2019-09-12-Evolving Higher Patterns

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Topic: Evolving Higher Patterns

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles, Machiventa Melchizedek

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine Parents, we seek your embrace in this process. We seek your touch from on high into our lives even now. We seek to commune with your spirit. We seek to know your divine pattern. We seek to embrace these patterns in our lives which enable us to approach you, to be more like you as that is the desire of our hearts. Help it to be so, even now, thank you.


Charles: Greetings to you all assembled here this evening. It is my pleasure to be around this opportunity to be with you in this forum. I am Charles and I would like to seize first on this thread of pattern and how you have grown in your perspective of the presence and significance of the pattern that exists in all things. As you have grown in your mortal life you have seen many patterns that have ruled your existence from the changing of the seasons to the rising and setting of the sun, to the birth, life, and growing old and death of this experience.

All of these represent pattern in motion, patterns at play in your lives that you are adhering to, that you are being a part of, so much so that these patterns have become ingrained in you and you are now a full fledged part of these patterns that exist. They have been laid over you in your life and you have adopted and conformed to these patterns. As you will bear witness, the mortal framework has a very mortal pattern associated with it as you must adhere to the forces of environment and the conditions of life as these patterns are required. As a mortal of the realm you begin as a helpless infant of the realm, then you grow into stages of development where you are able to survive and even able to thrive. Then, as a result of the effects of time, your pattern shifts and you are able less and less to accommodate yourself.

Why I illustrate some of these patterns that you experience, is to call your attention to the fact that each one of these patterns may be uplifted, may be raised to the next level, that spiritual truths and spiritual values that are part of another dimension, another aspect of your dimension may be brought in and laid over your existing patterns. This choice to bring in higher frequencies, higher awareness, greater understanding and therefore different approaches, this constitutes your privilege. This is where you make change. You are the ones who may petition for a higher way, a better approach, a more divine approach and by virtue of the fact that you are a child of God, you may be granted this vision of what the next higher pattern might be. You may feel free to bring that forward from a vision and inspiration to your current reality.

And when you see your current circumstance through your new lens you have just imposed you will certainly change your perspective and change your experience, all because you wanted to, all because you knew enough to ask for a grander vision which you would then choose. This is because you are mortal, but you are a divine spirit as well and as such you have access to that dimension of your being and you may cast your intention as a line out before you, cast your desire for a greater vision and see if you can't hook one and bring it towards you.

I'm sure you all assembled here tonight can call to witness that you have tasted and foreseen more divine dimensions than exist currently around you and just the awareness that these dimensions are there for your attainment changes your entire perspective. Then you may work towards them, you may work to fulfill your vision and to unfold the reality around it. This you do step by step asking for a greater and grander vision, a more divine perspective with even more value, divine value contained within. And, as you ask you shall receive as you are able to accommodate a grander vision and a better way.

So, I seize on this thread because of its significance and importance. It's another way you can look at how you as a conduit may bring aspects from spiritual dimensions into your material plane and in so doing, literally create the reality to support them even in advance of their overall arrival, say in the case of a Light and Life circumstance. One need not wait for all conditions to be met. One may assume an outpost where these conditions have been met and experience the reality that brings. This is the power you wield as co-creator, but you know all about these things, these are merely reminders that we offer about potentials that are all around you.

I would like to move this discussion now to another to pick up on further threads that have been offered for consideration.

Inner Voice: Greetings, it has been quite some time since I have been given voice. I come forward now to share some perspective on this element of Thought Adjuster contact. I am this ones Voice and have been out of the picture for some time. It is my pleasure to make my way in here and to offer some points for consideration about the relationship between you and your Inner Voice, Inner Guide, Thought Adjuster, Spark of Spirit, Essence of the Father Within; however you can navigate your thought pattern to make this approach is fine. Whatever you need to call it or associate with it to make it real for you is fine. Names are rather irrelevant in the end.

But what is relevant is what you feel when you are in process, going through life minding your own business when circumstances arise and your mechanism of interpretation, your mind, immediately assumes the role of discernment, of awareness, of prediction and a perspective so that your processing will attempt to sum up your equation and provide you with useful information. This process that is occurring seems large and complicated and you are engaged with this dimension of your being, this mind circuit and this has served you well throughout time. It has become a rather automatic response and you find yourself listening to the dialog as it proceeds in your experience. You find yourselves replaying scenarios over and over again because it has been recorded in this mind pattern that you have and so when you have experiences, these patterns are simply activated and replay.

