold, yet you never have. You’ve always experienced some cold thing, whether it was the air you were in, or a tool you’ve picked up, or the clothes you put on first thing in the morning. So the word "cold" is an abstraction, a general designation derived from all these specific situations and experiences.
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Michael has recently given two lessons on these considerations, one last week at this time, and one during a Lightline teleconference, respecting the nature of good and evil. There was a suggestion made that they are somewhat akin. The expressions used were: "two sides of the same coin," and "beneath the surface of good and evil, there exists, of course, God’s more fundamental reality." But they are nowhere so allied, not even as opposites, for they are of a totally different nature, origin, consequence and persistence.
Michael has recently given two lessons on these considerations, one last week at this time, and one during a Lightline teleconference, respecting the nature of good and evil. There was a suggestion made that they are somewhat akin. The expressions used were: "two sides of the same coin," and "beneath the surface of good and evil, there exists, of course, God’s more fundamental reality." But they are nowhere so allied, not even as opposites, for they are of a totally different nature, origin, consequence and persistence.
(The real difference between good and evil)
Though you may not yet be able to experience this directly in its pure state, God is goodness. This is why He is sometimes referred to as the First Source of reality. He not only creates goodness, he is the thing itself. Like him, goodness is beyond time with no real beginning and no end, as it is with all his qualities. God is absolute love, infinite love, and is not, in and of himself, the creator of evil.
Though you may not yet be able to experience this directly in its pure state, God is goodness. This is why He is sometimes referred to as the First Source of reality. He not only creates goodness, he is the thing itself. Like him, goodness is beyond time with no real beginning and no end, as it is with all his qualities. God is absolute love, infinite love, and is not, in and of himself, the creator of evil.
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It is because you are a spiritual being with an innate creativity that you co-create your own personal reality. This is generally thought of as a function of your ego, but your ego is just your perceptions and notions of yourself within this much larger self-generated, self-created world view. Your reality is not identical with God’s reality, neither in quality, nor, obviously, in quantity—the universe. Compared to most celestial personalities, your initial human life is but a flicker of time, an initial spark of a flame that can burn throughout eternity. This is what we mean by designating you an immature being. And we merely say you are imperfect by the same kind of comparison to perfect beings who actually do exist because they were created that way—for example, the Havona natives.
It is because you are a spiritual being with an innate creativity that you co-create your own personal reality. This is generally thought of as a function of your ego, but your ego is just your perceptions and notions of yourself within this much larger self-generated, self-created world view. Your reality is not identical with God’s reality, neither in quality, nor, obviously, in quantity—the universe. Compared to most celestial personalities, your initial human life is but a flicker of time, an initial spark of a flame that can burn throughout eternity. This is what we mean by designating you an immature being. And we merely say you are imperfect by the same kind of comparison to perfect beings who actually do exist because they were created that way—for example, the Havona natives.
(Your free will depends upon your creativity)
You are real. You have an experiential starting point, even though your personality is linked to a physical vehicle that has recapitulated the evolution of life on your planet before your time. It’s your spiritual creativity that gives you the ability to deviate from God’s will and ways. Your own co-created reality gives you an alternative, to general reality, upon which your ability to choose, your free will, is dependent. No sub-human animal is creative enough to be able to depart from its own Spirit-created/evolved nature. But you can. Your nature is different. And this is the origin of those deliberate intentions whose consequences inevitably harm another. This is the essence, the reality of evil.
You are real. You have an experiential starting point, even though your personality is linked to a physical vehicle that has recapitulated the evolution of life on your planet before your time. It’s your spiritual creativity that gives you the ability to deviate from God’s will and ways. Your own co-created reality gives you an alternative, to general reality, upon which your ability to choose, your free will, is dependent. No sub-human animal is creative enough to be able to depart from its own Spirit-created/evolved nature. But you can. Your nature is different. And this is the origin of those deliberate intentions whose consequences inevitably harm another. This is the essence, the reality of evil.
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But enough for now. I’ll set my school teacher’s orientation aside and entertain whatever comments or questions you have for me.
But enough for now. I’ll set my school teacher’s orientation aside and entertain whatever comments or questions you have for me.
Student: Mother, as I understand it, evil does not exist until somebody chooses to bring it into existence, but love always exists and has always existed because it’s a function of the Father. But I don’t understand the illustration about cold. I’ve never had any experience of cold? What is it, then, that I experience? It’s obviously a lack of heat, and I experience it and use the word symbol "cold." But I don’t quite understand your illustration.
