2004-05-27-Focus Within

From Nordan Symposia
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Topic: Focus Within

Group: Salt Lake City TeaM


Teacher: Elijah

TR: Warren Smith



Good day, my growing children of light. This is Elijah, your elder brother in this journey inward and upward toward Paradise. My friends, there is great opportunity in front of you, and as you reach within to better know the ways of your indwelling Father Fragment, you will find all answers that you seek. I, when on Urantia, had but one supreme desire and that great desire of desires was to know the Father increasingly. Like you, when I got a taste of his love and greatness, there was no turning back. You, my friends, have great capacity to know and create all you truly desire, as your faith and tenacity will light the path. You can know and become all you desire as the co-creator of the new order of planetary citizen, the blended morontia-material mortal, the true and growing 'super-mortal' of destiny you increasingly strive for. It is entirely up to you.

Many you can lead to their indwelling Father as you allow the Master and Universe Mother to show you the way. They will bring you closer to the true light that is the light of lights, yes, my friends, our Father of Lights. You are each on the brink of great relative new awareness and understanding as you allow the old to fall away. Be not concerned with the desire to be accepted by your brethren, yet fell free to 'call them out' on their gross errors, as I did. Their acceptance may or may not eventually come as you are transformed into all that our great Father of Lights has planned for you. Have confidence as you walk with increasing humility and certainty, that what you are feeling is real and enduring. You each have great faith that will lead you. Deny it not and reach within for all answers. Be not affected by those with lesser faith, mindal abilities and truth-discernment capacity. You simply must not strive with your fear-ridden, timid, mediocre, relatively deceived and deeply-wounded fellows.


Know that Jesus will show you the way, and within you will find the great secrets of the universe you each personally seek. Seek not outwardly, as you focus your entire personality, increasingly upon the great Light within. Be of good cheer as you release all inferior thoughts. Know you are being prepared and rehearsed to be the new great leaders and teachers of truth, as you personally desire. Again, it is entirely up to you. Call upon me, my friends, for I desire to assist you in your increasingly deeper, progressive search for the great Light within. Be at peace and know I am pleased to make your formal acquaintance; Until later.