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TOMAS: [[Amen]], and [[glory]] be. I am Tomas. How marvelous to once again comport myself in your arena. Your [[graciousness]] extends itself into the [[cosmic]] [[neighborhood]] and it invites the [[celestials]] to join you in your [[home]], your sacred sphere of filial association in recognition of the [[Universal Father]] and his infinite creation.
TOMAS: [[Amen]], and [[glory]] be. I am Tomas. How marvelous to once again comport myself in your arena. Your [[graciousness]] extends itself into the [[cosmic]] [[neighborhood]] and it invites the [[celestials]] to join you in your [[home]], your sacred sphere of filial association in recognition of the [[Universal Father]] and his infinite creation.
Welcome, one and all -- specifically those of you (who are) [[material]] beings, including the dogs that have graced our room today. Tectra, your travels through [,_New_Mexico Albuquerque] and environs are a welcome addition to our base of operations here. And daughter Linda, how wonderful (that) we get to see you again and [[embrace]] your vibrant [[presence]]. Precious travelers, sojourners, one and all, we gather together again in a search for quality of life that embraces the realms of [[reality]] which you are discovering as you continue to assert your [[souls]] into [[consciousness]] of [[Divinity]].
Welcome, one and all -- specifically those of you (who are) [[material]] beings, including the dogs that have graced our room today. Tectra, your travels through [,_New_Mexico Albuquerque] and environs are a welcome addition to our base of operations here. And daughter Linda, how wonderful (that) we get to see you again and [[embrace]] your vibrant [[presence]]. Precious travelers, sojourners, one and all, we gather together again in a search for quality of life that embraces the realms of [[reality]] which you are discovering as you continue to assert your [[souls]] into [[consciousness]] of [[Divinity]].
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Therefore, you who are the [[avant garde]] of [[spirit]] reality are once again in a position to help augment and [[guide]] the [[growth]] of [[your planet]]’s development as a world whose potential is [[Light and Life]]. You will benefit from these [[studies]], not only in such a vast [[social]] context, but in the most [[intimate]] of your associations: How to get along better with your [[spouse]] or your [[partner]] or your best friend. You will learn, then, from a new [[vantage point]] as we [[persist]]. Next week, if the occasion is propitious, I will go on from the first, the Spirit of Intuition, to the second [[adjutant mind spirit]] and compare it to how it seems, to me, to be the state of [[evolution]] on your world to date. I return you now to your teachers.
Therefore, you who are the [[avant garde]] of [[spirit]] reality are once again in a position to help augment and [[guide]] the [[growth]] of [[your planet]]’s development as a world whose potential is [[Light and Life]]. You will benefit from these [[studies]], not only in such a vast [[social]] context, but in the most [[intimate]] of your associations: How to get along better with your [[spouse]] or your [[partner]] or your best friend. You will learn, then, from a new [[vantage point]] as we [[persist]]. Next week, if the occasion is propitious, I will go on from the first, the Spirit of Intuition, to the second [[adjutant mind spirit]] and compare it to how it seems, to me, to be the state of [[evolution]] on your world to date. I return you now to your teachers.
Janet: Tomas, you have me thoroughly [[confused]]. If you were never [[mortal]], what were you?
Janet: Tomas, you have me thoroughly [[confused]]. If you were never [[mortal]], what were you?
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This is one [[opportunity]] for your continued [[growth]] and ascendancy to Divine Nature. Be informed that each opportunity that you have for experiencing life and its myriad experiences are as colorful and festive as any fiesta you will ever attend. They are true and colorful and spicy and truly the experiences that will [[survive]] even your conscious [[mind]].
This is one [[opportunity]] for your continued [[growth]] and ascendancy to Divine Nature. Be informed that each opportunity that you have for experiencing life and its myriad experiences are as colorful and festive as any fiesta you will ever attend. They are true and colorful and spicy and truly the experiences that will [[survive]] even your conscious [[mind]].
