2004-10-17-A Lesson on Change

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Topic: A Lesson on Change

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown



Empty your mind of all thought so that all restrictions are checked, and the infinite potentials may appear before you. This is the point at which everything changes, because you have changed as you dare to follow Me without any expectation, and I have your full attention. Never fear these moments as you are safely ensconced in My presence. They are these moments, so pregnant and full of promise, which are so useful in helping you make up your mind, because here is where you are most receptive to My guidance, which is always there, but more clearly understood by you when you are in this receptive mood.

Most decisions are made on impulse, with very little thought going into the process, and sometimes, according to the law of cause and effect, they can lead to dire consequences.

What I really desire here is to point out those changes in the inner life, which raise you up to a higher level. Some changes can make a difference in your life because your thinking about certain things has changed, and these things are becoming less important to you, and they represent life-changing moments, which often happen when you are unaware, and yet greatly change your outlook on life. For example: Something you have long and hard studied for, and after finishing the studies that you needed to go through, and receiving your certificate to serve others, the experience opened up some channels of receptivity you did not know you had. This training was always intended to remove those blockages in your development for your personal greater good. When you receive a strong impulse to do something, it is usually I who inspires you, as I lead you always into a greater service.

This is true for anyone who has these sudden impulses and urges. It is an answering ‘a far away calling,’ as the Indweller always seeks for the best way to educate and train the mortal of his or Her indwelling, so the human may be better prepared for the journey into eternity. There is a purpose for everything under the sun. Take time to listen to receive that inner learning. Accept these precious moments as stepping stones towards your becoming a greater you, as I am the only one who knows what you are capable of becoming. Allow Me more often the privilege of guiding you, even through the darkest nights of your soul when the human mind is in turmoil. You can always depend on Me, as I am heaven-send to help you see how everything works out to your greatest advantage of personal spiritual growth and enhancement of character, because of the training you receive here on the planet through all the lessons you are giving yourself by all the decisions you are making, most often unwittingly.

Every human has an innate intuitive capability to distinguish right from wrong decisions. It is a very delicate gift to use, and not everyone is inclined to use their intuition to their greatest advantage, in truth, beauty and goodness, which are all to be found in any situation. No matter how hard the circumstances appear to be, intuitive realization is one of the greatest blessings in disguise. Blessings abound, but only for those with eyes to see and understand. So, know that when changes happen, something good is bound to come out of these, although it is often not at first apparent. Be assured, that God literally lives and works in the hearts of humanity. It all depends on the development of the inner listening skills of every individual and the faith and trust in the over-care of the Creator, that all will always be well, never mind the changes that may befall you.