2007-10-07-Support Network

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Topic: Support Network

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Monjoronson, Elyon, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers



Elyon (Mark TR): Greetings, my dear friends and comrades in ascension, I am Elyon here to enjoy and bask with you in the glow of our camaraderie around the fire, as it were.


Of course I have observed your conversation and the inquiries that are on your minds around new material that has been suggested and presented to you. I would offer you this vision in your mind's eye again. Before all your seas and oceans were charted on your world the first to navigate these uncharted waters were forced to extend in faith that they would operate in safety. Their lack of awareness of exactly what they would encounter was so great that it was a formidable challenge to overcome, and yet a few proceeded forward in faith that they would be safe and they would return with greater experience and awareness.

There were even in those times rumors that abounded that there were lands far off, and at that point they were just hearsay, just tales repeated throughout the generations. But there were sparks of truth contained in these tales, and many of these were that basis for igniting the curiosity of the traveler. But it remained unknown to the likes of Columbus that these legends had any real merit, and until he actually proceeded in faith across a great distance he was not rewarded with the truth of these rumors. But having been steadfast he eventually prevailed, and what was only conjecture and rumor and hearsay became the new reality. Once he encountered this new reality for himself and documented it and possessed it as a real personal experience and brought it back to his culture, it was only legend, theory, and conjecture. Such it is with you today. You have many potentials that you hear on the wind, as it were, ideas of new realities that existed or may exist or perhaps will exist.

But all of these remain as distant to you as the faraway lands that your Columbus had to find in his journeys. However, they may act in a very similar fashion as sparks to you which may ignite your curiosity and may propel you to want to find out for yourselves whether or not there is truth to these rumors, to these observations of others. Some, you will find, have no merit and are nothing more than misguided conjecture.

And others, if you explore them, you will find have real basis in truth. But first there needs to be the curiosity and the exploration; first you must be exposed to a great many potentials that you may then proceed to discover and adopt for yourselves which of these portrayals are genuine and which lack substantiation. But you have been sailors for some time, and if it were not for your bravery out on uncharted waters you would not have gained the experience you now possess. And so this very bravery will serve you well because, if you should maintain a certain heading expecting you will find a certain destination and it turns out the destination is not what you originally thought it would be, nevertheless you will extend yourselves in faith to embrace the reality that you do discover.

The ideas that Columbus held about a new world were only his initial vision of what that might be and look like. But having traversed the distance and discovered the new shores he had to expand his awareness to embrace what the new reality would bring to him. Likewise you may have your ideas about the direction you are headed and the ports and places that you will see and find, but it is not until you have covered the distance and arrived there that you will truly know what the destinations have in store for you. But a good adventurous pioneer such as yourselves is ever willing to discover the new shore and, having discovered it, to accept it as part of their new experience.

You will hear a great many things as you have brought these into your presence as a result of your desires to know more and to experience more; so very much will be presented to you. Some you will pursue and discover; some you will put aside as not of interest to you, and some you will discard altogether as too different and outside your current perimeters of willingness. But all out there is designed to inspire you, to intrigue you, to ignite your curiosity that you may set your course to sail to these destinations and see for yourself whether there is a new land to be explored and, if so, what is this new land like?

Many would see you as sailors who have already sailed out and reported back about new territories that have been unexplored, and so you have the experience of pioneering your journey so far. But there are many vast distances to be covered, and just like Columbus you will not be content to simply make one journey, but you will be driven to keep exploring and discovering, and these rumors that reach you of new lands far off and new realities unknown will inspire you to set new course headings and bring yourselves more experience and greater understanding. Likewise if it were not for the first, in this case referring to Columbus and his journey, many others would not have the expanded awareness of lands far off.

The journeys that you make in this time, the realities that you encounter, are brought back to your people and can be used in the same way to expand their awareness of realities that they have not personally yet encountered. If you will hold steadfast to the idea that you are safe and that you are protected in your travels, then you should be unafraid to chart these new courses and discover these new territories for yourself.

Some will be spectacular accomplishments, and others you will find will turn out to be mirages. But nevertheless your journey will serve you well, and you will be wealthy with experience, and that will be the treasure that you bring back to share with the others and to share with the First Source and Center. Thank you for your devoted attention, my dear ones. I so enjoy this journey with you wherever it may lead and whatever we may discover and enjoy en route.

Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson, and I would go sailing with you as well. As you know, any great exploration party must be well supported. Columbus could not have made these important discoveries without the support of a country, of a nation, willing to provide the necessary ships and crew and provisions to accommodate such a lengthy journey. This Magisterial Mission is your support network willing to provide you with all that is necessary for you to make these long and arduous journeys, willing to support your every effort, and provide you with all that is necessary if you will but man the vessels and be willing to hold fast to the headings of your choice.

We are likened to the support provided by the governments of Columbus' time who are willing to outfit your vessels and even provide you with your compass headings, but in the end it is you who must sail the vessel and put the effort into the day to day activities that will be necessary for you to make these journeys. Unlike Columbus we have the advantage of staying in touch and offering you counsel and guidance as conditions arise.

So it has been that we have worked together in this way. The modern ships of today enjoy communication with the mainland so as to gain a sense of security that they are in touch, and if conditions change and new situations arise, there is the sense of connection to a greater support network. So it is that you do not have to feel alone in your journey but connected to the vast resources that you have at your disposal. But we will not hoist your sails or hold your rudders for you; that is up to you to do as you so desire and as your will and intention propel you. And the discoveries that you will make are indeed yours to make. You may be told of potentials that you might find.

You may be alerted to conditions that may exist, but you will have to encounter these for yourself and navigate the conditions on your own accord. But as you were just lovingly reminded by Elyon, you are tried and true sailors who have experience and faith, the two necessary components to ensure that you will have safe voyages before you and great discoveries. The many explorers before you, the pioneers that settled your West had to set out with no real support crew behind them and had to brave the new territory completely on their own. They either made it or not based upon their individual skills and will. Your pioneering activities are well supported by a vast network of support crew who are ever willing to assist you in your times of need and ever willing to celebrate with you in your times of success. So fear not as you set out on these scouting parties into the unknown because, not only are you well provisioned and well supported, but you are operating in territory that is not threatening to you. You do not stand to be injured or harmed in your efforts to explore. Your only challenges will be in your abilities to embrace that which you find in your process of discovery. Will you be able to go into these uncharted areas with an attitude of seeing what is there, or will you be conditioned by what you have heard or what you suppose might be there?


I realize that your efforts at exploration require you to be bold and adventurous, and yet when you have found a new land to discover you then must be open and willing and at peace with what you find. These two different approaches are at odds with each other, but both must be used in order to fully embrace that which you find with your seeking. I celebrate your progress with you.

You have found much that you have sought in your journey. I would advise you to maintain your present willingness both to seek and then to find. We will indeed prevail in our efforts to ascend to new and greater heights. Thank you for your time and efforts, my dear students and friends in this process. I withdraw now. Farewell.

Mary: The inspiration I am receiving is that as a group of friends we were and have been engaged in this process of ascension, likened to the sea but at this moment I'm feeling a little bit more we're on a mountainside, and we are traversing the mountain, each of us has our own course that were taking. We all meander a bit and explore, and we all look to each other and see each other. We see that one of us is to our left and one to the right, and we see that we are all on the same mountain. Yet we are inhabiting our own spot on the mountain. We are traversing our own path. [phone cuts out]