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Dear Michael and Mother Spirit: Michael, I have a special request for you this evening
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit: Michael, I have a special request for you this evening
and that is, could you continue what Mother Spirit started last month on a Lightline
and that is, could you continue what Mother Spirit started last month on a Lightline
when I asked her if she could address the question of how do we turn things around?
when I asked her if she could address the question of how do we turn things around?
She mentioned it is a great spiritual triumph when we can, first of all, recognize that
She mentioned it is a great spiritual triumph when we can, first of all, recognize that
things are going in the wrong direction and we are either stuck in bad habits and
things are going in the wrong direction and we are either stuck in bad habits and
getting unhealthy, or our relationships with all our dear friends around us are
getting unhealthy, or our relationships with all our dear friends around us are
We are getting stuck on ourselves, or other things, and need to be turned around. Yet
We are getting stuck on ourselves, or other things, and need to be turned around. Yet
how do we do this? If you could answer that same request we would appreciate it so
how do we do this? If you could answer that same request we would appreciate it so
much. Thank you. Amen.
much. Thank you. Amen.
Michael: Good evening. This is Michael and I would be delighted as always to fulfill any
Michael: Good evening. This is Michael and I would be delighted as always to fulfill any
requests you have for me--equally with Mother Spirit. It is our privilege to help our
requests you have for me--equally with Mother Spirit. It is our privilege to help our
children in any way at all. It fills our hearts when you make requests of us for it is an
children in any way at all. It fills our hearts when you make requests of us for it is an
acknowledgement on your part that we are in your lives, and we can help you--just as
acknowledgement on your part that we are in your lives, and we can help you--just as
you are with your own children. It is such a reward when they come to you and ask for
you are with your own children. It is such a reward when they come to you and ask for
your help, and you are able to help them. It forms a bond of sharing between you and
your help, and you are able to help them. It forms a bond of sharing between you and
them, as between you and Mother Spirit, and me.
them, as between you and Mother Spirit, and me.
We have talked so often about this quality of sharing our lives together that is God’s
We have talked so often about this quality of sharing our lives together that is God’s
greatest gift to all of us. It is part of the reason we are all out here in time and space—
greatest gift to all of us. It is part of the reason we are all out here in time and space—
so he can share himself with all of his children.
so he can share himself with all of his children.
(To turn things around)
(To turn things around)
I’d like to start just by re-emphasizing some of the points Mother Spirit brought out last
I’d like to start just by re-emphasizing some of the points Mother Spirit brought out last
month. Once you recognize and fully accept within yourself that things in your life need
month. Once you recognize and fully accept within yourself that things in your life need
to be turned around, need to be headed off in a more positive, fulfilling and creative
to be turned around, need to be headed off in a more positive, fulfilling and creative
direction, one of the main things is to get a base of operations to act from; and this is a
direction, one of the main things is to get a base of operations to act from; and this is a
continuity of your own self. This is especially critical with what you call bad, unhealthy
continuity of your own self. This is especially critical with what you call bad, unhealthy
habits that are partly physical and simply re-occur on their own--the addictions that
habits that are partly physical and simply re-occur on their own--the addictions that
constantly come up over and over again, sometimes every few minutes. They can
constantly come up over and over again, sometimes every few minutes. They can
more or less take you away if you haven’t the determination, the gumption, the
more or less take you away if you haven’t the determination, the gumption, the
where-with-all to stand up against them.
where-with-all to stand up against them.
So the first thing is to get a continuity of your own self. You literally create a stronger
So the first thing is to get a continuity of your own self. You literally create a stronger
self--for yourself!--that can continue this determination.
self--for yourself!--that can continue this determination.
(The need for meditation, open-minded reflection)
(The need for meditation, open-minded reflection)
The best way--sometimes the only way--of doing this is through meditation. Really
The best way--sometimes the only way--of doing this is through meditation. Really
take time out of your other activities just to be still and give yourself over to yourself.
take time out of your other activities just to be still and give yourself over to yourself.
Just be still with yourself and then, if you can, remind yourself that you are not alone.
Just be still with yourself and then, if you can, remind yourself that you are not alone.
You have Mother Spirit and me within you, and all around you. Way, way beyond us,
You have Mother Spirit and me within you, and all around you. Way, way beyond us,
deeper and more profoundly within you, you have our mutual Father: you have God’s
deeper and more profoundly within you, you have our mutual Father: you have God’s
presence within you. And very definitely--if you can realize this too--he has already
presence within you. And very definitely--if you can realize this too--he has already
helped you acknowledge the need to turn things around and confront an unhealthy
helped you acknowledge the need to turn things around and confront an unhealthy
habit, or perhaps open yourself to ways of relating to your dear ones more openly and
habit, or perhaps open yourself to ways of relating to your dear ones more openly and
So the main message that Mother Spirit gave you was about meditating and doing so
