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Machiventa (Bill K.): I am Machiventa, [[Planetary Prince|your prince]], of course in attendance at this wondrous event. My staff has concluded that our [[progress]] with this immensely important [[correcting time]] continues to exceed our [[expectations]]. We know that you [[mortals]] who have joined us as [[apostles]] of [[Christ Michael]], at times, are overwhelmed with inadequacies, [[feelings]] of unworthiness and [[guilt]], that you should be called to this great mission. But we are trying our best to help you [[understand]] how [[distorted]] this poor [[self esteem]] is, and how contrary to universe [[reality]].
Machiventa (Bill K.): I am Machiventa, [[Planetary Prince|your prince]], of course in attendance at this wondrous event. My staff has concluded that our [[progress]] with this immensely important [[correcting time]] continues to exceed our [[expectations]]. We know that you [[mortals]] who have joined us as [[apostles]] of [[Christ Michael]], at times, are overwhelmed with inadequacies, [[feelings]] of unworthiness and [[guilt]], that you should be called to this great mission. But we are trying our best to help you [[understand]] how [[distorted]] this poor [[self esteem]] is, and how contrary to universe [[reality]].
===='''''[[Urantia]]''''', '''''[[Rebellion]]'''''====
You are [[becoming]] aware of the true [[devastation]] which was wrought upon this system of [[Satania]] by the [[Lucifer rebellion]], and you are beginning to long with great [[nostalgia]] for your defaulted [[the Garden|Adamic administration]]. We are here, in part, to fill that gap and to produce a new [[society]] on this strife torn planet. My unspeakable [[gratitude]] to [[Christ Michael]], our [[Creator Son]], and to [[Nebadonia]], for the honor that is mine to represent this planet as acting planetary Prince. I, [[Machiventa]], have had much to do with your planetary history that is not revealed to you in the [[Urantia Text|Urantia Book]], except where it is hinted that I was in [[contact]] with many individuals between [[the bestowal]] of Christ Michael and the giving of the [[fifth epochal revelation]]. Therefore it is with great [[satisfaction]] that I act in the place of Michael on this planet.
You are [[becoming]] aware of the true [[devastation]] which was wrought upon this system of [[Satania]] by the [[Lucifer rebellion]], and you are beginning to long with great [[nostalgia]] for your defaulted [[the Garden|Adamic administration]]. We are here, in part, to fill that gap and to produce a new [[society]] on this strife torn planet. My unspeakable [[gratitude]] to [[Christ Michael]], our [[Creator Son]], and to [[Nebadonia]], for the honor that is mine to represent this planet as acting planetary Prince. I, [[Machiventa]], have had much to do with your planetary history that is not revealed to you in the [[Urantia Text|Urantia Book]], except where it is hinted that I was in [[contact]] with many individuals between [[the bestowal]] of Christ Michael and the giving of the [[fifth epochal revelation]]. Therefore it is with great [[satisfaction]] that I act in the place of Michael on this planet.
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I now have concluded my remarks, and I will step aside so that another may address you.
I now have concluded my remarks, and I will step aside so that another may address you.
Mantutia (Sheila B.): Greetings. I am your brother, Mantutia, and I would speak of [[awakening]]. With each level of actualized [[growth]] there results an awakening. At this time when you have stepped upon a new plane of awareness, you may very well [[expect]] a feeling of unfamiliarity because of new heights of awareness and [[acceptance]]. What you see before you may very well not be acceptable of your way of life. And this new way of knowing, of seeing, because you are at the beginning once again, you may [[experience]] [[doubts]]. You may experience a [[feeling]] of not knowing one's [[self]] or [[understanding]] those around you.. You cannot go from one floor of a building and expect the same things. You must [[explore]] the new floor you are approaching. It is in this [[process]] of exploration that you come to know your new self, your new understanding, your new acceptance of what is real. This is the [[awakening]].
Mantutia (Sheila B.): Greetings. I am your brother, Mantutia, and I would speak of [[awakening]]. With each level of actualized [[growth]] there results an awakening. At this time when you have stepped upon a new plane of awareness, you may very well [[expect]] a feeling of unfamiliarity because of new heights of awareness and [[acceptance]]. What you see before you may very well not be acceptable of your way of life. And this new way of knowing, of seeing, because you are at the beginning once again, you may [[experience]] [[doubts]]. You may experience a [[feeling]] of not knowing one's [[self]] or [[understanding]] those around you.. You cannot go from one floor of a building and expect the same things. You must [[explore]] the new floor you are approaching. It is in this [[process]] of exploration that you come to know your new self, your new understanding, your new acceptance of what is real. This is the [[awakening]].