You all will call to witness that alongside this, beside it, perhaps behind it, perhaps underneath it, there is another dimension of yourself. There is that aspect of you that is watching and listening as the recorded patterns play before you. That part of you, the observer part of you, is back there watching life play out in front of it and every once in a while an inspired idea will come and it will arrive unexpected and it will feel fresh and new and the flush of inspiration will happen when you feel that you have been touched, that something occurred which connected with you and brought you this rush of spirit.

That is when we are in communion with each other. When you take the slightest break from the monotony of the mind circuit long enough to receive the inspiration of spirit, when you are not strongly focused and considering but rather open to impressions and inspirations, that's where we meet, that's where we come together and we are part of a grand plan, a pattern that has been long since established where we will, through this matrix of plan, grow closer and closer until we are as one. The plan before us has long since been established, the overall plan. The eternal career before us has been laid out however, all the possibilities have been laid out before us. It is our privilege as we go through this process together, to choose our own destiny step by step, choice by choice, perhaps a doorway that is opened or a hallway that is taken.

This is where all potentials exist as part of the pattern and we activate and choose those dimensions of our choosing. We create which aspects we will activate and which pathways we will take and therefore what results will befall us. But all of this is within the context of the grand plan. Every possible contingent has been provided for, it is only our freedom to choose which creates the unique experience we will all have, combining in the end to the total experience we will all have in the Supreme.

I hope you can get the vision in your mind's eye of the great pattern with all the choices which have been created for us to use and follow and simultaneously and the unlimited options we have within the pattern. All of the river flows together in one direction but as it goes over the falls it fragments into millions and billions of droplets and each one of those droplets has a unique experience as they fall in their journey, only to collect again at the bottom in the pool and be able to pool together their shared experiences as one. So all of you are drops that will find your own way, a small piece of the whole enjoying a separate journey only to unite in the end.

I hope this picture that I have attempted to paint for your minds eye can provide for you some of the value in attempting to be a good part of the plan, to be a good drop in the water, to take this experience for all that it has for you and to see yourself as simply a part of this whole, a part of the plan. I hope this helps shed some perspective. I will draw my remarks to a close there, however I would allow if anyone has any dialog or questions. I will remain in attendance, thank you.


Comment: I would like to thank you for your words and I really love this vision of the water going over the falls and all the droplets and then collecting later at the bottom and the uniqueness and it's a wonderful vision and I thank you very much and we're very happy to have you back, thank you.

Inner Voice: It is my pleasure as well to be here, thank you.

Mark: I have Light because you all will so allow, thank you.


Light: Yes, I am Light. I do come at the request of your thought. It has been awhile since I have been around as well and it gives me great pleasure to touch base with this group in particular. I have always felt at home with this assembly of light beings. I always have felt that I belong and that you belong with me and so I come today at the opportunity to fellowship with you and enjoy this sharing of spirit that we have here today. I am very grateful for the association I feel with this group and the very fact that you will accept me, the very fact that you are aware of me and who I am. There are very few who I can say this to and so I treasure such relationships.

I would echo the lessons offered here today about looking for higher ways, better patterns, grander ideals and then seizing on them. These are your spirit connections. This is a result of this dimension of yourself, dimension of your being. It is a joy watching you explore this dimension and investigate its limitations or its boundaries. I come here today in part with the vision of bringing you greater faith and greater inspiration by my very presence here, a miracle some would say. I hope to encourage you that miracles certainly happen and that as maybe evidenced by me, they are a matter of your choosing, a matter of your efforts.

So I hope to inspire you with this idea of accepting or looking for or even creating miracles, things outside the boundaries of your mortal dimension but certainly not outside of the capacities of your spiritual dimensions. It's such an exciting stage where you have a foot in each dimension and you are able to influence one with the other. This is a gift of your experience and it is the gift of mine to join with you in this process of discovery and work alongside you as we each one grow our essence. I am very grateful for this opportunity to bring you all my love, a very real energy field that may be shared across all dimensions. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to touch base with you once again. Thank you for this opportunity of light. I-do-love-you all, thank you.