There is much more to be experienced, but let me not [[preface]] your [[experience]] with undo introduction, but rather I simply [[encourage]] you to look at life, perhaps, differently, as an [[adventure]] and nothing at all to be dread, to be downplayed or discouraged, but rather each [[phase]] and each element is as if you were [ Peter Pan] and your accompanying Fairy, or [ Tinkerbell]. All of these realities are interspersed and co-exist. You are part of a marvelous and multitudinous plan of being. [[Rejoice]] and be glad for you are [[aware]] of this level, but be mindful of the other levels for which you will become mindful.
There is much more to be experienced, but let me not [[preface]] your [[experience]] with undo introduction, but rather I simply [[encourage]] you to look at life, perhaps, differently, as an [[adventure]] and nothing at all to be dread, to be downplayed or discouraged, but rather each [[phase]] and each element is as if you were [ Peter Pan] and your accompanying Fairy, or [ Tinkerbell]. All of these realities are interspersed and co-exist. You are part of a marvelous and multitudinous plan of being. [[Rejoice]] and be glad for you are [[aware]] of this level, but be mindful of the other levels for which you will become mindful.
Be at [[peace]] with yourselves and know that, that which you consider to be [[good]], true and lovely, are part of the [[artifacts]], the current opportunity for experiencing part of the [[reality]] of your [[Nature of God|Heavenly Father’s nature]] and that which goes beyond your mortal [[existence]]. Be true and faithful to your inner urges for [[truth, beauty, and goodness]] and all else will [[unfold]] in due time.
Be at [[peace]] with yourselves and know that, that which you consider to be [[good]], true and lovely, are part of the [[artifacts]], the current opportunity for experiencing part of the [[reality]] of your [[Nature of God|Heavenly Father’s nature]] and that which goes beyond your mortal [[existence]]. Be true and faithful to your inner urges for [[truth, beauty, and goodness]] and all else will [[unfold]] in due time.
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TOMAS: Anatolia and I thank you for your [[focused]] [[attention]] on our [[discourses]] this afternoon and we invite you now to extend yourself into the arena and indulge in the [[quest]] for truth through [[questions]] or commentary on what meets your [[mind’s eye]]. The floor is open to you. Proceed.
TOMAS: Anatolia and I thank you for your [[focused]] [[attention]] on our [[discourses]] this afternoon and we invite you now to extend yourself into the arena and indulge in the [[quest]] for truth through [[questions]] or commentary on what meets your [[mind’s eye]]. The floor is open to you. Proceed.
===='''''[[The Teachers]]'''''====
===='''''[[The Teachers]]'''''====
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[[Fear]] not the [[future]]. There is a path outlined for you. And it will be the same [[path]] that I have followed, for the most part, even though there does reach a point where you have the [[opportunity]] to, shall we say, sign up for some elective courses instead of having to take all these required classes. You will be able to, for example, sign up to spend a period of time with the [[celestial artisans]]. Those of you who choose to be [[creative]] and develop your creativity will have a thousand years to spend making [[music]] or creating art or developing creative [[methods]] of [[thought]] that contribute to the [[truth, beauty, and goodness]] of Universes upon universes.
[[Fear]] not the [[future]]. There is a path outlined for you. And it will be the same [[path]] that I have followed, for the most part, even though there does reach a point where you have the [[opportunity]] to, shall we say, sign up for some elective courses instead of having to take all these required classes. You will be able to, for example, sign up to spend a period of time with the [[celestial artisans]]. Those of you who choose to be [[creative]] and develop your creativity will have a thousand years to spend making [[music]] or creating art or developing creative [[methods]] of [[thought]] that contribute to the [[truth, beauty, and goodness]] of Universes upon universes.
One massive [[eternal career]] extends in front of you, precious child, all prepared with loving instructors and associate [[teachers]] as well as the priceless [[opportunity]] for literal [[laboratory]] experience, that wherein you viably realize that which you have learned. That is to say – having it in your head accounts for nothing except that it accompanies you in your experience of living. Thus, like [ Helen Keller], you can put the concepts together with that which you can appreciate as a sentient being, and suddenly your world is enlarged and [[cosmology]] begins to make sense and you find you are a child of [[the Universe]] and you are well loved and enjoyed by all your [[elders]], and all of us have your interest at [[heart]] and we will continue to teach you and [[guide]] you in and through your eternal career, as [[the Father]] sees fit to give us these assignments that continue to allow us to develop and [[grow]] in our capacity to teach and preach as you are learning to teach and preach as you pass by.
