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Daniel (Bill): I am Daniel. Good evening, my friends. Your [[discussion]] this evening was most [[enlightening]] to us for it indicates your continued perusal of the [[righteousness]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven, or to say it in other words, the [[prioritizing]] of your life to seek to know God and be like him, above and beyond all other priorities in the matrix of [[materialism]] and [[spirituality]] which [[surrounds]] you, especially at the time of year.
Daniel (Bill): I am Daniel. Good evening, my friends. Your [[discussion]] this evening was most [[enlightening]] to us for it indicates your continued perusal of the [[righteousness]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven, or to say it in other words, the [[prioritizing]] of your life to seek to know God and be like him, above and beyond all other priorities in the matrix of [[materialism]] and [[spirituality]] which [[surrounds]] you, especially at the time of year.
Many are lost in the din of [[greedy]] sounds and the [[maze]] of confusing hallways. They ask themselves, "What does [[Christmas]] really mean to me, but a time for buying many presents and finding myself that much [[poorer]] and no richer in [[spirit]]". They [[share]] the same sentiments as the story by [ Charles Dickens and a character named Scrooge]. But you have been following now your Master these many years, and to you is given to know the [[secrets]] of [[the kingdom]]. These secrets are not things God withholds in favoritism, but are the [[discoveries]] of [[the soul]] that has pursed the spiritual [[path]]. The [[kingdom of heaven]] within you, that is, the reign of God in your [[heart]], grows, indeed, as does the mustard seed into the mustard tree; and we have been [[partners]] with you in this [[phenomenal]] growth. (Long pause.)
Many are lost in the din of [[greedy]] sounds and the [[maze]] of confusing hallways. They ask themselves, "What does [[Christmas]] really mean to me, but a time for buying many presents and finding myself that much [[poorer]] and no richer in [[spirit]]". They [[share]] the same sentiments as the story by [ Charles Dickens and a character named Scrooge]. But you have been following now your Master these many years, and to you is given to know the [[secrets]] of [[the kingdom]]. These secrets are not things God withholds in favoritism, but are the [[discoveries]] of [[the soul]] that has pursed the spiritual [[path]]. The [[kingdom of heaven]] within you, that is, the reign of God in your [[heart]], grows, indeed, as does the mustard seed into the mustard tree; and we have been [[partners]] with you in this [[phenomenal]] growth. (Long pause.)
Tonight I desire that we again involve you all in our [[consideration]] of the [[methods]] by which you have successfully, or partially maintained your [[balance]] between your [[material]] needs and physical lives on the one hand, and your [[allegiance]] to God and your participation in [[spiritual growth]] on the other. I would again ask you to think about this for a few minutes, then rather than going around the circle, which puts [[pressure]] on people to respond, I would allow for an open [[forum]] where whoever desires to speak can do so, followed by the next person, and so forth.
Tonight I desire that we again involve you all in our [[consideration]] of the [[methods]] by which you have successfully, or partially maintained your [[balance]] between your [[material]] needs and physical lives on the one hand, and your [[allegiance]] to God and your participation in [[spiritual growth]] on the other. I would again ask you to think about this for a few minutes, then rather than going around the circle, which puts [[pressure]] on people to respond, I would allow for an open [[forum]] where whoever desires to speak can do so, followed by the next person, and so forth.
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Bob: I'd have to say that I am not sure that I have that [[balanced]]. I didn't particularly seek that, so that if it happened it was the result of something else. Maybe subconsciously I sought to move away from materialistic [[ideals]] that I am sure were extremely important to me when I was younger. And now they don't seem to be as important to me, so from that point of view I guess I have made a move to at least bring them relatively into [[balance]]. From my own point of view I think it must be the result of trying to grow [[spiritually]]. If one is able to do that, this other stuff (the balance between spiritual and material things) seems to fall into place. I'd be interested in your [[thought]] on my [[ideals]].
Bob: I'd have to say that I am not sure that I have that [[balanced]]. I didn't particularly seek that, so that if it happened it was the result of something else. Maybe subconsciously I sought to move away from materialistic [[ideals]] that I am sure were extremely important to me when I was younger. And now they don't seem to be as important to me, so from that point of view I guess I have made a move to at least bring them relatively into [[balance]]. From my own point of view I think it must be the result of trying to grow [[spiritually]]. If one is able to do that, this other stuff (the balance between spiritual and material things) seems to fall into place. I'd be interested in your [[thought]] on my [[ideals]].