So the main message that Mother Spirit gave you was about meditating and doing so
on a regular basis, so you tune in to yourself. You tune into your needs. You can
on a regular basis, so you tune in to yourself. You tune into your needs. You can
formulate your deepest prayers to God, to our Father, and ask, “Dear Father, what do I
formulate your deepest prayers to God, to our Father, and ask, “Dear Father, what do I
do next?—and I mean today, as soon as I get up from my meditations. How do I
do next?—and I mean today, as soon as I get up from my meditations. How do I
address this problem I’m having? How do I turn things around?”
address this problem I’m having? How do I turn things around?”
(Record your meditations)
(Record your meditations)
Then, to continue this daily continuity, don’t hesitate to use some physical means to
Then, to continue this daily continuity, don’t hesitate to use some physical means to
help. I’m talking about actually taking notes and writing  down your questions--your
help. I’m talking about actually taking notes and writing  down your questions--your
problems--and whatever answers you get. Or, with your modern electronics, you can
problems--and whatever answers you get. Or, with your modern electronics, you can
have a little recording device, or take notes in your computer. This is another continuity
have a little recording device, or take notes in your computer. This is another continuity
very much like a writer of short stories or a novel, a day to day history where you can
very much like a writer of short stories or a novel, a day to day history where you can
re-read these messages to yourself.
re-read these messages to yourself.
Again: this is creating a continuous, day-to-day self when you feel lost or helpless in the
Again: this is creating a continuous, day-to-day self when you feel lost or helpless in the
face of a terrible addiction. You get in touch with your new, determined self again as
face of a terrible addiction. You get in touch with your new, determined self again as
you read your notes. They become a very precious diary, writing to yourself in the
you read your notes. They become a very precious diary, writing to yourself in the
future when you may very well desperately need to tune in again to your effort, your
future when you may very well desperately need to tune in again to your effort, your
determination. This is the easiest and the most direct way of creating your stronger
determination. This is the easiest and the most direct way of creating your stronger
self with a greater determination to get healthy, or appreciate the situation of all the
self with a greater determination to get healthy, or appreciate the situation of all the
folks around you who might be slipping away.
folks around you who might be slipping away.
(It is up to you to initiate change)
(It is up to you to initiate change)
You can break out of a re-actionary, knee-jerk kind of relationship with others for, as
You can break out of a re-actionary, knee-jerk kind of relationship with others for, as
Mother Spirit cautioned you, it is up to you, my dear ones, to initiate this change,
Mother Spirit cautioned you, it is up to you, my dear ones, to initiate this change,
especially with those you have lived with for years--a husband, a wife, your own
especially with those you have lived with for years--a husband, a wife, your own
children or your own parents.
children or your own parents.
Do this rather than falling back into a kind of blaming habit like, “Why don’t they pay
Do this rather than falling back into a kind of blaming habit like, “Why don’t they pay
more attention? Why don’t they do this or that?” Drop all of that and take it upon
more attention? Why don’t they do this or that?” Drop all of that and take it upon
yourself to initiate what you want to see grow. Exercise your own creativity. Try things-
yourself to initiate what you want to see grow. Exercise your own creativity. Try things-
-experiment. Be honest with yourself about what works and what doesn’t. All these
-experiment. Be honest with yourself about what works and what doesn’t. All these
parts of Mother Spirit’s lesson are so valuable. They are the place to start.
parts of Mother Spirit’s lesson are so valuable. They are the place to start.
Now, tonight, I’d like to expand this question out into society, out into the city or the
Now, tonight, I’d like to expand this question out into society, out into the city or the
countryside where you might be living--the counties, the states, and clear up to your
countryside where you might be living--the counties, the states, and clear up to your
nations and countries. How do these larger political units get turned around?—
nations and countries. How do these larger political units get turned around?—
especially if you feel they are heading off into very destructive ways, or just getting
especially if you feel they are heading off into very destructive ways, or just getting
stuck in a growing corruption over the years.
stuck in a growing corruption over the years.
(The spiritual value of democracy)
(The spiritual value of democracy)
Let me emphasize the value of what you call a democracy, a political unit that
Let me emphasize the value of what you call a democracy, a political unit that
recognizes an equality between all of its adult citizens, men and women. You put it
recognizes an equality between all of its adult citizens, men and women. You put it
most succinctly as: one person, one vote, with an honesty and transparency of not only
most succinctly as: one person, one vote, with an honesty and transparency of not only
who casts the votes, but also who counts the votes. To have honest and free elections,
who casts the votes, but also who counts the votes. To have honest and free elections,
this is still and always the way to go. This is still the most spiritual manifestation in your
this is still and always the way to go. This is still the most spiritual manifestation in your
Yet you have only to look at your nightly news to see how, not exactly rare, but still
Yet you have only to look at your nightly news to see how, not exactly rare, but still
how only a majority of the human race has this ability. You can still see many nation-
how only a majority of the human race has this ability. You can still see many nation-
states where there is not the slightest bit of democracy even pretended. There’s just a
