2017-02-11-Period of Transition

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Topic: Period of Transition

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are deeply grateful to be your children and to continue to receive from you your divine grace. As you imprint upon us today, may the words that you convey and the energies that are a part of your being imprint upon us and help us in our growth process. You know what an intense time of transition this is on the planet, and we thank you for fortifying us for the tasks at hand that we are able and evermore prompted to do your WILL and know what to do when the Spirit leads. Thank you so much and may your WILL be done now.


MICHAEL: Peace be upon you, my beloved children! This is Michael. There are many changes occurring on your world now. You are in the throes of a great period of transition as the rebellion energies and way of life increasingly yield to the divine plans for Urantia. There is much being reestablished in the circuits of your Urantian consciousness. Most people are unaware of what is transpiring upon the planet and its effects upon their own minds and bodies. You, my children, have been mightily prepared for a number of years to maintain that inner calm equilibrium that will be witnessed by your brethren as more change occurs within these circuits of your planetary system of consciousness.

We have offered you lessons on self-mastery, personality expression, soul attainment. And while you will continue to develop in this way for many years to come, not only upon Urantia but in your long ascension careers, your Mother and I are here to further fortify you in our energies that you may convey that essential spiritual ingredient—divine LOVE—to your brothers and sisters when they are in great need.

That is not to say that you will be perfect expressions of divine LOVE, as it is to encourage you to remain strong, steady and steadfast when another person comes before you who is in great turmoil. You need not be buffeted by their own energies. You can remain strong in the power of LOVE that comes from our Paradise Father as you call upon us to help you be a larger container for that essential ingredient that will soothe them and help them recognize that the Spirit Within is waiting to turn their lives around in a positive and loving direction.

During my earth life as Jesus, it was my delight and my duty to maintain this internal composure, and it was an act of willingness on my part to open to the Father’s presence. You have likewise made those decisions to render you more receptive to the leadings of the Father Within.

Today your Mother and I are here to help you contain this greater space of our LOVE that you may portray that, contain that, and emit that as a signal to those around you. Let yourselves become so full of light that it is unmistakable what is pouring forth from the center of your beings. If this is your desire now, focus on it. Let the essence of LIGHT pour forth from us into you that it may radiate outwardly as you learn to direct it in service and devotion to others. Let us begin. Take some deep breaths and relax as we minister in you now.

If it is helpful for you to receive, simply focus on the words MY CORE ESSENCE IS LOVE AND I RADIATE THAT OUT IN THE WORLD. Let your internal gaze settle on those words as we move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

Seeing those around you falter under the weight of these energies of CHANGE may not be an easy experience to witness. You cannot take another person’s burden for them but you can lighten their loads by simply being a sympathetic and compassionate listener and convey my COMPASSION to them through your hearts as they share what is on their heart and mind. There will be those momentary pauses wherein you may appeal to your Mother and me and your Spirit to ask, “what are the words this individual needs to hear? What does their soul need? What does the Father Within them wish to convey?”

You are learning to use the gifts of your mind to direct energies into another person. This is also part of the scope of self-mastery. You learn to use that which you have been given in a very skillful and loving way. Think of your times of service as practice. You are continuing to hone your spiritual abilities time and again. And this will render you more adept at meeting challenges when they come your way as inevitably they will on a world such as this. What your Mother and I are here to do for you is to help those circuits of your energy systems attune to the Spirit fibers of LIGHT and LIFE which all come from the Paradise Father, that you may radiate that more naturally and effectively as well as having your minds be open to the words that the other individual needs to hear for his or her edification and enlightenment.

Continue to focus on your core essence as LOVE, feeling your desire for it to radiate out of your body that your field may contain a greater aura of love and so many wonderful spiritual qualities that keep you safe from the changing tides as the outworking of the rebellion continues. (Pause)

There is much LIGHT bathing Urantian consciousness now and it is shining upon deception and all of the miscreations the rebellion has spawned. There is more truth to be revealed and it will not be easy for many to comprehend what has happened. There will be states of disbelief and emotional upheaval, and that is why we are preparing you to be among those who understand the deeper implications of what is occurring that you may provide an alternative perspective to share with them. Some will adhere to what you share and others will not. But no matter how they respond it is up to you to do your part and to remain faithfully loyal to the truths you hold so dear within your own hearts.