Ken: I agree with you that the [[material]] goals that we have when we are younger basically are not [[important]] today. But I don't feel I am in [[balance]]. I feel like I'm on a seesaw, but on a seesaw you can [[achieve]] and balance. But my spiritual never quite achieves my material yet. And that is kind of the [[goal]], to balance the two, but I am going up and down. There are moments when I think that I would like to win the lottery, but then upon deeper [[contemplation]] and thinking I would much rather have [[spiritual growth]] and [[understanding]] and a relationship with [[the Father]] than I would the material end of things. And through the [[Teaching Mission]], through the [[Urantia Book]], and through friends such as you (all), we can achieve part of that balance, part of that understanding that we need. (Banter.) You always have that desire for [[harmony]] in you life, and it has been growing. (More banter.) It is like (when) the industrial age and the Urantia Book came into being about the same time frame, and now the spiritual aspect is beginning to swing into prominence in the world. We are beginning to see it more and more. You have to look for it, but it is there.
Ken: I agree with you that the [[material]] goals that we have when we are younger basically are not important today. But I don't feel I am in [[balance]]. I feel like I'm on a seesaw, but on a seesaw you can [[achieve]] and balance. But my spiritual never quite achieves my material yet. And that is kind of the [[goal]], to balance the two, but I am going up and down. There are moments when I think that I would like to win the lottery, but then upon deeper [[contemplation]] and thinking I would much rather have [[spiritual growth]] and [[understanding]] and a relationship with [[the Father]] than I would the material end of things. And through the [[Teaching Mission]], through the [[Urantia Book]], and through friends such as you (all), we can achieve part of that balance, part of that understanding that we need. (Banter.) You always have that desire for [[harmony]] in you life, and it has been growing. (More banter.) It is like (when) the industrial age and the Urantia Book came into being about the same time frame, and now the spiritual aspect is beginning to swing into prominence in the world. We are beginning to see it more and more. You have to look for it, but it is there.
Bill: I thought the question was how are we maintaining the [[balance]]. (Discussion.)
Bill: I thought the question was how are we maintaining the [[balance]]. (Discussion.)
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Bill: The core of it is the same. It was true contact with my [[Thought Adjuster]]. Of course I did not know that at that time. It has the [[divinity]] flavor, just like this chocolate cocoa. (Laughter.) The [[knowledge]] I had as a young man was pretty limited, like all of us were at 18; and yes the [[Bible]] was new to me, and for awhile I accepted the idea it was [[infallible]], until I [[studied]] it. It became more difficult to hold to that [[idea]] because it was obvious there were innumerable [[contradictions]] of concepts and [[evolution]] of [[ideas]]. Then when I went to seminary and had the [[formal]] [[training]] to understand the value of the Bible, it could no longer be as a [[fundamentalist]] that I could view it. So my concepts now are enormously enlarged, especially by the [[Urantia Book]]. But there is nothing different about the flavor. (Other conversation.) And I think everyone who contacts their [[Thought Adjuster]] has the same flavor whatever the religious [[expression]] that they use. I guess that is the change that I see, and I don't know if it is just getting older as I don't think everyone that gets older gets more [[spiritual]]. I have seem some people who haven't. They've grown rigid, yes, [[fearful]]. But in my case is has had a certain degree of [[correspondence]] with my age, but most of all with my choices, where I chose to [[focus]]. My adversity has been the disease of [[alcoholism]] but there are other [[adversities]]. Some of my family members have mental illness [[adversities]]. And that can be worse, because they are not as easily treated. Alcoholism is pretty well treated with [[abstinence]] and a spiritual program. So I think we all need [[adversity]] to strengthen our spiritual muscle.
