2005-11-20-Time Alone With Father

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Topic: Time Alone With Father

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Elyon

TR: Jonathan



Michael (Jonathan TR): My beloved children, I, Michael who dwells with you continually, make my voice heard in this manner today.


You are all my disciples. I cherish your devotion; I recognize your trust. You have given much throughout your lives that makes you worthy of standing not only before me, your universe sovereign, but before your fellows as my representative in this universe. Spiritually immature as you may consider yourselves to be, unprepared for the difficult undertakings of Paradise attainment, you are in reality very well equipped.

Never lose sight of our Father's presence, He who dwells within you. I came to this world to demonstrate the reality of this relation of child to the holy Parent. It is the foundation upon which your entire life is nourished. You now have also my ever present spirit, and it is within your heart and it is within your mind that I come incircuited. Your dwelling in my presence catalyzes your spiritual connection with Father.

All that which manifests in my realm of Nebadon given to me by Father is through me the revelation of Him. Turn to me as one tangible, as one whom you can picture, you can see. You know that I know your feelings and your thoughts, not only as your Creator Son, but as one who lived in your form. I take you to Father; I place you in His arms. The dwelling place of our God is beyond measure in the human mind. It is beyond the description of "fantastic", of "awesome"; it is even above being beheld as "beautiful".

Such is the dwelling place of God. I am he who reveals Him to you. It is the Father's will I do so, and it is with great love that I engage so. In my care you will receive all that I can give for you to be prepared to rise above and beyond the realm of Nebadon and to sail forth into the Father's presence. I pledge to never fail you. All my angels and ministering spirits are sent by me to assist you. Feel worthy then, my children, to receive the light and love I give, and feel worthy to look past your faults, your errors, your human shortcomings, and stand in the awareness and the possession of the truth that you are my child; you are my spiritual ambassador. I have sent all who believe in me out into their lives with the one commission, to preach the gospel, that the Father is the Father of all and that each of you children in His family can love one another as you love yourself.

Treat every one of your fellows as though it were I standing before you. Were all of my children to do this you would see the true spiritual family on earth where love overcomes all. I came to this world to learn a very valuable lesson, one that a creator can only have through such an undertaking, and that lesson: faith. To be as I am, a Creator Son, I have all power within me. I but ask of the Father and it is. But that experience of faith does not reside within a creator. I removed those powers and stood as you stand, sit as you sit today just as you do, sensing that I am apart from God and through faith discovering that I am a part of God. Each of you has gone through this unfoldment; this is your strength; this is our common bond. Friendship is deepened by way of the similarity of experiences and more so in the sharing of this same experience.

Therefore, I am your friend; I am your friend in faith. I add to this friendship the fatherly quality of your loving heavenly Parent. There is no greater experience than the experience of love. Love is the engagement of oneself in reality with the additional sense of appreciation and of recognition of the Father's care. Love is found not only in feeling but in enlightenment, for love is the cooperative engagement in that which is real and is found on all levels when you perceive it so.

The very ground you walk upon was created through love. The dirt you hold in your hands is a manifestation of love. I embrace each of you. I infuse my spirit within each of you. The words expressed in this manner today are only symbols of the love I have for you. I recognize your recognition of me. I draw ever closer, ever deeper into your being to be with you and our Father, for there three are gathered and peace is supreme.

[We heard from a personal teacher concerning the needs of some friends. In his message he encouraged us to offer support by, first, picturing our friends. Then to recognize within ourselves light, compassion. Let that radiate from us to bathe them. Each of us can be a healer. We can give that light and see them supported by us. "It is in community that strength is found, that wisdom is revealed, and that choice is made clear. Send your light, send it abundantly."


Elyon: This is Elyon, and I will draw a close to our contact today by once again emphasizing the importance of stillness, time alone with Father. It is the most important activity you can undertake, for His spirit is both the wind for your sails and the anchor for your ship, the energy to grow and the stability in storm. Take this time.