states where there is not the slightest bit of democracy even pretended. There’s just a
very ruthless dictatorship that rules with an iron fist of what we call the most obscene
very ruthless dictatorship that rules with an iron fist of what we call the most obscene
kind of relationships between people--murdering folks in the most diabolical and painful
kind of relationships between people--murdering folks in the most diabolical and painful
ways imaginable. Think of a person’s creativity gone into devising ever more hideous
ways imaginable. Think of a person’s creativity gone into devising ever more hideous
ways of hurting others. This is still taking place on your world.
ways of hurting others. This is still taking place on your world.
You have those most cynical regimes where every so many years they have a great
You have those most cynical regimes where every so many years they have a great
election and 99.9% of the folks vote for the current dictator. This would all be so
election and 99.9% of the folks vote for the current dictator. This would all be so
laughable and hideously funny if it were not for the terror that exists to hold their
laughable and hideously funny if it were not for the terror that exists to hold their
citizens in such a bond--and then even publish such a cynical result.
citizens in such a bond--and then even publish such a cynical result.
You can see this where men and women are forced into the most rigid habits of
You can see this where men and women are forced into the most rigid habits of
public clothing. Their appearance has to be so totally regimented and controlled, the
public clothing. Their appearance has to be so totally regimented and controlled, the
whole culture does not allow even the slightest deviation for individual taste and
whole culture does not allow even the slightest deviation for individual taste and
delightful variety in their clothing, or attitudes, in their public behavior. The most
delightful variety in their clothing, or attitudes, in their public behavior. The most
regimented law is forcibly instilled.
regimented law is forcibly instilled.
So for those of you who will come to hear or read my words, who do live in a relatively
So for those of you who will come to hear or read my words, who do live in a relatively
free democracy where you have a wide variety of opinion being expressed in your mass
free democracy where you have a wide variety of opinion being expressed in your mass
media, your television, and the internet; or just in walking down an average city street
media, your television, and the internet; or just in walking down an average city street
or small town: you can see of such a variety of self-expression with both men and
or small town: you can see of such a variety of self-expression with both men and
(The freedom of personal expression)
(The freedom of personal expression)
Think of all your songs, and novels and short stories in all your entertainment to be
Think of all your songs, and novels and short stories in all your entertainment to be
such a wide expression of human creativity, such individuality blossoming forth. You
such a wide expression of human creativity, such individuality blossoming forth. You
can know in your hearts that, given the freedom of expression, this is what the whole
can know in your hearts that, given the freedom of expression, this is what the whole
world would delight in doing. So wherever you see this lack of individuality you know
world would delight in doing. So wherever you see this lack of individuality you know
in your hearts that it is only because of a rigidly enforced cultural determination.
in your hearts that it is only because of a rigidly enforced cultural determination.
My dear ones, keep abiding in your faith in democracy and internalize this as much as
My dear ones, keep abiding in your faith in democracy and internalize this as much as
you can so you are free inside. The meditation of opening your mind in stillness every
you can so you are free inside. The meditation of opening your mind in stillness every
day is where it all originates, right with you. And this is where, in those repressive
day is where it all originates, right with you. And this is where, in those repressive
regimes all around the world, this too is where it has to start—in each and every
regimes all around the world, this too is where it has to start—in each and every
individual welcoming a greater variety all around them, so secure in themselves they do
individual welcoming a greater variety all around them, so secure in themselves they do
not demand of other family members, or other members of their society, to adhere to
not demand of other family members, or other members of their society, to adhere to
some strict code of behavior.
some strict code of behavior.
This is that blossoming of individuality that I taught even when I was among you two
This is that blossoming of individuality that I taught even when I was among you two
thousand years ago. It’s an inner strength, an inner connection with your own creative
thousand years ago. It’s an inner strength, an inner connection with your own creative
spirit that creates a strong, determined self of such self-reliance and self-sufficiency
spirit that creates a strong, determined self of such self-reliance and self-sufficiency
that lets others be. You actually encourage them to come forth with their own unique
that lets others be. You actually encourage them to come forth with their own unique
personality right from God.
personality right from God.
This is how you turn things around in your own life. This is how you recognize this in
This is how you turn things around in your own life. This is how you recognize this in
others, and encourage them to be themselves. This is the basis in whatever society we
others, and encourage them to be themselves. This is the basis in whatever society we
consider. It has to start with the people. It has to start with all the individuals, because
consider. It has to start with the people. It has to start with all the individuals, because
they are that unique variety right from God.
they are that unique variety right from God.
This is that little seed in every single person, the unique personality that can be
This is that little seed in every single person, the unique personality that can be
acknowledged and encouraged to blossom forth in all its unique expression. This is
acknowledged and encouraged to blossom forth in all its unique expression. This is
