2011-10-22-Q and A with Michael

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Topic: Doing Things Each Day That Bring You Joy

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Thank you Mother and Father for this time with my sisters and brothers, that we all may be lifted up to you and receive your words of counsel and your presence. You know each one of us so intimately, so thoroughly, and you know the desires of our hearts to reach those higher state of awareness of our Father Fragments, to have our bodies be opened and repatterned from the energies of the rebellion. So we thank you for bringing into all of us what we need today, the words and experience which are so richly offered to us—your our love. We await the opening of the circuits through your presence. We ask that your Will be done in us and through us.


MICHAEL: My beloved children this is Michael. What joy it is for me to receive you into my embrace. Let us share our heart energies one with the other as your Mother ministers to your minds and bodies, as the helpers in and around you open your circuits to a greater comprehension of my love for you deep in your being. Receive me now my beloved children, receive your Father. (Pause)

There is a growing Christ light within your presence. It is part your divine inheritance and it is also part of your soul growth to experience. Each of you has such a noble spiritual aspiration and I want to assure you that the desires of your heart can be attained with diligent striving and practice each day, manifesting in and through the will of the Paradise Father whose very presence resides inside your being. Your Mother and I desire for you to make further contact with this indwelling presence of the Father, so receive us now that we may open those places in you. Receive our gifts and embrace the divine sparks resting gently on the human consciousness. (Pause)

The consciousness of humanity is expanding into a glorification of the human evolutionary ascension process to the Father. Many new portals of light are now impinging upon Urantia, and as we have said to you before, the spiritual pressure will continue to press upon this world to help each human here begin to bear the fruits of the Spirit, albeit there is this transitional period where much repatterning, recoding and correction must be processed for a time.

You have all stepped up for this reconfiguration of your being to be more attuned to the spirit sparks constantly emanating from Paradise into your being. Receive an infusion of LIGHT my children, receive this endowment that which comes from the center of creation to admix within your own divine birthright and more fully correct those patterns within your body to bring them to alignment with Father`s will. (Pause)

As you have received, freely give; freely share your love and kindness. Your brothers and sisters need the spiritual anchoring, the energy that the heart provides for their own hearts to perceive. We will infuse you once again; then I will be very delighted to entertain your questions. (Pause)

Take a moment or so to reorient your processes of thought and share with me, when you feel so moved, what is on your mind. I am here for you.


Student: Michael, many years ago our teachers have relayed to us that with increased spiritual pressure at the planetary level, many find their voices and we would eventually see a polarization of ideas, thoughts and opinions. Certainly when you see what`s happening nowadays, this does appear to have come true. How will this play itself out for a time, will there be more resolution, will there be more people coming to the center in agreeing more, than disagree? That is my question.

MICHAEL: The polarization is a necessary component of, the expression you have heard of, the separating of the wheat and the chaff. It is in the broadest sense of time a temporary divestment as the energies of the rebellion are outworked the distorted ideation that grew from this insidious programming that has long affected humanity. So there is this important transitional period wherein these things are being sorted, not only in terms of each individual human, but of course, as the whole collective has been affected by it as well.

So what you will see in future years, as more spiritual pressure is, as I said, the impress upon the Urantian mindset and the clearing of the grids of the rebellion consciousness. As more people become tired of bearing their burdens—their thought burdens, the thoughts that no longer serve them--it will seem as if their belief systems will become too heavy a load to bear and they will look for something else. In time more and more people will recognize that the truth, the liberty that that provides is within and will seek the Spirit. That’s why we have so encouraged you to go within, open your hearts and receive the imprinting upon your Mother and me that you would become more heart centered--heart focalized.

Share these heart energies with your brothers and sisters who would be feeling the burdens of their beliefs come pressing down upon them. What will lift them up is my presence that you carry deep within your heart. As they begin to feel the presence of Spirit, their indwelling Father Fragments will have more opportunities to convey those higher ideas come from divine ideals and give them something better to consider. Now as you recall, the polarization took some years for it to become visible in the material sense-—material reality. Likewise, it will take some time for this to become more apparent.

The truth is breaking out upon Urantia and you will see more people recognize that the burdens of their beliefs are erroneous and are ready to send them into oblivion. Does this answer your question my son?

Student: Yes it does, a follow-up: will the cleansing of the grid actually accelerate the growth that you speak of the individual and therefore collectively?

MICHAEL: It is already occurring, although some of the outworkings of this have yet to achieve the maximum potential of material realization. This intended to occur over a period of many years as this correction is intended for your whole planet. For the next generation or so you will continue to see outworkings of this and as these ideas and energies and ministries of these individuals who are serving, changing the consciousness reach the far regions of the globe.

