2004-10-07-Reality of Truth, Beauty, & Goodness

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Relativity of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness


Solonia: Greetings dear friends, this is your elder sister Solonia. It is good to be here with you here tonight to share and to acknowledge. Tonight I would share with you about the subject of relativity. In every phase of your being and every step in your growth from now and even on in to eternity, your perception of truth, your recognition of beauty, your understanding of, and your ability to enact goodness, will always be relative and it will be relative to the eternal perfection of our Father.

Indeed this is as it should be. Look not to one another for your validation of your personal progress for relatively speaking it is only with our Father that any of us can really compare our progress. The injunction to all as was stated by the Master as he was with us here in the flesh is "be you perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect". The Father is your number one relative and your progress as individuals, as groups, is predicated upon how closely you are working towards enacting that pronouncement.

"Be ye perfect , even as your Father in heaven is perfect." This is not beyond any of us or our Master would not have said this thing to us. It is a statement relative to all of us, mortal, seraphim, life carrier, Melchizedek, all within this local universe of Nebadon, and indeed we know it is the injunction of the entire of the entire superuniverse. "Be you perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." We are all in every phase of personality manifestation, working, individually and collectively towards that becoming perfect.

You are so young and new to this time and space endeavor and yet I would like to say that you do well through struggles on such a planet, in the state it is in, and in the condition you are able to see it in. You yet hold fast and continue in you quest towards the supreme injunction. You do well my dear friends, to keep your spirits in motion. You seek perfection and though discouraging at times, you maintain hope because you know that you are a beloved child of god. You are able to recognize that you have an incredible celestial family surrounding you, to be of aid to you, and you are beginning to recognize how this can be beneficial in your lives.

Work towards discovering our Fathers' will for you and in so doing you will quite naturally be becoming more Fatherlike, more and more perfect. Seek our Fathers' will in every matter, whenever you feel stressed, whenever you are not feeling well, seek for our Fathers' will for that moment and also when you are doing well. That is a time when some would perhaps forget to seek Fathers' will in each moment. Remember well in bad times and most especially in good. Ask your Father. He is there for you in all times. It is the only thing in the time space universe that is not relative. It is in fact an infinite actual. I would be open for any questions this evening if there are any.

Q: Did you say that the Fathers' will is the only thing that is not relative?

Solonia: No, it is your personal touch relationship with our Father that is not relative. Your contact, your..all the time being in your Fathers' presense. That is what is not relative. All else has a degree of relativity.

Q: When you talk about the word perfection, when translated into English, that the original meaning was completeness and this seems so much more understandable. Would that be a more adequate definition? Solonia: Indeed dear one, that is an exceptional word to bring up for indeed is perfection that total completeness and completion. Very well done.

Q: Thank you for that clarification.

Q: That makes it that much easier for me to understand as well, thank you. What is perfection?...I had no clue.

Solonia: It is for all of us a state of completion. It is a constant growth and renewal and stretching forward into unknown territories, it is an eternal quest for, indeed, completion.

Q: Is this quest ever achieved?

Solonia: Indeed, for many have achieved their completion in the time space sense and are sixth stage finaliters, for it is the seventh stage that I would say is the ultimate completion and in actuality, infinite completion is beyond any of our abilities to conceive of at this time.

Q: Does it get faster or slower Solonia? I mean you guys are changing and we're changing and earth is spinning through space and all the levels, and all is well. I know it's challenging sometimes...but I really appreciate the eye opener, thank you so much.

Solonia: You are so very welcome, I would make an analogy regarding your first question. Look at the last five years of your life, has it seemed to go a great deal faster than the five or ten years previous to it?

Q: Oh yeah, much faster.

Solonia: It compounds. Time becomes less of a constraint once you leave the mortal sphere.

Q: So I guess the mansion worlds are changing too then?

Solonia: Indeed, always changing. There will come a day when the mansion worlds are no longer necessary for light and life will be achieved on the individual planets prior to death in our future ages and so the remedial necessity of the mansion worlds will no longer be needed, so truly, as each of us...you, me, all of us grow towards our highest potentials, the enire system, the entire universe, the entire Master Universe grows as a result of our individual growth. It is a responsibility as well as a great privilege to recognize ones importance to the whole of the cosmos.

Q: Sometimes I can just zoom out of the world, I can see me as just this little speck on the world somewhere, and still know that it is part of each and every one of us whether we can see each other or not.... I am getting ready for a trip to the east side of the Mediterranean and is there anything you can prepare me for it and what that might do to connect the world.

Solonia: There is always great potential in each outreach. You may prepare best by remembering to practice daily stillness with our Father. You will forget nothing that you truly need. Q: Is this is an adjustment being made to shake us up and to bring us somewhat more together? What is the explanation for that or is there anything that we, the world, all nations can do to adjust?

Solonia: The adjustment is something that has been accumulating throughout the history of this planet and is reaching a point, the opening of the circuits through the higher spirituality that is growing around the world. I would say that this world is in the process of its completion. It is obviously, as you look around, not at its completed stage, and yet this is a time of great energy and times like this are indeed times of great revelation, so my greatest admonition to each is"be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect". That will be all of the questions I will take this evening. It has been my great pleasure to speak with you. My love is ever with you each. I get around so am able to keep tabs on all of you in my family here. Good night.