2005-11-23-Christmas & Prayer of Reverence

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Illawarra District, Australia, November 23, 2005. Teacher Samuel. Subject: "Christmas, And Those In Real Need."

Received by George Barnard.

Samuel: "This is your Teacher, Samuel. Firstly I welcome our new friend, Sandy, into this grouping of Celestials and Angels present. May you find these regular stillness exercises conducive to better contact with your Teacher, Aaron, who is here with us right now, and sends his love and greetings.

"It is helpful to remember that these are still the early days of the Correcting Time, and that beyond your generation there will be other receivers, who from a young age will be more practiced and capable in their contact with us teachers, and that in the decades and in the hundreds of years to come there will be many more receivers. They will be common, ever more sharply attuned to the kinds of lessons that are coming through now. They will be more aware, more in sync, sharper in their observation.

"Like the Chief, I advise that the idea that struck you [see note] is not to be attributed to me, however, there is something I would like to follow up with, and it deals with your discussion about Christmas presents [see note] and a major change you and your family plan to make regarding the so objectionable commercial aspect of the giving of presents in days of spiritual celebration.

"Indeed so many of you already own the things that you need in everyday life, and lots more beyond the necessities. It makes for a constant challenge to think of what a dear friend or a close relative might like, for so many of you have every single thing that you need. So here is an opportunity to turn towards others that are in real need, and provide for them the practical items; the practical, useful, needed things of life they otherwise go without. Perhaps in some small way, and perhaps in a very much bigger way, you can start a new trend.

"This is Samuel of Panoptia. Once again I offer my warm welcome to the new student, my student, also, if I may be so forward to make that claim.

"Until we have a chance to communicate again, I send my love."

George: "Thank you, Samuel."

Receiver’s notes: Ideas conceived in Alpha can be so easily lost when returning to Beta. I thought Bzutu or Samuel to have been responsible for an idea that surfaced and almost immediately "disappeared" for good when I surfaced too quickly.

The ‘Christmas present discussion’ dealt with so many friends and relatives having everything they need, and the difficulty of finding them something worthwhile, unique, when so many poor people must do without essentials. It would be a step forward to tell a relative, ‘Your present went to someone in real need.’

© The 11:11 Progress Group


Illawarra District, Australia,

November 29, 2005.

Samuel of Panoptia.

Subject: "A Prayer of Reverence to Your Creator."

(Part transmission only.)

Received by George Barnard.

Samuel: "This is your teacher, Samuel.

"The subject I want to discuss with you on this day deals with reverence. Celestials such as I, former mortals coming from normal planets to learn and to contribute on irregular worlds, need a great deal of education to begin to understand the Agondonter of Urantia and those of like planets.

"It is difficult for us to grasp the Urantian’s capacity for knowing that there is a God, and at the same time understand, justify, explain the mortal’s inborn individuality, which at times makes his behavior so selfish, so rude, so different from the ‘guided ease’ with which the mortal sons of the Creator go about their business on normal worlds.

"It is my suggestion that you learn to emulate the kind of behavior for which normal worlds like our Panoptia are so well known. Go about your business as if you are living on—as if you are alive on—a normal world.

"In your everyday behavior, from waking up in the morning to going back to sleep at night, live and think and behave with reverence for the Creator Father, Who gave you your life and maintains your life. Make every aspect of your day and night a prayer of reverence to the Creator of All.

"This is your teacher, Samuel, saying goodbye until we meet up again."

Receiver’s note: The name Agondonter is only a bold translation of what the Celestials call us on this world. The real name they give us is unknown, as we do not know the language, but it says a whole lot more about who we are—strange individuals that can believe in a Creative Source without visible proof.

© The 11:11 Progress Group