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Topic: Father Is Everything

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Welcome to you each this evening. It is my great pleasure to be here with you. I am aware of your experiences concerning spirit fruits and your discussion this evening helps in your understanding of them.


Last week we discussed your positions within Father's kingdom and your gains or loses thereof. I spoke to you about my experiences in serving won me no obvious credits or rewards. By that I meant I receive no special privileges, no plaques declaring my credits in serving, no particular recognition from my fellows or co-workers. My desire for such a display of recognition is diminished, for I have discovered our Father's love and recognition. Upon knowing this heavenly attribute I can settle for no less. All other recognition is pointless. As you will discover in serving that you serve to be near our Father, to do Father's bidding, not for any particular recognition.

Trust in our Father means to be put in the areas of service that Father may need your assistance. To be trusted by our Universal Father fills us with such joy that there are no words for it. To know that Father has placed you in His stead is to feel a universal connection, to feel unity with all your universal brothers and sisters, to feel a connection with the Supreme Being and your part in contributing to the history of the Universe. This is not special recognition. This is not rising above your fellows, no. This is to know God and be like Him.

To understand our Universal Father's attributes is to have everything. To know God is everything. Do you see that recognition becomes obsolete? To know our Father's personality, His values, His understanding, is everything. To understand His love for us is all there is and to be competitive for that love is not a reality. It is perhaps the erroneous thinking of humankind down through history within organized religion. We are learning to serve and be served. We have found our spiritual liberty to move forth with this Mission. We have gained the courage to move aside and allow Father His expression. We are learning to overcome the spirit poisons through our efforts to connect with our Inner God and produce the fruits of the spirit.

In learning to serve your fellows we are endeavoring to teach you to accept service, and in this, you are learning to overcome the animal self and stepping towards your divine self. In learning to serve you are learning to master the animal self with the higher divine mind. It appears that evolution moves slowly, that some may feel that God has forgotten them, that this world hangs in space alone without any concern. We have learned that evolution may indeed be slow to the finite mind, but as you progress you are trusting that Father's time is perfect. Father is matchless in His wisdom and concern for the whole. We are moving into an era that speeds up our efforts to communicate with the worlds inhabitants that, no, you are not isolated and alone without watch-care. Sometime ago Michael requested that you assist Him in bringing this good news to your fellows and what better way to share this good news than through service? Father's timing is perfect and to lose trust in Him would create stumbling through evolution as past history has proved.

This evening I wish not to focus so much on service and self-mastery so we can take a moment to recognize an intricate part of our education and learning Father's attributes and to recognize His presence. In a moment of a grateful heart may we allow some time for worship if I may say a few words.

To you, our Father of all fathers, may we take this moment to show our gratitude, for without you there is nothing. We recognize that your presence is all that is that we need to know. We have your love and recognition and we live, breathe, move and have our being therein. We, as your students, wish to recognize your matchless wisdom and awesome power to rule your universes as you see fit. We declare to you our dedication to our eternal search for you. We would ask you, Father, to help us all recognize your presence with 'in' and with 'out' our beings. We would express to you our understanding of our place within your Kingdom. We are equal in your attention and love. Competition is useless. Recognition is also useless. We endeavor to know you and understand your personality attributes and universal meanings and values. We pledge to you our unending love and dedication. Amen.

My students, I would ask that this week you study worship and how it affects your relationship with Father. How does worship assist you in understanding your Father's attributes. Do you find Father's attributes to be what we call fruits of the spirit? Have you questions?


RACHEL: Father Abraham, this evening we have a new guest with us. Her name is Deborah. I would like to introduce her to you and also ask her if she has a question.

DEBORAH: I am very glad to be here. I feel like I have been guided here. I have had a lot of happenings of late that I am very grateful for. When you speak of the gratitude of the heart, my heart is really full for I feel like I have been getting answers to questions. I have one question that I'll just ask. This summer my husband was hurt in an accident and was very close to death. I got a lot of help from everyone and I felt a really strong guidance through that process. I have been feeling insecure in asking to name what that guidance was. I was wondering if you could help me with that?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. I would take a moment to welcome you and confirm your feelings of being guided. I am aware that your experience with your husband was indeed a turning point in your relationship with the Spirit. I know that you have always been somewhat Spirit led, but this experience has moved you towards knowing, towards understanding, towards self-trust. To trust in yourself to receive Father's guidance and directions, and take action from that, your insecurities about receiving Spirit guidance was weakened and your trust in Father and His trust in you regenerated a new spiritual energy that you could act from. I am aware that to be Spirit led by no means is without hardships. To be Spirit led is not a life of ease. There is constant learning for those who demand it. You have reached up for Father and He is reaching back. Your lessons you may view as confusing or faith robbing is indeed your Father looking to reestablish your position within His kingdom, a place at His table, yes. I have no doubt that you are receiving spiritual information. This source I can confirm is mostly your Father Fragment, but I would also confirm teacher involvement, and as always, assistance from the Seraphic Daughters, angels. Is there a more specific question you have in mind?

DEBORAH: Yes. Now that you ask for a couple of years now--I am not going to be embarrassed. I am just going to say it. For a couple of years now in meditation I always feel like there is something or someone there. I am just going to say it and if it sounds silly its silly. The name Miriam always comes to me, and it is like I play around with that and when I am meditating and cruising in my world there it seems real and then I think it isn't and then I think it is. I have been . .?. with that for awhile. I wanted to ask somebody. So that is my specific question. Thank you.

ABRAHAM: One moment. It is her name by which we know her. Yes. I am aware that is as close as we can come at this time. Does this help? (Yes. That's wonderful. Thank you.) You are most welcome. Sorry for the delay. Another question?

CALVIN: Abraham, thank for your assistance this week at our house with also Ellanor and Ellen. Thank you very much. It has been very helpful for all of us. Amelia did ask me to ask you tonight if the two names, Devon or Brian, was part of her problem. I don't know if she wonders if it is and she can't remember or there is nothing to that situation.

ABRAHAM: I will answer as I am permitted. Amelia is on a path of self-discovery and her Father Fragment is releasing information to her slowly so as not to inflict trauma. I cannot confirm her suspicions. I would however admonish her to take this searching seriously in that she does not invent false scenarios within her own mind. It is important that she sit in stillness and spend time in writing in her journal. I would also suggest that she allow for time. There is no pressure for her to understand this so quickly. As it has been said, you must uncover a wound for the light of clarification to reveal what treatment is required. Does this help? (Yes.) Another question?

TRUDY'S SON: How can we prevent the ozone layer from disappearing?

ABRAHAM: It is my understanding that the youth of today carry the questions of adults. It is always touching to be witness to children who are concerned for the watch-care of the environment. It is also my information that it is the youth of today that will carry with them the answer to your particular question into the future. It is all a matter of consciousness and education. Mortals are very aware of what damages the ozone layer and still continue to go about unconcerned for future generations. I would say to you that the Earth does indeed heal itself if it is allowed. For example, the Earth can produce certain healing chemicals that replace the Earth's ozone layers. I would say to you that you are already assisting this problem with your consciousness of it. Well done. Does this answer? (I don't know.) Another question?

DIRK: Yes Father Abraham. I have been curious of what my spiritual name is. Could you let me know what it is?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. One moment. Samuel, yes, is as close as I can help you understand at this time. Spiritual names can be difficult using the English alphabet. I would say that regardless of these spiritual names you are each loved individually and recognized as the sons and daughter of the Most High. I am happy to assist you in your spiritual learning. I am also grateful to our Father for allowing me this opportunity.


I leave with you my love until next week. Shalom.