2006-12-25-Father, Forgive Them

From Nordan Symposia
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Topic: Father, Forgive Them

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske



The Beloved: “True joy and praise for the Creator of all, shall well up in a soul that is beginning to recognize the true meaning of Christmas.

Contemplate the significance of the Ruler of a universe humbling himself, being born of woman in a lowly stable, and in all His humility remaining the King of the heavens, and Master of the hosts of heaven.

In the way He lived His life, He was an example of righteousness. He lived not only for the redemption of this backward but beautiful orb in space, but also for the edification of all peoples on all the other planets, made and yet to be made, in His universe.

His is a story of triumph, and of the greatest tragedy of all time in eternity. Nowhere else has there ever been, nor will there ever be a Creator-Ruler mistreated so badly as to be nailed to a wooden cross.

The egos of those perpetrators ran rampant, and in their pride, they refused to open their eyes to see that brilliant and gentle ‘Light of Truth’ standing majestically before His false accusers.

And yet, in His almighty wisdom He could say, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’!

Remember, My beloved, That the accusers too, shall eventually sit at the banquet table of this self-same Ruler, after they have repented, and forgiven themselves, for the evil deeds they have perpetrated upon an Innocent.

Let us ponder how He is crucified anew by all the materialism and commerce which has sprung up surrounding the commemoration of His birth.

May the Light of Life be born anew in hearths everywhere on this planet, which bears the name; World of the Cross.”