I am with you as you go through this time. Your Mother has supplied many, many helpers to walk with you, to guide you, and show you how to maintain your composure as others around you seem to fall apart. But they can be rebuilt in Spirit as you well know, and this is what this time this for—the restructuring of human consciousness along the divine plans to of evolution for this beautiful world so dear to my heart. (Pause)

I will leave you now my children that your Mother may attend to you and offer Her loving counsel to each one of you. Never fear what you are undergoing, recognizing that this is truly the hand of the Divine sweeping away the years of debris—the erroneous misperceptions and belief systems that have so plagued many a Urantian heart and mind. Rejoice in your liberation and in the liberation of all humanity and life here. For truly, it is a glorious time and you, my children, are mighty players in the fields of service as Urantia awakens to her rightful place in our universe home. I leave you in my love, my children. My blessings are upon you. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children, greetings one and all! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. What is a Mother’s heart? How does it function? How does it love and protect? I ask you to consider these words as I share more of my heart energies with you. So many of the children of this world have felt abandoned and have been lost in confusion and isolation and it is in opening to me as your Mother that your hearts will grow and be able to convey more of the love they need to heal those wounds of the past and to return each person to his and her rightful divine dignity. Feel your desire for my MOTHER’S HEART to attune in yours that you may expand in your own heart energies and receive more from me. Breathe and relax as I move in you, now, my children. (Pause)

If it is helpful to receive as you focus, allow the words MOTHER’S HEART to form over your own as I continue to move in you now. [Pause]

There is a rebalancing of power occurring within the circuits of your world’s systems of consciousness. The usurper Lucifer and his cohorts did much to control a type of power that has been used to curtail and contain your spiritual development along certain erroneous lines of thinking and feeling. This is all being corrected now through the infusions that come from my MOTHER’S HEART into all forms of life upon the planet. You might say that this Mother energy is restoring and regenerating life into a higher dimensional frequency that will bring about this change in consciousness that you may develop according to the divine plans for this world and attain the era of Light and Life one day.

My MOTHER’S HEART energy is for all. It is not for women, nor should men look askance at this and think that it would diminish them in any manner or scope. This is an empowering energy for all, but it is a different quality than what many people are used to considering as power. As you open more to my heart infusion, you will learn through your indwelling Spirits what this means for your lives and how to apply it liberally in all that you think, feel, and do. This is the expansion of your consciousness into LOVE and it provides the Father’s presence within more ability to communicate directly and consciously into your minds that you may think as one with Him and be at one with Him. So continue to receive and feel your need for my MOTHER’S HEART to touch you deeply into those places where you have need for my ministrations to heal and illuminate. (Pause)

In the coming days, you may notice there are a variety of frequency adjustments being made within your energy systems. There is more LIGHT bathing this world in various octaves that affect not only your physical functioning but your spiritual awareness. Allow these energies to circulate through your beings as you are more gently upstepped and able to participate as active ministers of our LOVE during the Correcting Time. We know your heart’s desires and intentions. They are good—they are beautiful and noble and true. Stay close to your values. Cherish them for this is what will render you more stable as others around you seem to shirk in their abilities to remain positive and hopeful.


Never before has so much spiritual pressure been applied upon this planet’s consciousness, and what you will see in the coming days are more people feeling this pressure upon them with a lack of understanding what is happening. But you are well prepared to listen, to observe, and to convey what you feel in your heart, what your Spirit is moving you to speak, and this is all part of your practicing, practicing, practicing in the goal of self-mastery. You are all well on your way and we encourage you to continue your efforts.

I leave you now, in this manner, my children, but you only have to turn to me in a moment’s need and I will expand you in my breath of LIFE in my MOTHER’S HEART and keep you safe. Enjoy how you are growing, in how you are learning to be a more effective conductor of our LOVE to your brethren, and let your hearts be light as you move, as you grow, as you change and become the Father’s LOVE. Good day.