Student: Mother, as I understand it, evil does not exist until somebody chooses to bring it into existence, but love always exists and has always existed because it’s a function of the Father. But I don’t understand the illustration about cold. I’ve never had any experience of cold? What is it, then, that I experience? It’s obviously a lack of heat, and I experience it and use the word symbol "cold." But I don’t quite understand your illustration.
(To what do words refer)
NEBADONIA: Yes, My son, I was trying to impress upon you the unconscious habituation you have to word symbols that only have meaning from what they can derive from your own personal experience, or what you may have heard about. Yes, you can define cold as a relative lack of heat, molecular motion, whatever. But you never experience a pure reality of "coldness." That word symbol is an abstraction, a generalization of cold objects, physical objects, whether it’s the air, or a tool, or your clothes, as I mentioned.
NEBADONIA: Yes, My son, I was trying to impress upon you the unconscious habituation you have to word symbols that only have meaning from what they can derive from your own personal experience, or what you may have heard about. Yes, you can define cold as a relative lack of heat, molecular motion, whatever. But you never experience a pure reality of "coldness." That word symbol is an abstraction, a generalization of cold objects, physical objects, whether it’s the air, or a tool, or your clothes, as I mentioned.
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Student: Mother, I have a question. You presented such a wide-ranging discussion, I wondered about the Rebellion and its consequences in the present day—the Luciferian (sp?) culture. I guess you could say there was a party of Lucifer and his followers, and having all been adjudicated, all have been removed from the planet, by virtue of their free will to agree to go—if I understand right. In the current situation we face, where there are forces--as Monjoronson said in a transmission last week--who are conspiring against the trend of others for truth and beauty; can we say that the party of Lucifer does not exist as such? Are there still beings specifically in that party who are following Lucifer and his rebellion, or is it just individuals who are not even aware they are living in a culture which was once led by extra-human personalities?
Student: Mother, I have a question. You presented such a wide-ranging discussion, I wondered about the Rebellion and its consequences in the present day—the Luciferian (sp?) culture. I guess you could say there was a party of Lucifer and his followers, and having all been adjudicated, all have been removed from the planet, by virtue of their free will to agree to go—if I understand right. In the current situation we face, where there are forces--as Monjoronson said in a transmission last week--who are conspiring against the trend of others for truth and beauty; can we say that the party of Lucifer does not exist as such? Are there still beings specifically in that party who are following Lucifer and his rebellion, or is it just individuals who are not even aware they are living in a culture which was once led by extra-human personalities?
(The persistence of the Lucifer Rebellion)
NEBADONIA: Yes, my son—the latter; but about the adjudication of Lucifer and his followers who had not accepted the constant pro-offering of Michael’s mercy and rehabilitation; this annihilation was not by any means agreed to by their free-will choices. For thousands of years they had the choice to rejoin reality, get back in step with God’s progressing universe, by simply acknowledging his will and his ways: and many did. But for many of these beings, their personalities became so warped, so committed to their own view of things, they became—in your parlance—supreme ego-maniacs who chose to the very end of their existence to identify with their own so much tinier view of reality. They were so devoid of the humility which could have given them the perception and appreciation of this enormous universe they found themselves in. That was their choice, as it is with every personality. Do you cling to and identify with your own creation—your world-view, or do you accept that it is only your own creation, and fantastically minuscule by comparison to God’s? This turning about and seeking to know his will is what we call being open-minded.
NEBADONIA: Yes, my son—the latter; but about the adjudication of Lucifer and his followers who had not accepted the constant pro-offering of Michael’s mercy and rehabilitation; this annihilation was not by any means agreed to by their free-will choices. For thousands of years they had the choice to rejoin reality, get back in step with God’s progressing universe, by simply acknowledging his will and his ways: and many did. But for many of these beings, their personalities became so warped, so committed to their own view of things, they became—in your parlance—supreme ego-maniacs who chose to the very end of their existence to identify with their own so much tinier view of reality. They were so devoid of the humility which could have given them the perception and appreciation of this enormous universe they found themselves in. That was their choice, as it is with every personality. Do you cling to and identify with your own creation—your world-view, or do you accept that it is only your own creation, and fantastically minuscule by comparison to God’s? This turning about and seeking to know his will is what we call being open-minded.
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Student: Mother Nebadonia, my sister—I guess—that’s what you said a few weeks ago: we should look upon you as our sister. I would like to talk about a film I saw last night called Days Of Glory, ironically called Days Of Glory since it was about war and the grim reality of war. In my mind, to mutilate another human being such as is done in battle, is evil. This is something I cannot bring myself to do, although there have been situations where this has become necessary to protect a society or country, or a culture. But today in our modern world there are many who go off to fight, and they bring harm to another human being in the name of war. But I’m confused. Is this evil? Are these men and women evil who do this, who fight battles for our country? Can you help me understand this better?
