2008-04-27-Monjoronson Speaks

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Topic: Monjoronson Speaks

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Henry Z.



Question: “What is the choice we have to make, and its urgency?”

Monjoronson: “Greetings, mortal friend, you are of a mind to see clarification and understanding, and through your questioning arrive at a much greater wisdom in your thinking.

“Yes, you are correct, Michael has allowed the Lucifer Rebellion to play out for 200,000 years with the main characters conducting the play on your world. Since Michael’s sovereignty bestowal 2000 years ago, the main characters have been in detention, not able to execute their ‘against the will’ scheme on this world. What has been taking place is that many humans have been taught to act in ‘their scheme/play,’ and for the past several thousand years have perpetuated this ‘against the will’ behavior.

“The Celestial organization, under Michael’s direct mandate, is well aware, the havoc and destruction, the oppression and poverty, the separation of classes of peoples due to race, belief, nationality, and language, which was brought about by the willful and malignant decisions of the celestial superiors, whose authority it was to bring this simple life experiment planet into the correct position to take its place amongst the ordered Satania system planets, responding to the greater influence of the Sovereign Universe directive of Michael’s’ plan for this His sovereign bestowal world.

“It is therefore the fact that the spiritual characters taking part and creating this maladjusted substitute for the will of the Father, have been given mercy, rehabilitation, adjudication. The final applications for future residency within the universe of Nebadon have been approved qualifying their adjustments according to the decisions of the Ancients of Days.

“My friends, it is you, of Urantia, who stand on the stage of the final act of the Lucifer rebellion. The play is shortly finished. This is the urgent call. Urantians have a choice. You are all indwelt with the Adjuster directive. You all have a choice. Every second of every day there is a choice. Whether or not this choice is taken for granted, because it is so insignificant in the greater plans for the ego-led life at large, you nonetheless have a choice. The greater responsibility an individual has, the greater the choices, and their consequential affectation to your society. My messages through many of you are signatured with urgency. It is to you who choose to stay the course in your understanding of Father’s will, Michael’s plan, and Nebadonia’s grace by the decisions you make, which leaven the movement of men towards God and His Will.

“It matters not, actually, for you to even be concerned about what is to occur shortly. Living your life in the security and certainty by the decisions you have made is what you are to do. Bringing to a close this pathological consequence is much anticipated by Michael for your world. This happens to be timed to the events which are unfolding now. The Correcting Time is nothing more than a grace period in which you are given option for choices which have to be made:

1.The majority of the people have to begin to live in recognition of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherly and sisterly attitude which accompanies such a recognition.

2. To motivate each and everyone individually. Many celestials have been volunteering to come to your world to be of assistance.

3. To understand a greater consequence is upon the way you have lived and brought your planet to the brink of the played out ritual of selfish use and abuse which has left the air, water, earth, people, food, industry, education, military activity, medicine, government and even religion in the control of manipulation and support of the pathological thinking -- behavior and desires which were inaugurated by the rebellion, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

“You want to know how 50 years of the actual rebellion could erase 300,000 years of well maintained and sustained culture on the planet as afforded by the Prince and his Staff? How is it that a few cancer cells can bring a vital and healthy human being in a matter of months to an early death? You still have access to the years previous to the rebellion. Though much of this is beyond the boundaries of your consciousness, yet within the DNA structure it is hidden. Why is it that man is so stagnant in his desire? Don’t you want a better world? It certainly is not a lack of information or imagination. As intelligent beings, you should possess the ability to listen, look and act accordingly. To go within and find the greatest resource, reference map, instructions, and friend, one will never find anywhere else in the universe.

“It is only when you have balanced your beliefs, thinking, acting and coordinated this within the greater community that you have leadership capability. This is what is needed now if you are to move into the next age which is upon you. We have not come to do this for you. We are not effecting and manipulating what is happening or what is about to happen on your world. The Celestial presence here signifies the greater desire the universe feels to afford this world and all of you with the most gentle, loyal, and loving presences, who bring their support, wisdom, and knowledge to be of utmost service at this time. Many of you are familiar with Teachers, who are only a small portion of the help being utilized to upstep your people and planet from a celestial perspective.

“In this lesson let there be a greater understanding of the importance and urgency, which is called forth to choice constructively, and begin to put into practice that which you know. To use the language of this friend, “ you are smarter than you act.” It is time to bring more of the Master’s truth to light on your world. Thank you for the time and consideration of this message. Go within to integrate my message and your intentions. Thank you, I am Monjoronson.”