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Topic: An Essay on Confirmation

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Lytske



Divine Self: "All of life you perceive is astir at every moment of the day, and this is confirmation that life goes on and that nothing is ever stagnant in all the wide universes of space, even in the so-called black holes in space, within which your astronomers have difficulty of detecting any activity. These places, in fact, represent the greatest upheavals in creation. Deep in so-called unorganized space great aggregations are already in formation, where in future times new planets will evolve to house different life-forms, which are also formed after the image of the Creator, Who To His great delight and in great Love and Wisdom designs the souls of His mortal children, and houses those soul-seeds in countless different outward appearances.

"The planets of space are the nurseries for the immortal souls that feel so deep within themselves the pull of Paradise -- their true home. This struggle starts in each mortal anew to find this confirmation in their souls, that yes, they, too, are the handiwork of an Almighty Creator. And they, too, will develop this indescribable hunger and urge to become perfect even as the Creator is perfect. It is the all-seeing and ever-present everywhere-ness of the Creator, Who has everything under control and yet gives His countless children on the innumerable planets of space the choice and the chance to come back, having started out as incomplete beings, to develop their innate gifts, and return to Him as completed and perfected beings.

"Such is the purpose and the goal of the ages; that each evolving being should receive their confirmation of this eternal Creator in their being. Ideally, this confirmation can already be received whilst yet in the habiliments of mortal flesh. During your short but intense struggles in the flesh, many lessons are given, so designed to bring you closer to the God-Head, Who in all actuality is closer then your own breath. At first it is the belief, next comes the faith, and then the knowledge, which starts to evolve in the human soul. The embryonic soul is in great need of nurture, so it can grow strong, solidly rooted in the Love of the Creator God. This can best be facilitated by giving your selves the time to turn within, into the Stillness of the inner heart-chamber.

"There is no time better spent than this, and it is a wonderful habit to cultivate, as this will propel you, and give you strength for each day that lies before you. It will help you to cope with all unexpected situations in life, and when out of sorts, you can immediately return to your inner chamber, which is only a thought away, to center and re-center yourselves. It is this daily communion with the All That Is, which will give you the confirmation you seek; that there is One Who loves you beyond measure, so you are never alone wherever you are. Even when you feel bereft of human companionship, there is One, Who is always with you, and Who is fully apprised of your comings and goings. Do exercise and strengthen your faith with this daily confirmation that the God of all Love, Who holds all of creation in His hands, is still there watching over you."