2005-07-25-Learning More About Jesus & Father

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Topic: Learning More About Jesus & Father

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham, Mary

TR: Nina


JULY 25, 2005


I am ABRAHAM. I have been musing over our years together, the meetings, conferences and various events. How people have grown and changed, yet, still are that same soul I fell in love with in the first place. You have each helped one another to become stronger individuals. A great deal of fear has dissipated because of your enduring commitment to one another, Father and the Correcting Time. To spend time with you is to be revived in spirit and attitude. I know the ministry can be seemingly slow at times, but I am watching you actually follow through with what you have learned. I am honored to be your friend and Mission associate. I know our path has not been one of ease and yet it was our difficulties that brought us to this place, this present moment.

I am MARY. I am always inspired by our Brother Abraham’s words. He is lovingly instructional and on the other hand, he is a presence I am growing quite attached to. His personality gives me comfort to know that I have plenty of room to grow. I have freedom to run, move about in spirit, so to speak. You each have displayed a loving patience for this newcomer and I am grateful. I am constantly amazed by Father’s network of individuals that serve and are served.


This week I have spent my free time studying about the Father and His ways of perfection. I can understand His commitment and diligence to make every effort to assist every child. I can understand His patience in teaching and ever drawing the child toward Him. I did find it difficult to understand His ability to let go when the child wants nothing to do with Him. It’s not that the Father leaves the child alone, no. It’s simply the Father stands by, ever vigilant is He and on the other hand, can let go without emotional upheaval.

The more I experience on this side, the more I can believe there is always an ultimate good in every situation. Urantia has its share of strife and while a mother may stand by in worry and dread for negative outcome, a father, our Father is able to detach from outcome to embracing the present moment. Father is not harsh in His ways, no. He is however intelligent. He does know when the child needs to go it alone, for the experience is quite valuable.

Karma these days is an amusing term. Where I am now it is simply universal law, not good or bad, just the way it is and without a doubt, what makes the most sense. Recalling my mortal experience, I do remember service with an ulterior motive. I believed my good works were money in Heaven’s bank. My idea of good works and actual good works were completely different things. Genuine good works are when you are in the flow of life and events or actions seem to unfold on their own and you are at the right place at the right time doing what you can do.

There is always the ego, asking, "What will this get for me? What will putting effort out do for me?" What static in the spiritual line, what a betrayal it is to universal law and citizenship. Said Jesus, "Of all these things I have done, you will be able to do more," and we have and will continue because we do have Him to go before us. Our beloved Spirit of Truth can speak directly to us and expose any motives the ego might be hiding away.

It is easy to see when you are aligned with universal law and in the flow of life coincidences seem much more common. Intuition seems like a natural everyday occurrence. Foreknowledge is not a cause to go down the path of the ego, which claims to have special gifts, no. It is a right to utilize because you are making effort to be in the flow of life. This is when I feel most close to Father’s presence. The satisfaction and joy is indescribable. It’s not like a child who sits upon the lap of Santa Clause, no. It is mentally, emotionally, materially, opening to receive light and see the broadened horizon ahead. It is a foretaste of what is to come.


So, this week let us look at motives. Let us make effort to ride the wave of life, not make our own waves that sets us apart or creates chaos, no. Let us make effort to recognize the natural flow of life and trust that in each moment Father is there guiding and granting us ability. This evening I will give the farewell. Our gratitude to you, our children/friends, we count ourselves blessed to know you, work with you, and grow alongside of you. In the words of our mentor and friend, shalom. [[Category: Mary