how, just walking down the average small town or city street anywhere in the world,
how, just walking down the average small town or city street anywhere in the world,
you can so immediately get this feeling of individuality--or not.
you can so immediately get this feeling of individuality--or not.
Recently in one of your cultural revolutions someone mentioned what a change it was   
Recently in one of your cultural revolutions someone mentioned what a change it was   
to see a little girl in a flowered dress of many colors out in the street--what a sight
to see a little girl in a flowered dress of many colors out in the street--what a sight
that was!--what a transformation, what a blossoming forth. What a strange revolution
that was!--what a transformation, what a blossoming forth. What a strange revolution
that was.
that was.
(Have faith in God’s unique creations—other folks)
(Have faith in God’s unique creations—other folks)
And so, my dear ones, have this faith in God’s creation. Delight in it, in all its
And so, my dear ones, have this faith in God’s creation. Delight in it, in all its
expressions. Imagine a world that is--as your Urantia Book mentions--surrounded in
expressions. Imagine a world that is--as your Urantia Book mentions--surrounded in
Light and Life where any overriding suppression is totally absent. Imagine the kind of
Light and Life where any overriding suppression is totally absent. Imagine the kind of
trust in each individual that does not call for, or need, or in any way accept such a
trust in each individual that does not call for, or need, or in any way accept such a
centralization of power. But rather, as Mother Spirit and I have called for, imagine a
centralization of power. But rather, as Mother Spirit and I have called for, imagine a
decentralization of power of a free people who don’t need someone else telling them
decentralization of power of a free people who don’t need someone else telling them
and forcing them what to do.
and forcing them what to do.
It’s where each individual is most directly and fundamentally tuned in to something
It’s where each individual is most directly and fundamentally tuned in to something
inside them--the presence of God and all his wonder, all his creative ability to create
inside them--the presence of God and all his wonder, all his creative ability to create
each one of us unique.
each one of us unique.
Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, you can express your
Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, you can express your
Student: Hello. Thank you so much. This has been resonating with me. I got to spend a
Student: Hello. Thank you so much. This has been resonating with me. I got to spend a
month without computers. I was literally camping in Canada, outside in the forest under
month without computers. I was literally camping in Canada, outside in the forest under
the starts with no TV, no drama, and only organic food.
the starts with no TV, no drama, and only organic food.
I’ve come back to a heaviness. I came back to the Western fires, the ambulances and
I’ve come back to a heaviness. I came back to the Western fires, the ambulances and
all of that. I am trying--trying to stay healthy and sane from where I’m at.
all of that. I am trying--trying to stay healthy and sane from where I’m at.
I’m also quitting tobacco, so I’m loving these lessons, just re-listening to last week’s
I’m also quitting tobacco, so I’m loving these lessons, just re-listening to last week’s
and the one before, the last one Mother Spirit did on August 18th. That is what I listen
and the one before, the last one Mother Spirit did on August 18th. That is what I listen
to in the mornings, lately. That is what reinforces me.
to in the mornings, lately. That is what reinforces me.
So thank you--thank you so much for always knowing our hearts, and our intent, and
So thank you--thank you so much for always knowing our hearts, and our intent, and
having our backs.
having our backs.
(Confronting physical addictions)
(Confronting physical addictions)
Michael: Oh!--my dear!--thank you so much. I truly appreciate your thanks for Mother
Michael: Oh!--my dear!--thank you so much. I truly appreciate your thanks for Mother
Spirit’s lesson. I’m glad her lesson last month had such a deep resonance within you.
Spirit’s lesson. I’m glad her lesson last month had such a deep resonance within you.
You can go on your computer and look up “nicotine” and understand why it is one of
You can go on your computer and look up “nicotine” and understand why it is one of
the most difficult addictions to get rid of. It is a central nervous stimulant and that is
the most difficult addictions to get rid of. It is a central nervous stimulant and that is
one important thing in your human life, so limited as you are from pure spiritual
one important thing in your human life, so limited as you are from pure spiritual
standpoint like Mother Spirit’s and mine. I especially, because of my human life,
standpoint like Mother Spirit’s and mine. I especially, because of my human life,
appreciate what it is to be so physical and, in a sense, never having a surplus of
appreciate what it is to be so physical and, in a sense, never having a surplus of
But it is so good that you do get away and tune in to a self that exists without all of the
But it is so good that you do get away and tune in to a self that exists without all of the
distractions and even the delightful entertainments that are yours just for the flipping of
distractions and even the delightful entertainments that are yours just for the flipping of
a switch and spending a few cents of electricity for your computers, your television,
a switch and spending a few cents of electricity for your computers, your television,
your modern movies and so forth. It is so valuable--as you found out--to get back to
your modern movies and so forth. It is so valuable--as you found out--to get back to
just your skin, walking through the woods with the animals, and the way that the whole
just your skin, walking through the woods with the animals, and the way that the whole
presence of the natural world surrounds you. You get away from the bright cities and
presence of the natural world surrounds you. You get away from the bright cities and
look up at the night sky and see one arm of your galaxy stretched across it. That is
