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  • File:Beauty low res.jpg
    One of the great wonders of mathematical world, Euler’s relation is like the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest and Niagara Fal ...magine walking across a featureless landscape and stumbling across the raw natural beauty of Mount Everest. You’d have good reason to be pleased with your d
    (250 × 160 (22 KB)) - 22:28, 15 August 2008
  • File:Architecture-for-humanity-nextaid-youth-with-a-vision-childrens-residence.jpg
    ...of Village Renaissance and a team of international volunteer designers and natural builders to design and build an earth-friendly center for these teenagers a ...own into a model nonprofit inspiring and helping in communities around the world.
    (267 × 200 (10 KB)) - 20:20, 25 July 2008