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Topic: Healing

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Dr. Mendoza

TR: Mark Rogers



The following transcript resulted after I shared a recent personal experience of working with healers including Dr. Mendoza in an effort to secure their healing energies around my upcoming colon surgery and the ensuing recovery. All the necessary factors appeared to be in order and I was asked if I was ready for healing, even now, by the participants as a commitment of my faith. I experienced a "come to spirit" moment and realized I needed to create the energetic space for the accepting, for the receiving and for the embrace and owning of these energies. I had to embrace that I was worthy of such grace. My consent to accept such divine energy personally seemed to flip a switch and the healing energies were activated with the help of a circuit of us working together. Glory be to God! Thank you to Dr. Mendoza! Surgery Cancelled! I believe now more than ever that universe forces respond to our faith and trust with miracles and wonder. To those who show some, more will be added unto. Happy Trails, Mark


Prayer: I welcome Dr. Mendoza in sincere gratitude. It is such a pleasure to work with him as he is such a strong and powerful healer that it is a joy to be in his presence. I am very grateful for the part played today with me personally and in the long term. He has always been there for us and so we call for a council.


Dr. Mendoza: Greetings my friends and associates, Dr. Mendoza here checking in. I was granted the opportunity to work with my companion here today and it was an interesting exercise, an exercise in turning the tables because in his recounting of his experience he failed to give adequate expression to the difficulty he navigated in being able to come about with the shift, to turn it in a different direction and to take this thrust of giving and loving and caring for others and turn it in his direction. He is always comfortable in working for others but, many find it difficult when it is their time to receive.

Many have not exercised that muscle and find it difficult to assume the posture of receiving, to manifest the gracefulness of receiving, to flow with the energy of giving and receiving and completing the loop. When one practices the giving part routinely, over and over again, it becomes easier and easier. But one may not have as much opportunity to practice in life this willingness to receive, this embrace of what is being offered. This is one of the biggest obstacles to healing in many cases, the simple acceptance that what you are being offered, you are worthy of accepting.

Consider this as you move through your life experience. The receiving finishes the equation. There need not be a tally taken or an accounting of what was won or lost, what was given or taken, rather it is the gesture of the giving that is demonstrating your appreciation and gratitude. It may take many many forms but as you give this out, as you give your love forward in the process, you are always rewarded when those around you have felt your embrace, felt your touch in the process. Likewise, there are times when these healing energies are extended towards you; you must be comfortable in accepting and embracing these gifts which are offered you as you see this "gift" of healing. I assure you, this is no supreme gift in that this is your birthright. Health and healing are yours for the taking. This is the answer to your prayers, the reward for your faith. So it is entirely natural and normal, it is not unusual or rare. It is simply a part of your experience.

I know you all are keenly interested in manifesting control over these energetic forces you are exposed to and it is your destiny to wield these forces as you are ready to do so. As physician assistants, you may rely on me to assist you when you are in motion. This one put himself in motion in this case and therefore, the opportunity to health arose and the intention was so pure that the conclusion was almost foregone. Your intention, your thoughts are powerful forces. They are energy fields of their own. Watch them with care as they may be directed for your benefit or they may lead you astray. If you continue to train your disposition to be one of seeking a divine nature, then your thoughts and thought pattern, thought stream, will be going in the direction that is beneficial to the direction of your choosing.


Fear not as we move forward through all the turmoil before us. You asked when you are called to duty? You have been called, you have been in duty and since there is not beginning or ending, merely the transformation and evolution of circumstance, you will be repeatedly called for action as the need arises, as those in your sphere of influence have need, you are on call. And, you are connected as a physicians assistant, to a physician, to one who can consult with you and approve of a course of action.

There is a curiosity question which I will choose to validate and that is that the use of this material mentioned [colloidal silver] is effective for preventing many virus illnesses and therefore should be effective in this case [the Corona Virus].

Thank you for your interest and your inquiry and I will show up for these consultations. I would like to thank this one, my partner, in this journey here and now for his obedience in the process. I would take my leave at this time unless there are any questions. Right then, I am off on my rounds and I will visit with all of you as you have need. Call upon me by name, you have my number, farewell.