Student: Mother Nebadonia, my sister—I guess—that’s what you said a few weeks ago: we should look upon you as our sister. I would like to talk about a film I saw last night called Days Of Glory, ironically called Days Of Glory since it was about war and the grim reality of war. In my mind, to mutilate another human being such as is done in battle, is evil. This is something I cannot bring myself to do, although there have been situations where this has become necessary to protect a society or country, or a culture. But today in our modern world there are many who go off to fight, and they bring harm to another human being in the name of war. But I’m confused. Is this evil? Are these men and women evil who do this, who fight battles for our country? Can you help me understand this better?
(Good and evil, and war)
NEBADONIA: Yes, my son, the most succinctly this answer has been put, which I am certain you are familiar with, is that God looks at the individual--the personality, and the act, as two distinct things. For your own part, simply getting through the day, we recommend you separate in your mind the difference between judgement and assessment, which is largely, perhaps strangely-seeming, a matter not of quality but of quantity. An example is, during a conversation you have the conviction someone is not telling you the truth. This is a necessary assessment for you to make, yet if you expand it to include the entire person before you, his or her essence/personality, you could say this is being judgmental, and a bit of arrogant hubris since you cannot know this other personality as we or our Father can.
NEBADONIA: Yes, my son, the most succinctly this answer has been put, which I am certain you are familiar with, is that God looks at the individual--the personality, and the act, as two distinct things. For your own part, simply getting through the day, we recommend you separate in your mind the difference between judgement and assessment, which is largely, perhaps strangely-seeming, a matter not of quality but of quantity. An example is, during a conversation you have the conviction someone is not telling you the truth. This is a necessary assessment for you to make, yet if you expand it to include the entire person before you, his or her essence/personality, you could say this is being judgmental, and a bit of arrogant hubris since you cannot know this other personality as we or our Father can.
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Student: No, Mother. I would ask for your embrace, your love, your purity, that I may continue to find hope, and be a part of bringing hope to this world.
Student: No, Mother. I would ask for your embrace, your love, your purity, that I may continue to find hope, and be a part of bringing hope to this world.
(There is cause for hope)
NEBADONIA: Then let it be so. I wrap you in my love, and I feed your hope. There is true progress here on Urantia. You’ve come such a enormous way that the appreciation of this can also feed your hope. As Michael says, we can see this hope and faith burning in every human soul. It is a matter of maturing through hard-earned experience even more than it is well-meant intention. There are few individuals totally associated and identified with evil. It is mostly the unthinking habituation to certain kinds of behavior, certain feelings of what you must do, that have to be examined afresh.
NEBADONIA: Then let it be so. I wrap you in my love, and I feed your hope. There is true progress here on Urantia. You’ve come such a enormous way that the appreciation of this can also feed your hope. As Michael says, we can see this hope and faith burning in every human soul. It is a matter of maturing through hard-earned experience even more than it is well-meant intention. There are few individuals totally associated and identified with evil. It is mostly the unthinking habituation to certain kinds of behavior, certain feelings of what you must do, that have to be examined afresh.
This can most effectively be done deep in stillness, deep in prayer, opening yourself to your own creative abilities to take in all the past and yet come up with something new, something that includes everyone. As you do this, my son, you feed your hope, you re-connect with spirit. This is where you, and I, and Michael most profoundly share company. Michael sends you his peace to restore you, to give you a genuine experience of what it is you are working toward. And my love serves to connect you, especially in understanding and reaching out to those you call: the enemy. Good evening.
This can most effectively be done deep in stillness, deep in prayer, opening yourself to your own creative abilities to take in all the past and yet come up with something new, something that includes everyone. As you do this, my son, you feed your hope, you re-connect with spirit. This is where you, and I, and Michael most profoundly share company. Michael sends you his peace to restore you, to give you a genuine experience of what it is you are working toward. And my love serves to connect you, especially in understanding and reaching out to those you call: the enemy. Good evening.
[Transcriber’s Notes on change of capitalization policy:] Dear Folks, I decided to try some of Mother Spirit's suggestions on re-examining habits and methods, and then accepting too her "need to experiment;" so here goes: normal capitalization. I think it works. What I capitalized before--all references to extra-human personalities--can be inferred from context. I kind-of miss Michael and Mother Spirit specifically including us with themselves, sometimes--"we" as contrasted to "We"-- but perhaps this too can be detected by our own spirits. Enjoy. Jerry.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: Rick Voss]]
[[Category: 2006]]