look up at the night sky and see one arm of your galaxy stretched across it. That is
another kind of tuning in.
another kind of tuning in.
I am so glad you are finding in Mother Spirit’s lesson what I wanted to reemphasize
I am so glad you are finding in Mother Spirit’s lesson what I wanted to reemphasize
this evening--how to literally create a self that can tackle such a clinging bad habit, that
this evening--how to literally create a self that can tackle such a clinging bad habit, that
does so much for you physiologically it does have to be faced sometimes over and over
does so much for you physiologically it does have to be faced sometimes over and over
again, minute to minute, because it has such a physical component.
again, minute to minute, because it has such a physical component.
(Appreciating other folks’ difficulties)
(Appreciating other folks’ difficulties)
It can give you an appreciation then too for how different peoples can get beyond a
It can give you an appreciation then too for how different peoples can get beyond a
severe cultural determination that totally squashes such a wide area of their own
severe cultural determination that totally squashes such a wide area of their own
personal expression. You can appreciate what it is to live under a ruthless dictatorship
personal expression. You can appreciate what it is to live under a ruthless dictatorship
that will go to any means of torture in the most hideous, obscene kinds of murdering
that will go to any means of torture in the most hideous, obscene kinds of murdering
people just to terrorize and control them. It can give you such an appreciation for the
people just to terrorize and control them. It can give you such an appreciation for the
day-to-day choices that are yours to make.
day-to-day choices that are yours to make.
So I solute you, my dear daughter, and bid you: Carry on!
So I solute you, my dear daughter, and bid you: Carry on!
Student: Thank you, thank you. And thank you, Jerry, for taking the time out of your
Student: Thank you, thank you. And thank you, Jerry, for taking the time out of your
life to TR, and be steadfast and be there where we can count on you.
life to TR, and be steadfast and be there where we can count on you.
Michael: Thank you again, my dear. This is such a reward for Mother Spirit and me to
Michael: Thank you again, my dear. This is such a reward for Mother Spirit and me to
find our well-meant words do resonate and get magnified in a human heart. We are so
find our well-meant words do resonate and get magnified in a human heart. We are so
happy to be part of your soul then, part of your soul memories, part of who and what
happy to be part of your soul then, part of your soul memories, part of who and what
you have been once upon a time.
you have been once upon a time.
(The magic of sharing one’s life with others)
(The magic of sharing one’s life with others)
And so on that positive note let me wrap up this evening’s lesson. Once again I will
And so on that positive note let me wrap up this evening’s lesson. Once again I will
mention that magic word of sharing where we have taught that one and one makes
mention that magic word of sharing where we have taught that one and one makes
three--with what you and another--let alone a group—what you and another hold
three--with what you and another--let alone a group—what you and another hold
together. This is true whether it is with another person, or with me and Mother
together. This is true whether it is with another person, or with me and Mother
Spirit in your meditation, or with our Father in your prayers when you are very sincere
Spirit in your meditation, or with our Father in your prayers when you are very sincere
and earnest in asking for help, if only what to do next.
and earnest in asking for help, if only what to do next.
All of this becomes part of your soul. It’s what you are internalizing and setting
All of this becomes part of your soul. It’s what you are internalizing and setting
aside for eternity, with God as the co-author holding this sacrosanct no matter what
aside for eternity, with God as the co-author holding this sacrosanct no matter what
happens to you physically, mentally, or spiritually on into the future. These are your
happens to you physically, mentally, or spiritually on into the future. These are your
eternal triumphs, your eternal values you are establishing and enjoying day to day. You
eternal triumphs, your eternal values you are establishing and enjoying day to day. You
share them with us, for Mother Spirit and I are part of you.
share them with us, for Mother Spirit and I are part of you.
(Expanding to embrace your God co-authored soul)
(Expanding to embrace your God co-authored soul)
We will meet face to face some day when you have become one with your soul,
We will meet face to face some day when you have become one with your soul,
when your consciousness, your very being, will have expanded to approximate the
when your consciousness, your very being, will have expanded to approximate the
enormity of the soul of your whole life. This is what you have to look forward to, my
enormity of the soul of your whole life. This is what you have to look forward to, my
dear ones. This is the expansion of your very self that we have offered a way to get it
dear ones. This is the expansion of your very self that we have offered a way to get it
started--this consciousness of yourself, day to day; this determination to turn things
started--this consciousness of yourself, day to day; this determination to turn things
around that you know, in your heart of hearts, is a way to keep growing on to a greater
around that you know, in your heart of hearts, is a way to keep growing on to a greater
health and a greater sharing your life with those around you.
health and a greater sharing your life with those around you.
And so, my dear ones, I bid you to be in my peace. Let it settle over you, and be still
And so, my dear ones, I bid you to be in my peace. Let it settle over you, and be still
within it. Be free and thankful within this peace that goes beyond understanding, yet
within it. Be free and thankful within this peace that goes beyond understanding, yet
so need-fully informs your understanding.
so need-fully informs your understanding.
Mother Spirit sends you her love, and we both wish you a wonderful Good Evening.
Mother Spirit sends you her love, and we both wish you a wonderful Good Evening.