Bill: The core of it is the same. It was true contact with my [[Thought Adjuster]]. Of course I did not know that at that time. It has the [[divinity]] flavor, just like this chocolate cocoa. (Laughter.) The [[knowledge]] I had as a young man was pretty limited, like all of us were at 18; and yes the [[Bible]] was new to me, and for awhile I accepted the idea it was [[infallible]], until I [[studied]] it. It became more difficult to hold to that [[idea]] because it was obvious there were innumerable [[contradictions]] of concepts and [[evolution]] of [[ideas]]. Then when I went to seminary and had the [[formal]] [[training]] to understand the value of the Bible, it could no longer be as a [[fundamentalist]] that I could view it. So my concepts now are enormously enlarged, especially by the [[Urantia Book]]. But there is nothing different about the flavor. (Other conversation.) And I think everyone who contacts their [[Thought Adjuster]] has the same flavor whatever the religious [[expression]] that they use. I guess that is the change that I see, and I don't know if it is just getting older as I don't think everyone that gets older gets more [[spiritual]]. I have seem some people who haven't. They've grown rigid, yes, [[fearful]]. But in my case is has had a certain degree of [[correspondence]] with my age, but most of all with my choices, where I chose to [[focus]]. My adversity has been the disease of [[alcoholism]] but there are other [[adversities]]. Some of my family members have mental illness [[adversities]]. And that can be worse, because they are not as easily treated. Alcoholism is pretty well treated with [[abstinence]] and a spiritual program. So I think we all need [[adversity]] to strengthen our spiritual muscle.
Virginia: Bill, I'd like to pick up on the [[fact]] that you said the same flavor, and you used the word [[Thought Adjuster]], and then you said the same flavor. To me I thought in terms of that flavor as recognition that God loves you. To me that is core of conversion. It is the core of any [[relationship]] with your Thought Adjuster. It is the core that we see in the [[Urantia Book]] and in what we hear from our teachers. To me that it just an incredible thing, that there is a God that loves us. (Other [[conversation]].) And on this (Urantia Book) tape I'm am [[listening]] to, God had to first seek you out, so that then you could seek God. To me that is incredible thing. And that fact that you know we all look at our paths, and, oh my goodness, before the Urantia Book, I read a self-help book that really helped me. It was called [ The Hero Within]. It talked about the [[spiral]], upward ascent. It wasn't really spiritual. It was much more emotional, mental. But the other day Klariksika referred to that spiral point, and when I moaned about my present situation, she said that I had reached another turn in the spiral where you have to [[experience]] the same things at a new level. And that means clearing your [[heart]] of [[revenge]] and [[ego]], and all those things, and reach for [[forgiveness]], that you are able to forgive. And then extend that love. To me that is a very vivid picture of what it means in our [[spiritual growth]], we never reach it. We just keep spiraling up, for a very long time according to the (Urantia) book. And the maintaining certainly. I think that to ask for self-[[revelation]] so that you can know yourself as well as you are able to in a situation is necessary. The [[relationship]] to God and the request of his help and the [[gratitude]] that He has been there for you daily, and certainly I haven't done it daily, but close to it, it very important. Without talking to your friend, I don't know how you can be [[sensitive]] to help daily. (Pause.) One other thought. When we first started discussing this it was interesting to me that the material was [[money]] or [[addiction]] or this sort of thing. I was thinking much more that material was relationships. And I don't know that I have ever [[thought]] in terms of clothes and money. I have always told Bill that we're are really [[wealthy]]. We have what counts, [[relationships]]. (Bill agrees.) Our relationships in the material world are tough. And its our relationship with God hopefully that will help maintain those relationships with our brothers and sisters.
Virginia: Bill, I'd like to pick up on the [[fact]] that you said the same flavor, and you used the word [[Thought Adjuster]], and then you said the same flavor. To me I thought in terms of that flavor as recognition that God loves you. To me that is core of conversion. It is the core of any [[relationship]] with your Thought Adjuster. It is the core that we see in the [[Urantia Book]] and in what we hear from our teachers. To me that it just an incredible thing, that there is a God that loves us. (Other [[conversation]].) And on this (Urantia Book) tape I'm am [[listening]] to, God had to first seek you out, so that then you could seek God. To me that is incredible thing. And that fact that you know we all look at our paths, and, oh my goodness, before the Urantia Book, I read a self-help book that really helped me. It was called [ The Hero Within]. It talked about the [[spiral]], upward ascent. It wasn't really spiritual. It was much more emotional, mental. But the other day Klariksika referred to that spiral point, and when I moaned about my present situation, she said that I had reached another turn in the spiral where you have to [[experience]] the same things at a new level. And that means clearing your [[heart]] of [[revenge]] and [[ego]], and all those things, and reach for [[forgiveness]], that you are able to forgive. And then extend that love. To me that is a very vivid picture of what it means in our [[spiritual growth]], we never reach it. We just keep spiraling up, for a very long time according to the (Urantia) book. And the maintaining certainly. I think that to ask for self-[[revelation]] so that you can know yourself as well as you are able to in a situation is necessary. The [[relationship]] to God and the request of his help and the [[gratitude]] that He has been there for you daily, and certainly I haven't done it daily, but close to it, it very important. Without talking to your friend, I don't know how you can be [[sensitive]] to help daily. (Pause.) One other thought. When we first started discussing this it was interesting to me that the material was [[money]] or [[addiction]] or this sort of thing. I was thinking much more that material was relationships. And I don't know that I have ever [[thought]] in terms of clothes and money. I have always told Bill that we're are really [[wealthy]]. We have what counts, [[relationships]]. (Bill agrees.) Our relationships in the material world are tough. And its our relationship with God hopefully that will help maintain those relationships with our brothers and sisters.
