2005-08-08-Give Up The Past Completely

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Topic: Give Up the Past Completely

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Michael

TR: Unknown



Michael: “My sister, you know that giving up the past completely is not easy. Bringing yesterday into today is simply a habit of long standing.

“Think of all the habits we have put behind us. You know that a habit can be unlearned, and you know that truth is simply the unlearning of untruth. You smile. Yes, the computer will sometimes reject My Words, but I speak to you in your language. You understand exactly what I say to you, always.

“Hanging onto the past is hanging onto untruth. The past is no longer real, so why do you go back there and revisit it so often? You have taken the time to clear away the cobwebs from the attic of your mind, and now you will need to replace that old habit by simply staying in the moment.

“You see how easy it is to now keep your attention on My Voice. No other thoughts are permitted in this time we share together each day. If I tell you that only now can be real; only now is necessary, will you simply trust Me that these words are truthful?

“The past is gone! You have been in quite an extensive schoolroom with your past experiences, and yes, you have learned what you do not like, and that which you have no desire to repeat. The lesson well learned needs no repetition.

“Yet the mind loves to play the replay game, doesn’t it? It is simply a habit. You can hit the stop button when the mind wants to replay any scene from the past. Aha, you say as you smile with these thoughts. And you wish you could hit the fast forward button sometimes. No! Stay centered on the now in this lesson.

“No! That’s the word you can use for the past. It’s over, so simply say no.

“I told you recently you are the commander of your thoughts. We have no time to waste on the nonsense of the past, for each day calls us to the business of the present, so be here with us in the now. Today will bring enough to keep us very busy.

“We have the Father’s ever present business to attend to, since we are in the business of extending His Love to all His creation. Just do as I said all those centuries ago, and take care of the business of loving one another.


“We are here to serve the Father’s Will, and His Will is always best served in the present. I am Michael, your Brother and ever-present Friend.”