Revision as of 15:43, 16 November 2016


Dear Michael and Mother Spirit: Michael, I have a special request for you this evening

and that is, could you continue what Mother Spirit started last month on a Lightline

when I asked her if she could address the question of how do we turn things around?

She mentioned it is a great spiritual triumph when we can, first of all, recognize that

things are going in the wrong direction and we are either stuck in bad habits and

getting unhealthy, or our relationships with all our dear friends around us are


We are getting stuck on ourselves, or other things, and need to be turned around. Yet

how do we do this? If you could answer that same request we would appreciate it so

much. Thank you. Amen.

Michael: Good evening. This is Michael and I would be delighted as always to fulfill any

requests you have for me--equally with Mother Spirit. It is our privilege to help our

children in any way at all. It fills our hearts when you make requests of us for it is an

acknowledgement on your part that we are in your lives, and we can help you--just as

you are with your own children. It is such a reward when they come to you and ask for

your help, and you are able to help them. It forms a bond of sharing between you and

them, as between you and Mother Spirit, and me.

We have talked so often about this quality of sharing our lives together that is God’s

greatest gift to all of us. It is part of the reason we are all out here in time and space—

so he can share himself with all of his children.

(To turn things around)

I’d like to start just by re-emphasizing some of the points Mother Spirit brought out last

month. Once you recognize and fully accept within yourself that things in your life need

to be turned around, need to be headed off in a more positive, fulfilling and creative

direction, one of the main things is to get a base of operations to act from; and this is a

continuity of your own self. This is especially critical with what you call bad, unhealthy

habits that are partly physical and simply re-occur on their own--the addictions that

constantly come up over and over again, sometimes every few minutes. They can

more or less take you away if you haven’t the determination, the gumption, the

where-with-all to stand up against them.

So the first thing is to get a continuity of your own self. You literally create a stronger

self--for yourself!--that can continue this determination.

(The need for meditation, open-minded reflection)

The best way--sometimes the only way--of doing this is through meditation. Really

take time out of your other activities just to be still and give yourself over to yourself.

Just be still with yourself and then, if you can, remind yourself that you are not alone.

You have Mother Spirit and me within you, and all around you. Way, way beyond us,

deeper and more profoundly within you, you have our mutual Father: you have God’s

presence within you. And very definitely--if you can realize this too--he has already

helped you acknowledge the need to turn things around and confront an unhealthy

habit, or perhaps open yourself to ways of relating to your dear ones more openly and


So the main message that Mother Spirit gave you was about meditating and doing so

on a regular basis, so you tune in to yourself. You tune into your needs. You can

formulate your deepest prayers to God, to our Father, and ask, “Dear Father, what do I

do next?—and I mean today, as soon as I get up from my meditations. How do I

address this problem I’m having? How do I turn things around?”

(Record your meditations)

Then, to continue this daily continuity, don’t hesitate to use some physical means to

help. I’m talking about actually taking notes and writing down your questions--your

problems--and whatever answers you get. Or, with your modern electronics, you can

have a little recording device, or take notes in your computer. This is another continuity

very much like a writer of short stories or a novel, a day to day history where you can

re-read these messages to yourself.

