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*Discussion of Aaron of Nazi Concentration Camps
==Advisory Board Input==
'''Rob wrote: January 13, 2013 at 11:28pm'''
'''Rob wrote: January 13, 2013 at 11:28pm'''
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== TML Discussion ==
==TML Discussion==
===January 14===
'''Rob wrote tml: Monday, January 14, 2013 at 2:37pm'''
'''Rob wrote tml: Monday, January 14, 2013 at 2:37pm'''
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Hello Marty-
Hello Marty-
Thank you for your thoughts! The reference to evil as always emerging from personal evaluations being elevated to the level of absolutes is from the [ Urantia text]]. Yes, of course it applies to the Rebellion as Lucifer is perhaps the best illustration of this axiom. It is not surprising to see his legacy here as in other isolated worlds that would include Nazism, but it could be extended to any 'isms' that normally appear  in earlier phases of planetary evolution. In worlds of isolation though, these propensities are greatly exacerbated to maximize competition and rationalized as a technique of accelerating evolution. Needless to say, the slow sure method of transformation beginning within has never sat well with those who would become crusaders evangelizing various 'revelations' including UB, TM, & MM. These reflect the legacy of Lucifer even while using the name of Michael resulting in a tragic form of irony.
Thank you for your thoughts! The reference to evil as always emerging from personal evaluations being elevated to the level of absolutes is from the [ Urantia text]]. Yes, of course it applies to the Rebellion as Lucifer is perhaps the best illustration of this axiom. It is not surprising to see his legacy here as in other isolated worlds that would include Nazism, but it could be extended to any 'isms' that normally appear  in earlier phases of planetary evolution. In worlds of isolation though, these propensities are greatly exacerbated to maximize competition and rationalized as a technique of accelerating evolution. Needless to say, the slow sure method of transformation beginning within has never sat well with those who would become crusaders evangelizing various 'revelations' including UB, TM, & MM. These reflect the legacy of Lucifer even while using the name of Michael resulting in a tragic form of irony.
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Thanks Rick! I appreciate your thoughts and as you may have discovered, I decided to institute a new practice when lessons are questioned. Rather than struggle with whether to record what may appear to be problematic, I will simply make note of discussion in the pertinent talkpage and leave a notice on the page suggesting to the reader that examining the comments may assist in their discernment.
Thanks Rick! I appreciate your thoughts and as you may have discovered, I decided to institute a new practice when lessons are questioned. Rather than struggle with whether to record what may appear to be problematic, I will simply make note of discussion in the pertinent talkpage and leave a notice on the page suggesting to the reader that examining the comments may assist in their discernment.
===January 15===
'''Jim wrote: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:25 AM'''
'''Jim wrote: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:25 AM'''
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'''Steffani Murray wrote:Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:07 PM'''
'''Steffani Murray wrote:Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:07 PM'''
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'''Marty wrote: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:53 PM'''
'''Marty wrote: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:53 PM'''
Have you seen this Steffani?
Have you seen this Steffani?
'''Steffani wrote: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:57 PM'''
'''Steffani wrote: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:57 PM'''
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P.S. Personal religious truth needn't be thought of as any kind of absolute potentially imposable on anyone else in order to make Supreme Sense to any child of God who has let His Father explain everything in ways understandable to that individual at any level of existence one finds oneself on, at any given phase of development...but I do not doubt that genuine friendship with God will gradually make every person who embraces this eternal  relationship ever more understanding...and increasingly sane! [[66:8|66:8.6-9]], [[183:1|183:1.2]]
P.S. Personal religious truth needn't be thought of as any kind of absolute potentially imposable on anyone else in order to make Supreme Sense to any child of God who has let His Father explain everything in ways understandable to that individual at any level of existence one finds oneself on, at any given phase of development...but I do not doubt that genuine friendship with God will gradually make every person who embraces this eternal  relationship ever more understanding...and increasingly sane! [[66:8|66:8.6-9]], [[183:1|183:1.2]]
===January 16===
'''Jim Cleveland wrote:  Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:16 AM'''
'''Jim Cleveland wrote:  Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:16 AM'''
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Take for example these facts:
Take for example these facts:
*1.The Nazis managed to kill more innocent people by fire in 1944 and 1945 than all the other years combined.
