Talk:2012-12-30-Aaron of Nazi Concentration Camps


Rob wrote: January 13, 2013 at 11:28pm

Dear friends,

You know I have always recorded and tagged for search purposes everything that has come to us regardless of questions about its authenticity or quality. This piece has given me pause. It is not the first time, but it is the first time I have appealed to you for your input on this matter. What really gives me pause is the association of the word "ultimate" as a descriptor for evil as this draws upon an erroneous notion of evil readily employed by commercial military interests for purposes of making war. Of course, we know they utilize all manner of mind tricks to do so. That it has been associated with a program of spiritual education seems to exhibit an interest in discrediting it.

What do you think I should do? How should I process this for the record of our human experience in this moment?



Marty wrote: January 14, 2013 at 8:51am

Question: Who named this lesson? Was it the T/R or the transmitter? In either case, I find it acceptable for this message. It reminds me of Jesus’ admonition about the abuse of children.

This sure sounds like an important message, the subject of which is under discussion in our TM community… That is; the manner of divine assistance or intervention in human affairs. I vote for its inclusion. Marty

Mer wrote: January 14, 2013 at 10:49am

Hello Rob;

I see your dilemma. I don't have answers for you, but I do want to share that I found some redeeming value in this transmission and it's primary message that good overcomes evil even in apparently hopeless circumstances. I don't know whether that's a strong enough reason to include the piece given your understandable reservations. I guess it boils down to whether you want to include transmissions of partial value and limited truth - of course that might be said to be true of almost all transmissions. I pray and trust that Spirit will lead you in making the best choice in this matter and support whatever decision you make.

Blessings, Mer

Rob wrote: January 14, 2013 at 12:56pm

Hello Marty-

Good questions! I surmise that nomenclature, like all these documents, is a mixed bag of input from multiple sources. Nevertheless, I appreciate your encouragement for inclusion, and I will do so, but as I do with many pieces where legitimate questions are raised, I include the pertinent discussion in the talkpage of the article. Perhaps in some cases, I should flag the articles (transcripts) to point to the discussion for assistance in discernment process.



Rob wrote: January 14, 2013 at 12:57pm

Hello Mer-

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate your encouragement, and I will include it, but as I do with many pieces where legitimate questions are raised, I include the pertinent discussion in the talkpage of the article. Perhaps in some cases, I should flag the articles (transcripts) to point to the discussion for assistance in discernment process.



TML Discussion

Rob wrote tml: Monday, January 14, 2013 at 2:37pm

Dear Friends,

In view of a needed exercise in discernment, I thought to invite you to offer comments on this lesson attributed to an Aaron of the Nazi Concentration Camps on the subject of "Ultimate Evil".

Knowing that evil is "only the misadaptation of immaturity or the disruptive and distorting influence of ignorance" and "a measure of imperfection in universe interpretation", one might surmise that attributions of 'ultimacy' to immaturity and ignorance is itself a distortion emblematic of ignorance much like the philosophic underpinnings of "original sin" given sin a response to goodness, truth, and beauty, consciously negative to be sure, but nonetheless certainly nothing 'original'.

One of the most poignant lessons on evil afforded in the experience with literature attributed to divine sources that issue by any means through human agencies, is the encounter with the truth that "evil always results when purely personal evaluations are elevated to the levels of absolutes". Such encounters veritably litter the pathways of all such offerings, the Urantia movement, Teaching Mission, and Magisterial Mission being but recent examples. Of course, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and many others offer proof of the potent observation that "only with revealed religion did autocratic and intolerant theologic egotism appear."

With this in mind, I enclose the following lessons on "Ultimate Evil" inviting your comments that will be added to the discussion page, and you may note, that in all fairness, questionable lessons are held along with those received without question, but given recent conflicting opinions, I have added a feature to this lesson and the ABC Summaries pointing readers to the discussion page when questions of value arise from time to time. Let me know what you think.



enc: Ultimate Evil

Marty wrote: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:33 PM


You quote a lesson about evil: "evil always results when purely personal evaluations are elevated to the levels of absolutes"

I wonder if this also applies to the Luciferian Manifesto? I ask this because I have read somewhere that Hitler’s holocaust was an attempt by Caligastia to rid the planet of the race from which Jesus came.

This does not seem to be a personal evaluation of Jews which was expressed in the hatred spread by Hitler, but the intended genocide of Jesus’ people.

It is a front line of the war in heaven manifest on Earth among other atrocities.


Rob wrote: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 4:51 PM

Hello Marty-

Thank you for your thoughts! The reference to evil as always emerging from personal evaluations being elevated to the level of absolutes is from the Urantia text]. Yes, of course it applies to the Rebellion as Lucifer is perhaps the best illustration of this axiom. It is not surprising to see his legacy here as in other isolated worlds that would include Nazism, but it could be extended to any 'isms' that normally appear in earlier phases of planetary evolution. In worlds of isolation though, these propensities are greatly exacerbated to maximize competition and rationalized as a technique of accelerating evolution. Needless to say, the slow sure method of transformation beginning within has never sat well with those who would become crusaders evangelizing various 'revelations' including UB, TM, & MM. These reflect the legacy of Lucifer even while using the name of Michael resulting in a tragic form of irony.



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