Timothy Wyllie

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Timothy Wyllie is an author who lives in the desert of SE New Mexico in a home whose design demonstrates well how formal architectural training can embody his unique visions of beauty. His previous books have been published by Bear & Company, Ballantine, and Origin Press, but he considers The Helianx Proposition his “lifework” having taken 20 years to develop the visual settings for this mythic text.

Although he first became aware of the existence of angels in a Near- Death Experience in 1973 when he encountered his two companion angels, he repressed the reality of them until some seven years later when a channel of communication opened up through a sensitive young man in Canada. The transmissions this little group received that were published in his first book Dolphins, ET’s, and Angels: Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences are as fresh and relevant today as they were then.

Over the years as a writer, artist, and musician, he has worked to capture the essence of the many worlds and dimensions that interpenetrate our everyday reality. He sees his graphics as portals to these other worlds and the spontaneous freeform music of the Bozon Band as a carrier wave to higher consciousness.

If, through his work, openings to a person's inner eyes and ears to the vastly populated and magnificent Multiverse in which we all find ourselves, then all will have been worthwhile.

Other Titles

Ask Your Angels ISBN 978-0345363589 ­ Wellspring/Ballantine 1992

Dolphins, ET's, and Angels: Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences ISBN 978-1879181090 - Bear & Co., 1993

Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences: Angels, Aliens, Dolphins, & Shamans ISBN ­978-1931254168 - Origin Press, 2001