One massive [[eternal career]] extends in front of you, precious child, all prepared with loving instructors and associate [[teachers]] as well as the priceless [[opportunity]] for literal [[laboratory]] experience, that wherein you viably realize that which you have learned. That is to say – having it in your head accounts for nothing except that it accompanies you in your experience of living. Thus, like [ Helen Keller], you can put the concepts together with that which you can appreciate as a sentient being, and suddenly your world is enlarged and [[cosmology]] begins to make sense and you find you are a child of [[the Universe]] and you are well loved and enjoyed by all your [[elders]], and all of us have your interest at [[heart]] and we will continue to teach you and [[guide]] you in and through your eternal career, as [[the Father]] sees fit to give us these assignments that continue to allow us to develop and [[grow]] in our capacity to teach and preach as you are learning to teach and preach as you pass by.
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Linda: My friend, Dorothy Baldwin recently passed away. She was 101 and finally got her wish in passing. Is she awaiting another [[dispensation]] or is she perhaps on the [[mansion world]] frolicking? I’m a little [[confused]] about dispensations and so forth.
Linda: My friend, Dorothy Baldwin recently passed away. She was 101 and finally got her wish in passing. Is she awaiting another [[dispensation]] or is she perhaps on the [[mansion world]] frolicking? I’m a little [[confused]] about dispensations and so forth.
TOMAS: It is not necessarily restricted to the [[dispensation]]. I am not personally familiar with your friend. However, there are many who are [[awakened]] on ‘the 3rd day’ and begin their [[Ascension Career|Universe Career]] at once without the [[Sleeping Survivors|sleep of the ages]]. There are conflicting reports in the [[media]], these days, about the ‘roll call.’ There are those who say the roll call has taken place and there re those who suggest it is imminent. And this, in my [[perspective]], is another one of those peculiarities of the [[human]] mind frame that is conditioned by [[time and space]], that looks at daylight savings time as a [[reality]]. A dispensational roll call is not done in 15 minutes. It is an epochal event. And since each individual is awakened, and one at a time, it is not something that is done as if it were a [ Mardi Gras] event.
TOMAS: It is not necessarily restricted to the [[dispensation]]. I am not personally familiar with your friend. However, there are many who are [[awakened]] on ‘the 3rd day’ and begin their [[Ascension Career|Universe Career]] at once without the [[Sleeping Survivors|sleep of the ages]]. There are conflicting reports in the [[media]], these days, about the ‘roll call.’ There are those who say the roll call has taken place and there re those who suggest it is imminent. And this, in my [[perspective]], is another one of those peculiarities of the [[human]] mind frame that is conditioned by [[time and space]], that looks at daylight savings time as a [[reality]]. A dispensational roll call is not done in 15 minutes. It is an epochal event. And since each individual is awakened, and one at a time, it is not something that is done as if it were a [ Mardi Gras] event.
It is, however, one of those occasions that is generally [[experienced]] in a two thousand year cycle. This happens to be a cycle that is experiencing the [[change]]-over from one dispensation to the other. But it is not done, say, “on October 27th” - it is over a period of many of your years. Even though, yes, in [[Paradise]] it is instantaneous, it has already been done, and on and on. But you and I are not from Paradise. Our [[Adjuster]] may be from Paradise but we are on the [[ascent]] of experiential acquisition of our everlasting [[reality]]. It’s a part of the wonder of the Creator who gives us the [[opportunity]] to [[grow]] our reality rather than creating us [[perfect]], as some are created.
It is, however, one of those occasions that is generally [[experienced]] in a two thousand year cycle. This happens to be a cycle that is experiencing the [[change]]-over from one dispensation to the other. But it is not done, say, “on October 27th” - it is over a period of many of your years. Even though, yes, in [[Paradise]] it is instantaneous, it has already been done, and on and on. But you and I are not from Paradise. Our [[Adjuster]] may be from Paradise but we are on the [[ascent]] of experiential acquisition of our everlasting [[reality]]. It’s a part of the wonder of the Creator who gives us the [[opportunity]] to [[grow]] our reality rather than creating us [[perfect]], as some are created.