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[[Character]] involves [[courage]], and courage requires the [[thinking]] mortal to bravely [[listen]] to opposing view points, accepting that others who don't necessarily ascribe to your own [[view point]]s are not in [[error]]. Courage involves [[exploring]] different views and [[attitudes]] and [[information]], and from these constructing your own code of life. [[Courage]] involves allowing your own code of life to be [[unique]] and special.
[[Character]] involves [[courage]], and courage requires the [[thinking]] mortal to bravely [[listen]] to opposing view points, accepting that others who don't necessarily ascribe to your own [[view point]]s are not in [[error]]. Courage involves [[exploring]] different views and [[attitudes]] and [[information]], and from these constructing your own code of life. [[Courage]] involves allowing your own code of life to be [[unique]] and special.
Character involves something you would describe as [[nobility]]. Nobility not in the sense of the hypocritical [[self- righteousness]] that you popularly associate with this [[concept]]. Nobility meaning [[discovering]] your own [[morality]] and giving a [[loyalty]] to the higher being who is the [[architect]] of this morality. It is something akin to delighting in [[righteousness]]. Something that is very lacking in your [[materialistic]] society , because often the morally praiseworthy acts of an [[individual]] are looked upon as [[foolish]] by the world.
Character involves something you would describe as [[nobility]]. Nobility not in the sense of the hypocritical [[self righteousness]] that you popularly associate with this [[concept]]. Nobility meaning [[discovering]] your own [[morality]] and giving a [[loyalty]] to the higher being who is the [[architect]] of this morality. It is something akin to delighting in [[righteousness]]. Something that is very lacking in your [[materialistic]] society , because often the morally praiseworthy acts of an [[individual]] are looked upon as [[foolish]] by the world.
[[Character]] involves the [[steadfast]] [[dedication]] to the expansion of [[wisdom]], and wisdom involves life's [[experiences]] more than [[knowledge]] of [[facts]]. When one is steadfast in the pursuit of wisdom, one allows life's [[mistakes]] and makes the [[decision]] to grow in wisdom from these mistakes. When you say you learn from your mistakes, this implies something different. This implies just don't do it again. [[Growth]] in [[wisdom]] may [[force]] you to do that same [[action]] again. The wisdom comes from how you deal with the [[consequences]].
[[Character]] involves the [[steadfast]] [[dedication]] to the expansion of [[wisdom]], and wisdom involves life's [[experiences]] more than [[knowledge]] of [[facts]]. When one is steadfast in the pursuit of wisdom, one allows life's [[mistakes]] and makes the [[decision]] to grow in wisdom from these mistakes. When you say you learn from your mistakes, this implies something different. This implies just don't do it again. [[Growth]] in [[wisdom]] may [[force]] you to do that same [[action]] again. The wisdom comes from how you deal with the [[consequences]].
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Abraham: Hello. Friends. I am Abraham and I greet you each as brothers and sisters of [[the Father]]'s [[Master Universe|universe]]. Today marks the [[celebration]] of [[Paper 190 - Morontia Appearances of Jesus|the Master's appearances in morontia]] form]] to the witnesses who have [[confirmed]], even down to this [[generation]], the [[reality]] of [[Afterlife|life after the death experience]]. You question whether I am Abraham of old, yes I am he who has long worked for [[Melchizedek]] and been instructed and raised by him like a child. We are lucky to have the [[opportunity]] to address [[mortals]] in this [[manner]] who through their [[belief]] and faith in the [[Urantia Text|Urantia Book]], which holds the [[Paper 93 - Machiventa Melchizedek|teachings of Melchizedek]]. A personal message from [[Michael]] now.
Abraham: Hello. Friends. I am Abraham and I greet you each as brothers and sisters of [[the Father]]'s [[Master Universe|universe]]. Today marks the [[celebration]] of [[Paper 190 - Morontia Appearances of Jesus|the Master's appearances in morontia]] form]] to the witnesses who have [[confirmed]], even down to this [[generation]], the [[reality]] of [[Afterlife|life after the death experience]]. You question whether I am Abraham of old, yes I am he who has long worked for [[Melchizedek]] and been instructed and raised by him like a child. We are lucky to have the [[opportunity]] to address [[mortals]] in this [[manner]] who through their [[belief]] and faith in the [[Urantia Text|Urantia Book]], which holds the [[Paper 93 - Machiventa Melchizedek|teachings of Melchizedek]]. A personal message from [[Michael]] now.
Michael: [[Friends]]. Look upon me. I am dwelling always near by, even at your right hand. I have never stopped the [[human]] [[ministry]] that was ended in your records by [[Paper 187 - The Crucifixion|my physical death]]. No, my ministry to the world exists [[perpetually]] through the [[actions]], through the [[service]], of my children. You who would follow me have the [[duties]] imposed by your own [[dedication]]. You are welcome to enter into this [[divine]] [[service]]. Behold, I stretch forth my arms and welcome you in the [[spirit]]. Your lives will never be the same from the [[moment]] you are [[ordained]] into my service. I [[accept]] your willingness, each one, accept in return my [[love]], accept my own [[dedication]] to you, accept my service in your life, accept my arm about your shoulder, accept my [[whisper]] into your ear. Father, keep you well these [[tender]] children, sustain them in their hours of [[uncertainty]], give them inner [[peace]]. Give them [[security]]. Guide them in the earthly endeavors, and allow me to hold them fast to my bosom that they may be [[comforted]] and [[inspired]] in their times of need.
Michael: [[Friends]]. Look upon me. I am dwelling always near by, even at your right hand. I have never stopped the [[human]] [[ministry]] that was ended in your records by [[Paper 187 - The Crucifixion|my physical death]]. No, my ministry to the world exists [[perpetually]] through the [[actions]], through the [[service]], of my children. You who would follow me have the [[duties]] imposed by your own [[dedication]]. You are welcome to enter into this [[divine]] [[service]]. Behold, I stretch forth my arms and welcome you in the [[spirit]]. Your lives will never be the same from the [[moment]] you are [[ordained]] into my service. I [[accept]] your willingness, each one, accept in return my [[love]], accept my own [[dedication]] to you, accept my service in your life, accept my arm about your shoulder, accept my [[whisper]] into your ear. Father, keep you well these [[tender]] children, sustain them in their hours of [[uncertainty]], give them inner [[peace]]. Give them [[security]]. Guide them in the earthly endeavors, and allow me to hold them fast to my bosom that they may be [[comforted]] and [[inspired]] in their times of need.