Bill: My [[reaction]] is that [[relationships]] are both spiritual and material, (Virginia agrees.) and that is where this [[balance]] is so difficult to obtain, our relationships with ourselves and others, not so much with God. If we do our part with God, there is no [[problem]]. There is no wavering on the other side.
Bill: My [[reaction]] is that [[relationships]] are both spiritual and material, (Virginia agrees.) and that is where this [[balance]] is so difficult to obtain, our relationships with ourselves and others, not so much with God. If we do our part with God, there is no [[problem]]. There is no wavering on the other side.
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Roxie: If it is possible, I think I have had too much of it, (rather) than not enough of the material [[focus]]. Are you saying there should be sufficient focus on the material?
Roxie: If it is possible, I think I have had too much of it, (rather) than not enough of the material [[focus]]. Are you saying there should be sufficient focus on the material?
Daniel (Bill): Yes, I am saying that. For the [[ascetic]] response to [[conflict]], the withdrawal from the world, which happened in the middle ages especially, was not an effective [[balance]] between living in [[the kingdom]] of men and [[simultaneously]] in the kingdom of God. I am not implying, Roxie, my dear, that you have withdrawn into [[monastic]] [[asceticism]], but agreeing that while you are a mortal your model is our Master himself who plunged into the material side of life with great gusto. He, being a Jew, was not supposed to enjoy [[art]] and he was a great lover of art and [[music]]. He appreciated the [ Greek games]. He valued the material realm. Because this is the beginning place of your [[ascension career]] does not mean it is of lesser [[value]] than the spiritual [[dimension]]. It is the evolution from the fully material to the fully spiritual that is the magnificent [[experience]] that is afforded us, as co-creators with the [[Supreme]]. Am I answering your question to your [[satisfaction]]?
Daniel (Bill): Yes, I am saying that. For the [[ascetic]] response to [[conflict]], the withdrawal from the world, which happened in the middle ages especially, was not an effective [[balance]] between living in [[the kingdom]] of men and [[simultaneously]] in the kingdom of God. I am not implying, Roxie, my dear, that you have withdrawn into [[monastic]] [[asceticism]], but agreeing that while you are a mortal your model is our Master himself who plunged into the material side of life with great gusto. He, being a Jew, was not supposed to enjoy [[art]] and he was a great lover of art and [[music]]. He appreciated the [ Greek games]. He valued the material realm. Because this is the beginning place of your [[ascension career]] does not mean it is of lesser [[value]] than the spiritual [[dimension]]. It is the evolution from the fully material to the fully spiritual that is the magnificent [[experience]] that is afforded us, as co-creators with the [[Supreme]]. Am I answering your question to your [[satisfaction]]?
Roxie: Yes.
Roxie: Yes.
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Roxie: Thank you. That really is helpful to me.
Roxie: Thank you. That really is helpful to me.
Daniel (Bill): My friends, the time has come, and we have enjoyed our [[visit]]. Ponder in your [[hearts]] the [[question]] that I asked you, and if you feel that you are ready to respond in the [[future]], perhaps even as soon as next week, I will allow some time for that [[opportunity]]. And now again would you stand and join hands.
Daniel (Bill): My friends, the time has come, and we have enjoyed our [[visit]]. Ponder in your [[hearts]] the [[question]] that I asked you, and if you feel that you are ready to respond in the [[future]], perhaps even as soon as next week, I will allow some time for that [[opportunity]]. And now again would you stand and join hands.