*1.The Nazis managed to kill more innocent people by fire in 1944 and 1945 than all the other years combined.
*2.Adolf Hitler was raised by a Catholic father and a devout Catholic mother; he ceased to participate in the sacraments after childhood and supported the Deutsche Christen church which rejected the Hebrew origins of the Gospel.[1] In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity.[2][3] Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy.[4] According to the controversial collection of transcripts edited by Martin Bormann, titled Hitler's Table Talk, as well as the testimony of some intimates, Hitler had privately negative views of Christianity. Others reported he was a committed believer.[5][6] source cited
*2.Adolf Hitler was raised by a Catholic father and a devout Catholic mother; he ceased to participate in the sacraments after childhood and supported the Deutsche Christen church which rejected the Hebrew origins of the Gospel.[1] In his book Mein Kampf and in public speeches he often made statements that affirmed a belief in Christianity.[2][3] Prior to World War II Hitler had promoted "positive Christianity", a movement which purged Christianity of its Jewish elements and instilled it with Nazi philosophy.[4] According to the controversial collection of transcripts edited by Martin Bormann, titled Hitler's Table Talk, as well as the testimony of some intimates, Hitler had privately negative views of Christianity. Others reported he was a committed believer.[5][6] source cited
*3.mid-19th century papal encyclicals like Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno, as well as Pius IX’s anti-modernist Syllabus of Errors, as examples of the Catholic Church being anti-communist decades before the October Revolution.
*3.mid-19th century papal encyclicals like Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno, as well as Pius IX’s anti-modernist Syllabus of Errors, as examples of the Catholic Church being anti-communist decades before the October Revolution.
*4.Twenty million people could have been murdered the same as many other dictators had done throughout in history, simply by mass murder and burial or the bodies disposed by creating great pits as was done during the plagues of Europe hundreds of years before which killed ten times more people.
*4.Twenty million people could have been murdered the same as many other dictators had done throughout in history, simply by mass murder and burial or the bodies disposed by creating great pits as was done during the plagues of Europe hundreds of years before which killed ten times more people.
*5.Yet the evil charade, that the Holocaust was merely a hatefully racist, expedient, Nazi system of “cost saving” extermination, remains the accepted view---an absurdity that defies all the evidence to the contrary. That the main architects of this terrible period remain protected to this day is a mockery to the memory of every single Jew, every Russian Orthodox, every Greek Orthodox, every Protestant, every Baptist and every person sacrificed in the ovens.
*5.Yet the evil charade, that the Holocaust was merely a hatefully racist, expedient, Nazi system of “cost saving” extermination, remains the accepted view---an absurdity that defies all the evidence to the contrary. That the main architects of this terrible period remain protected to this day is a mockery to the memory of every single Jew, every Russian Orthodox, every Greek Orthodox, every Protestant, every Baptist and every person sacrificed in the ovens.
The word “Holocaust” is from the Greek holo “whole” + kaustos “burnt.” It refers to an animal sacrifice in which the entire animal is burned. It is also known as the Shoah, which is Hebrew for “destruction.” The terms “Shoah” and “Final Solution” always refer to the Nazi extermination of the Jews and “the Holocaust” refers to the overall genocide caused by the Nazis, while the general term “holocaust” can refer to the mass killing of any group by any government.esource cited
The word “Holocaust” is from the Greek holo “whole” + kaustos “burnt.” It refers to an animal sacrifice in which the entire animal is burned. It is also known as the Shoah, which is Hebrew for “destruction.” The terms “Shoah” and “Final Solution” always refer to the Nazi extermination of the Jews and “the Holocaust” refers to the overall genocide caused by the Nazis, while the general term “holocaust” can refer to the mass killing of any group by any government.esource cited
*6.The seeds from which the idea for the greatest human sacrifice of innocent lives originated is first to be found in the changing political fortunes of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe following World War I.