In your culture you may see it a little more quickly than in some more primitive and backward cultures to be able to truly embrace it, but we start with those who are ready--those people who have spiritually awakened and have the intellectual capacity as well to recognize what is occurring.

The superstitions within certain religious traditions are a little bit more difficult to break-up--to recode. Those individuals who have a higher degree of education and the receptivity of spirit and intellect are in a more favorable position to receive this. So it will spread--these pools of individuals who have already begun the transformation process in and for themselves. Does this answer your question to your satisfaction, my son?

Student: Yes it does, thank you. Nice to know that there is hope yet for harmony.

MICHAEL: Not only hope my son, but inevitability, and be in my peace.

Student: Thanks.

Student: Hello this is H., I would like to ask you a personal question, because I feel a lot of pressure coming on and I would like some words about how I could handle that better. Although I think I know what it is, to more focus on my heart. There is density, there is a pressure on the brain, on my head, but I think you know what I mean, thank you.

MICHAEL: H. my son, I invite you to relax more into your Mother. She carries you safely within her web of consciousness. Spend time breathing, following your breath, letting your breath move through every part of your being slowly, gently through your body. It will help to equalize this pressure that is now bearing on your body. There is much to be outworked in the neurological configurations of your brain--the neurochemical transmitters that require stabilization and balancing.

As you have made many gains spiritually, there is the component of transformation that your body must adjust to that does feel like the body is containing or feeling much pressure. This is your signal to relax and to find that renewal and refreshment in Mother, in the creation life forces that you have access to. When you feel this, take a few moments to breathe deeply and slowly and recognize that it is your Mother whose circuits are expanding you in cosmic consciousness and your body is retuning itself to rise to the occasion.

Remember to spend time out enjoying the beauties of nature as you are learning more about the electromagnetic fields of the earth plane and how consciousness and the earth plane intersects and interacts.

It is normal that your body would be going through this period of adjustment, so ensure that you are connecting at the physical level to your Mother Earth. Allow the energies of Mother Earth to recalibrate you in those stabilizing magnetic fields that will keep your body in a more relaxed state of being.

Envision in your mind’s eye when you are communing with Mother that She has opened a spigot of light over your crown chakra, and from that light particles, tiny particles of light shower down upon you and help your body tune and attenuate to the frequencies of those light particles. Let her and your helpers weave these light particles into your body. Simply focus in your heart that this is what you desire and need, and breathe and allow them to soak in, settling in those areas of your body where my peace and the Father’s will are necessary.

Practice this every day and grow in the beauty of light as it is going deep into yourself. Does this help my son?

Student: I want to ask a question again, I was with a therapist and she said that she could see that my lower body, that she can see the energy around my upper body, but that it looks like that Iam not really grounded.

MICHAEL: What is the question?

Student: The question is, I think that relates to what you said before, when I practice that, that will work out itself.

MICHAEL: Your physical body is undergoing many changes and the practice or exercise of grounding, spending time in nature, is a vital component of allowing your body to remember that it is an integral part of the earth plane and that it needs to be calibrated in these magnetic energies that are indigenous to the earth plane.

Your highly electrified technologies will disturb this equilibrium of the magnetic resonance within the body, so that having the opportunity to ground yourself in the loving energies of Mother Earth will help these lower chakras open.

Relax and begin to receive more of the spiritual energies that you require for your transformation. Also, there are many codes that have been a part of the evolutionary animal legacy that were distorted by the rebellion and now are being corrected to help your body attenuate to these energies of the earth plane. As you ground, ask for these recalibrations in Mother Earth and Mother Spirit and feel your desire for this as the helpers near and dear to you retune and rewire you, so to speak. Does this help you my son?

Student: Thank you, that’s wonderful, i understand what you are saying because I have already basic experiences in this.

MICHAEL: Be in my peace, my son. Are there any more questions before we conclude?

Student: This is H. again, I may be like to refer to, you mentioned the word before, the word ascension. I was reading a book of another spiritual group in the US, they say one should use the word intention, because, I am trying to understand what they mean, I still have to read the whole book that also something that relates before, like it is the perspective, to get grounded and get connected with the Earth.

Sometimes, when I think about ascension, or when people talk about ascension, it sometimes looks like they go away, they want to go away from here, but they still don`t have arrived here.

MICHAEL: There are many ideas that individuals harbor around this process of ascension, but what is important for you, my son, is to remember your own inner journey. Many teachers are striving to impart the lessons of inner spiritual development and yes, it can be helpful to read other individual perspectives. But then in the final analysis you must engage your own Spirit of Truth within when communing with your own Father Fragment to discern what is right for you.

(The rest of Michaels words were to faint to understand)