2019-07-11-Time Needed for Learning

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Topic: Time Needed for Learning

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles, Machiventa Melchizedek

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine Parents, I ask for your input, now we come to you. We come to you as a group collectively and reach up toward your spirit, your embrace. We long to approach you and reach for you and wait for you to reach back and embrace us and comfort us as we seek a greater awareness, an expanded perspective on all that we view in our lives, to look for the meaning and the value behind and underneath and as part of everything we see. Help us Divine Parents, we thank you for your emissaries of light. We would engage and activate this process at this time, we would make it so.


Charles: Good evening to all of you, I am Charles here to accept this turn at bat, if you will, to attempt to provide some perspective. You are teased with your Urantia Book about many things which you are on the cusp of grabbing and understanding, they challenge your level of awareness. One of these aspects is this concept described you have referred to as Light and Life and when you are exposed to this description, you then compare and contrast and see yourselves as far away from such a result or an achievement and you are making this observation in your time/space environment. In the continuum that you exist there of necessity must be this passage of what you refer to as time to process this sequence of learning and growing and events which shape you and form you as a result of your having experienced them.

But in order to properly encounter and embrace and assimilate the many many experiences and lessons that you have before you, you must of necessity have time. That is, it takes the passage of time, the movement of you through this continuum for you to be able to internalize and grow with each lesson. Just as the seedling requires the passage of time each day to grow a little more until they have reached maturity, so too each of you, all of you, your world, all require this period of learning. The whole system is patterned to provide ample time for you to process and assimilate all the various lessons that you will be exposed to.

So when you are presented with an experience, there must be this allotment made, this passage of time in order for you to fully incorporate these messages. Individually and collectively this system requires the passage of time as the momentum in the process. So as is true with many observations you make, you may come to understand that the real values, the real meanings are gained and established along the way, as time passes. The significant aspects of growth occur as part of this natural unfolding process.

That being said, because the eventual result is scheduled for your arrival, it is also possible for you to venture forth on the timeline with that component of yourself which is not bound by time or space, to venture to an eventuality out before you, to go there in advance of your arrival and experience a glimpse of that state even if it is only in your immediate surroundings. That is, you, as a creative being, may choose to make a state of what you conceive to be the qualities of Light and Life at any time because that is how powerful you are. Just because it does not exist as a general condition among all, does not mean the pioneers of spirit cannot venture forth and bring visions back and form an oasis of Light and Life. Indeed, this is your privilege as you wish. This is also how we get there, one at a time being individually willing to create this space, being willing to choose this state and invest your energy in it to create a small pocket of a different truth, a diffe rent reality with a more divine perspective applied. And, in the truest sense, it may not be the ultimate you would define as Light and Life but it will be as close as you are capable of envisioning and that capacity grows each day as well.

There is, I perceive, another topic on the floor for discussion that we might entertain and that is the perception of the power of the living waters and you all are aware that water is the most critical element necessary for life and therefore all mortal life is singularly dependent on this element and therefore we recognize that it has great powers over health and life. And this is true but this is a perspective which is confined to the material plane. I invite you all to consider that the spiritual refreshment that you may be referring to is not that of the element water, it is that of the existence of spirit and the refreshing contact that you have with it.

These are your elements of life for your spiritual dimension and these flow as water to all that have need. These are the connections that may endure beyond the physical dimension. These are the realities and the values that may endure beyond the human capacity. So I invite you to consider sharing these spiritual waters, these energies that you share back and forth even now. Engaging on this dimension allows you to connect in a much deeper and profound way than simply the sharing of water between you. Thank you for bringing these topics for consideration. It's always good to know what's on your mind.

I now yield the floor to another.

Machiventa Melchizedek: Greetings to you all, I am Machiventa Melchizedek here to acknowledge us once again assembled in the classroom together. My steadfast students, I certainly appreciate your attendance and participation. There is a common thread of desire known to run through all of your hearts and I would like to address your internal quest to know, what you should be doing with your life? This question that you have deep within is there as the result of your having been touched and having grown spiritually. It may have been friends, it may have been books, it may have been organizations and meetings such as this, but somehow along the way you have been inspired and your spirit flame has been ignited. Your spiritual aspect has been charged and so there is a natural reaction to this gift of grace, to this feeling of having received something.

Having been given this gift of awareness and spirit presence, one then desires to share it and spread it. What worked for you would most certainly work for others, as you see it, and you feel compelled to reach out in service and share that which has meant so much to you. This is a normal and natural reaction to your growing in spirit. Side by side there is attendant a desire for service and this desire is all well and good to rise up within you unless it causes you discomfort and stress because you feel as though you somehow are falling short or can't accomplish the vision of grandeur that you have conjured up or somehow can't do work that is pleasing to Michael or Mother.

You must guard against these obstacles in your lives. Your acts of service are all grandly received. There does not exist disappointment or shortfalls from our perspective, merely experiences to be had and gained and grown from. Be kind to yourselves when inspiration takes hold and you are granted the vision of a great service opportunity. Do not impose mandates on yourself that anything has to happen, rather let yourself be guided by the internal feelings you have about these inspirations for service and recall always that underneath and behind and before any of these service opportunities happen there is your own personal spiritual growth happening. There is the accomplishment of your having another experience and another opportunity to expand your awareness.

And this is how all things are turned to the good as even your desire to be of service grows your own soul. And so all contributions are successful when seen from this perspective. Fear not that you can misstep and go too afoul of goodness, truth and beauty. Allow it to flow naturally and normally and resist the desire to force anything. These are the guidelines I would recommend for what you should do next. If you apply these values to your opportunities and to your decisions, then in staying with your path you will continue to grow and learn and become who you are. It is really quite difficult to remove yourself from the flow, you are being carried downstream with all the rest. I invite you to take it easy.


I hope this serves to provide some inspiration that you are on the right track, continuing on the right track and simply are unfolding as the flowers in the garden. Thank you all for attending this meeting tonight. It's been a pleasure to address you. I bid you all good day.