Again: this is creating a continuous, day-to-day self when you feel lost or helpless in the

face of a terrible addiction. You get in touch with your new, determined self again as

you read your notes. They become a very precious diary, writing to yourself in the

future when you may very well desperately need to tune in again to your effort, your

determination. This is the easiest and the most direct way of creating your stronger

self with a greater determination to get healthy, or appreciate the situation of all the

folks around you who might be slipping away.

(It is up to you to initiate change)

You can break out of a re-actionary, knee-jerk kind of relationship with others for, as

Mother Spirit cautioned you, it is up to you, my dear ones, to initiate this change,

especially with those you have lived with for years--a husband, a wife, your own

children or your own parents.

Do this rather than falling back into a kind of blaming habit like, “Why don’t they pay

more attention? Why don’t they do this or that?” Drop all of that and take it upon

yourself to initiate what you want to see grow. Exercise your own creativity. Try things-

-experiment. Be honest with yourself about what works and what doesn’t. All these

parts of Mother Spirit’s lesson are so valuable. They are the place to start.

Now, tonight, I’d like to expand this question out into society, out into the city or the

countryside where you might be living--the counties, the states, and clear up to your

nations and countries. How do these larger political units get turned around?—

especially if you feel they are heading off into very destructive ways, or just getting

stuck in a growing corruption over the years.

(The spiritual value of democracy)

Let me emphasize the value of what you call a democracy, a political unit that

recognizes an equality between all of its adult citizens, men and women. You put it

most succinctly as: one person, one vote, with an honesty and transparency of not only

who casts the votes, but also who counts the votes. To have honest and free elections,

this is still and always the way to go. This is still the most spiritual manifestation in your


Yet you have only to look at your nightly news to see how, not exactly rare, but still

how only a majority of the human race has this ability. You can still see many nation-

states where there is not the slightest bit of democracy even pretended. There’s just a

very ruthless dictatorship that rules with an iron fist of what we call the most obscene

kind of relationships between people--murdering folks in the most diabolical and painful

ways imaginable. Think of a person’s creativity gone into devising ever more hideous

ways of hurting others. This is still taking place on your world.

You have those most cynical regimes where every so many years they have a great

election and 99.9% of the folks vote for the current dictator. This would all be so

laughable and hideously funny if it were not for the terror that exists to hold their

citizens in such a bond--and then even publish such a cynical result.

You can see this where men and women are forced into the most rigid habits of

public clothing. Their appearance has to be so totally regimented and controlled, the

whole culture does not allow even the slightest deviation for individual taste and

delightful variety in their clothing, or attitudes, in their public behavior. The most

regimented law is forcibly instilled.

So for those of you who will come to hear or read my words, who do live in a relatively

free democracy where you have a wide variety of opinion being expressed in your mass

media, your television, and the internet; or just in walking down an average city street

or small town: you can see of such a variety of self-expression with both men and


(The freedom of personal expression)

Think of all your songs, and novels and short stories in all your entertainment to be

such a wide expression of human creativity, such individuality blossoming forth. You

can know in your hearts that, given the freedom of expression, this is what the whole

world would delight in doing. So wherever you see this lack of individuality you know

in your hearts that it is only because of a rigidly enforced cultural determination.

My dear ones, keep abiding in your faith in democracy and internalize this as much as

you can so you are free inside. The meditation of opening your mind in stillness every

day is where it all originates, right with you. And this is where, in those repressive

regimes all around the world, this too is where it has to start—in each and every

individual welcoming a greater variety all around them, so secure in themselves they do

not demand of other family members, or other members of their society, to adhere to

some strict code of behavior.

This is that blossoming of individuality that I taught even when I was among you two

thousand years ago. It’s an inner strength, an inner connection with your own creative

spirit that creates a strong, determined self of such self-reliance and self-sufficiency

that lets others be. You actually encourage them to come forth with their own unique

personality right from God.

This is how you turn things around in your own life. This is how you recognize this in

others, and encourage them to be themselves. This is the basis in whatever society we

consider. It has to start with the people. It has to start with all the individuals, because

they are that unique variety right from God.

This is that little seed in every single person, the unique personality that can be

acknowledged and encouraged to blossom forth in all its unique expression. This is

how, just walking down the average small town or city street anywhere in the world,

you can so immediately get this feeling of individuality--or not.

Recently in one of your cultural revolutions someone mentioned what a change it was

to see a little girl in a flowered dress of many colors out in the street--what a sight

that was!--what a transformation, what a blossoming forth. What a strange revolution

that was.

