2006-08-07-Correcting Time Chaos

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Topic: Correcting Time Chaos

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Let us take a moment to feel the presence of our Father weaving in and out our beings. PAUSE.

How grateful we are to you, Father. You strengthen us in every way. You give us the determination to carry on. We are in awe of one who can do so much and ask for so little.


I am with gratitude to be among you, my friends and associates. Each time we meet I am made more. How blessed are we to have our fellowship and grow together as Kingdom believers. You are correct, in that the world as of late is buzzing with newness. In our efforts we are finding that individuals are turning to something higher than mankind. Faith is being exercised. As you said, many still hold old beliefs in man’s God.

In this phase of the Correcting Time many erroneous foundations of faith are made to crumble and unfortunately this is creating some chaos in energy. As hard as it is, change is good. Evolution is always leading to an ultimate good. As we witness horrific events, we must keep spiritually logic and know that Father is well aware of what is going on.

In your own personal surroundings it is difficult to not be dragged into drama and emotional upset. Many mortals find this drama to serve some purpose. It seems to some that chaos is productive. You that have been students seek somewhat of a more serene ministry. It is difficult to deal with the anxiety going on around you. I mean not to set you apart as more blessed than another, but many individuals are not on a spiritual path and see serenity or peace as boredom. To some, chaos really does serve the ego.

Many individuals are starved for true love and we all know the source of this true love, while some may not know it at all. Individuals search every day for an acceptance that cannot be fulfilled by their fellows. It is important that our ministry reflect an inner joy, an inner peace and the fulfillment of true love from the First Source and Center. In all our daily activities we can tend to lose the feeling of love or we can become accustomed to overlooking real love. Love displayed in society today has a great deal to do with materialism. You know real love when you have it. It is not fleeting. It does not cause worry. It fulfills that inner peace that has been a struggle to recognize.


This week I am challenging you to use love more in your daily doings. Reflect upon the meaning of love. Is it an emotion or an energy? Is love in short supply or is it a never-ending well from which we can draw upon? Our lesson is cut short, but think not less of the importance of our topic. Have some discussion. Know that we standby and hopefully add to your well of this never-ending energy. As always, our love goes with you. Until next time, Shalom.