*6.The seeds from which the idea for the greatest human sacrifice of innocent lives originated is first to be found in the changing political fortunes of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe following World War I.
World War I marked a watershed for the Vatican. The destruction of the Austria-Hungary Empire thanks to the war finally freed the Popes---after nearly five hundred years---from treaties that permitted the royal houses descended from the Holy Roman Emperors to directly intervene in Papal elections. The destruction of Germany and French noble influence was “sweet revenge” in response to their pursuit of enlightened policies of secularism in the years leading to the “Great War”.
World War I marked a watershed for the Vatican. The destruction of the Austria-Hungary Empire thanks to the war finally freed the Popes---after nearly five hundred years---from treaties that permitted the royal houses descended from the Holy Roman Emperors to directly intervene in Papal elections. The destruction of Germany and French noble influence was “sweet revenge” in response to their pursuit of enlightened policies of secularism in the years leading to the “Great War”.
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In addition, at least three other Human Sacrifice Camps were set up along the "ley lines" of the Pentagram, including Belzec, Tomaszow Mazowiecki and Majdanek.
In addition, at least three other Human Sacrifice Camps were set up along the "ley lines" of the Pentagram, including Belzec, Tomaszow Mazowiecki and Majdanek.
The facts are too numerous to consider at this time however to start one may begin with the ruling class structure currently in power and move backward from there this is a good place to start
The facts are too numerous to consider at this time however to start one may begin with the ruling class structure currently in power and move backward from there this is a good place to start
Why would sacrifice be preferred by those who hate God?
Why would sacrifice be preferred by those who hate God?
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[[89:4|89:4.3]] Man still later conceived that his sacrifice of whatever nature might function as a message bearer to the gods; it might be as a sweet savor in the nostrils of deity. This brought incense and other aesthetic features of sacrificial rituals which developed into sacrificial feasting, in time becoming increasingly elaborate and ornate.
[[89:4|89:4.3]] Man still later conceived that his sacrifice of whatever nature might function as a message bearer to the gods; it might be as a sweet savor in the nostrils of deity. This brought incense and other aesthetic features of sacrificial rituals which developed into sacrificial feasting, in time becoming increasingly elaborate and ornate.
'''Steffani wrote:Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 3:06 PM'''
'''Steffani wrote:Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 3:06 PM'''
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I will not attempt to convince you that the holocaust was put together as described in the 8 papers at
I will not attempt to convince you that the holocaust was put together as described in the 8 papers at
but only suggest that you would do well to regard the dark forces on this world that keep us at war and in debt, that fosters godless materialism, and which thrives on greed…. are real people who are evil in intent and in action, they are iniquitous and immoral, they are simply living in the Luciferian manifesto of self-seeking at all cost. They carry on Satanic rituals including human sacrifice, pedophilia, conspiratorial terrorism and on and on.
but only suggest that you would do well to regard the dark forces on this world that keep us at war and in debt, that fosters godless materialism, and which thrives on greed…. are real people who are evil in intent and in action, they are iniquitous and immoral, they are simply living in the Luciferian manifesto of self-seeking at all cost. They carry on Satanic rituals including human sacrifice, pedophilia, conspiratorial terrorism and on and on.
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Jesus/Christ Michael and Our Father have provided the way...It's up to each of us when we decide to walk in it...and no one can make that choice for anyone else...One by one the lights come on and dispel any residual darkness. [[186:5|186:5.8]]
Jesus/Christ Michael and Our Father have provided the way...It's up to each of us when we decide to walk in it...and no one can make that choice for anyone else...One by one the lights come on and dispel any residual darkness. [[186:5|186:5.8]]
===January 17===
'''Dylan Roberts wrote: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 1:50 AM'''
'''Dylan Roberts wrote: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 1:50 AM'''