(Have faith in God’s unique creations—other folks)

And so, my dear ones, have this faith in God’s creation. Delight in it, in all its

expressions. Imagine a world that is--as your Urantia Book mentions--surrounded in

Light and Life where any overriding suppression is totally absent. Imagine the kind of

trust in each individual that does not call for, or need, or in any way accept such a

centralization of power. But rather, as Mother Spirit and I have called for, imagine a

decentralization of power of a free people who don’t need someone else telling them

and forcing them what to do.

It’s where each individual is most directly and fundamentally tuned in to something

inside them--the presence of God and all his wonder, all his creative ability to create

each one of us unique.

Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, you can express your


Student: Hello. Thank you so much. This has been resonating with me. I got to spend a

month without computers. I was literally camping in Canada, outside in the forest under

the starts with no TV, no drama, and only organic food.

I’ve come back to a heaviness. I came back to the Western fires, the ambulances and

all of that. I am trying--trying to stay healthy and sane from where I’m at.

I’m also quitting tobacco, so I’m loving these lessons, just re-listening to last week’s

and the one before, the last one Mother Spirit did on August 18th. That is what I listen

to in the mornings, lately. That is what reinforces me.

So thank you--thank you so much for always knowing our hearts, and our intent, and

having our backs.

(Confronting physical addictions)

Michael: Oh!--my dear!--thank you so much. I truly appreciate your thanks for Mother

Spirit’s lesson. I’m glad her lesson last month had such a deep resonance within you.

You can go on your computer and look up “nicotine” and understand why it is one of

the most difficult addictions to get rid of. It is a central nervous stimulant and that is

one important thing in your human life, so limited as you are from pure spiritual

standpoint like Mother Spirit’s and mine. I especially, because of my human life,

appreciate what it is to be so physical and, in a sense, never having a surplus of


But it is so good that you do get away and tune in to a self that exists without all of the

distractions and even the delightful entertainments that are yours just for the flipping of

a switch and spending a few cents of electricity for your computers, your television,

your modern movies and so forth. It is so valuable--as you found out--to get back to

just your skin, walking through the woods with the animals, and the way that the whole

presence of the natural world surrounds you. You get away from the bright cities and

look up at the night sky and see one arm of your galaxy stretched across it. That is

another kind of tuning in.

I am so glad you are finding in Mother Spirit’s lesson what I wanted to reemphasize

this evening--how to literally create a self that can tackle such a clinging bad habit, that

does so much for you physiologically it does have to be faced sometimes over and over

again, minute to minute, because it has such a physical component.

(Appreciating other folks’ difficulties)

It can give you an appreciation then too for how different peoples can get beyond a

severe cultural determination that totally squashes such a wide area of their own

personal expression. You can appreciate what it is to live under a ruthless dictatorship

that will go to any means of torture in the most hideous, obscene kinds of murdering

people just to terrorize and control them. It can give you such an appreciation for the

day-to-day choices that are yours to make.

So I solute you, my dear daughter, and bid you: Carry on!

Student: Thank you, thank you. And thank you, Jerry, for taking the time out of your

life to TR, and be steadfast and be there where we can count on you.

Michael: Thank you again, my dear. This is such a reward for Mother Spirit and me to

find our well-meant words do resonate and get magnified in a human heart. We are so

happy to be part of your soul then, part of your soul memories, part of who and what

you have been once upon a time.

(The magic of sharing one’s life with others)

And so on that positive note let me wrap up this evening’s lesson. Once again I will

mention that magic word of sharing where we have taught that one and one makes

three--with what you and another--let alone a group—what you and another hold

together. This is true whether it is with another person, or with me and Mother

Spirit in your meditation, or with our Father in your prayers when you are very sincere

and earnest in asking for help, if only what to do next.

All of this becomes part of your soul. It’s what you are internalizing and setting

aside for eternity, with God as the co-author holding this sacrosanct no matter what

happens to you physically, mentally, or spiritually on into the future. These are your

eternal triumphs, your eternal values you are establishing and enjoying day to day. You

share them with us, for Mother Spirit and I are part of you.

(Expanding to embrace your God co-authored soul)

We will meet face to face some day when you have become one with your soul,

when your consciousness, your very being, will have expanded to approximate the

enormity of the soul of your whole life. This is what you have to look forward to, my

dear ones. This is the expansion of your very self that we have offered a way to get it

started--this consciousness of yourself, day to day; this determination to turn things

around that you know, in your heart of hearts, is a way to keep growing on to a greater

health and a greater sharing your life with those around you.

And so, my dear ones, I bid you to be in my peace. Let it settle over you, and be still

within it. Be free and thankful within this peace that goes beyond understanding, yet

so need-fully informs your understanding.

Mother Spirit sends you her love, and we both wish you a wonderful Good Evening.