Talk:2017-01-15-N. Idaho TeaM

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Revision as of 20:02, 7 February 2017 by Rdavis (talk | contribs)
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Rob Davis wrote: On Feb 6, 2017, at 7:45 PM

Hello Tom-

I have just uploaded this lesson here and wanted to clarify one sentence that seemed to utilize the ‘wrong’ words. The sentence in question is:

This does not preclude your taking any action you deem necessary but this indicates a freedom of oppression, a freedom of this sentence of gloom and doom because you know it is not so because you know that all will be made well, even all is well in the face of turmoil.

It is found in the next to last paragraph of his section. It seemed to me that replacing ‘of' with ‘from’ in two places resulting in the following might have been intended.

This does not preclude your taking any action you deem necessary but this indicates a freedom from oppression, a freedom from this sentence of gloom and doom because you know it is not so because you know that all will be made well, even all is well in the face of turmoil.

Of course, another alternative is to replace ‘oppression’ with ‘expression’, but I generally favor the least editorial intervention when circumstances may call for it, and then only after conferring.

What do you think?



Tom Newbill <> wrote: On Feb 7, 2017, at 2:57 AM

Hello Rob....nice to hear from you and to know that someone is actually reading these transmissions with an editorial expertise. I agree with you that perhaps the word 'from' is the proper word. I re-listened to the original recording and it is correct as posted but is refined by the use of the word 'from'. I am just going to go out on a limb and say change it if you feel so moved.

I am loathe to phone Mark on it as Mark and Mary have been in the throes of parental issues and just went to Phoenix for a few weeks to try and run interference for his parents senior living conditions. In addition they dropped out of the Teaching Mission for about a month due to work constraints and it sometimes takes a month to get a correction from him on the latest transmissions.

As you have probably surmised, I am not the most grammatically correct transcriber in the box. I use way too many commas and am still a little vague on the use of a semicolon and question marks in the middle of sentences. For the purposes of the archives, please feel free to correct any punctuation you may deem necessary. If you do so, please send me a copy of your assessment and I will learn from them.

Thanks for your watch care, can't wait to see you again and hear the latest stories 'from' Huckleberry Rob.

Rob wrote: On Feb 6, 2017, at 7:45 PM

Thanks Tom!! I have made the changes using from rather than of and inserted this exchange in the discussion page for future reference. Also, you can view the page history that highlights this change here.