2007-08-18-That Which Is Godlike

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Topic: That Which Is Godlike

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Bzutu, Samuel

TR: George Barnard



Bzutu: “This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu greeting you. It is in your lengthy association with us that you are beginning to observe some human actions as illogical, damaging to others, and therefore damaging to the self. Many times during channeling, in casual contact with us, and in our subliminal prompting of you, we have managed to draw you closer to our thinking patterns, our ways, our attitudes, indeed, even touching on our emotional condition. It is because of this, that you are so often looking at human behavior from the outside in.

“You are our beloved students, both. I now step aside for another.”

Samuel: “This is Samuel of Panoptia. I am ever so grateful that at every opportunity, when I request a period of contact with you, you are indeed prompted, and that indeed a Secondary Midwayer, even one of Andrea’s close friends, becomes available for the exercise of communion.

“I know and understand that you are looking at the world’s happenings at this time, and that you are overwhelmed at the potential of a worldwide financial meltdown, which you may in the near future be experiencing. We are overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed at the occasional signs that are around of such a meltdown being seen as opportune in places.

“And yet, I remind you that the work you are all doing, and the results of the work that you are doing, must not be lost, cannot possibly be lost, for that which is wrong, that which is bad, that which is evil, has an extraordinarily short half-life. That which is positive, that which is good, and that which is God like has eternal life. This is Samuel. I thank you for being so very much in touch. I say goodbye.”

George: “Thank you Samuel.”