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===Topic: '''''Greasing the Skids of Evolution'''''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Charles]], [[LIGHT]], [[Michael]], [[Unknown|Coach]], [[Jonathan]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]], [[Mary Rogers]]===
Charles: [Mark] I'll accept the invitation provided here today to join you in your conversation and to avail myself of the open mike if you will, I am Charles and it is always my pleasure to join you at these times where spirit runs so freely and is so charged with positive contributions. In your opening petition to help grease the skids in the process of moving this slow and cumbersome evolutionary process forward, your offer is most appreciated. It takes the contributions of those directly where the friction is, directly in the realm of the resistance, to provide the lubrication and create the environment possible to slide forward this new and heavy load that seems as though it has taken forever to drag this far. But, I assure you that this laborious process of dragging the future and the ultimate destiny of this world towards this moment will be experienced by all participants in the end as a joyous and victorious experience, a march towards victory, the steady and secure application of your energies in faith and your contributions in faith mean that all such contributions are meeting with some success.

That may be hard for you to gauge at certain times in your terrestrial experience, the actual success you are having at working within the realm of spirit and occupying that realm of spirit and manifesting within that realm of spirit because so many of the external factors you view do not appear to be directly impacted by these efforts but, you are granted from time to time examples of the fruits of your labor, the healing of loved ones may seem as a miracle or it may seem as natural cause to the effect of your petitions and light work and co-creative application.

Many times the affects of your co-creative applications are completely unwitnessed by you, they pass by existing in the spirit realm without the confirmation of material and mortal experience. Nevertheless, they are real and significant and have meaning and value and are counted among your eternal elements, your eternal possessions, those things which constitute who you really are, the real substance of self. All these things are combined and nurtured and accumulated by you throughout your experience, and they are never lost but secured within your eternal construct.

So it is that the children of faith move forward, realizing that many of the fruits of their spiritual pursuits may not be even sensed or enjoyed until a later time of acquisition when you can gauge the impact that your spiritual pursuits may have had. For now, much of what you do must be done in darkness and in faith, that your acts will matter and do constitute a worthy application of your energies. I assure you that they do. I assure you that all time spent and all energy applied to your spiritual development and growth is as the application of funds into a savings account. It does not appear as though it may be much in the beginning but all these are counted on and built upon and in this way they attract to themselves more and gain interest if you will, until this pays off at certain levels in your forward career. All of these spiritual pursuits are as experiences in the bank to you, there for you to draw from and yield the dividends that they inherently possess.

This whole process is an accumulation by you to gather and store to yourself these storage units of experience and in so [doing] you build a great reserve that is your accumulation that is a formation of the self and every aspect, all aspects which have inherent value are saved for your access at a later time. So do not fear that any of your contributions are wasted. They all add up, they all are significant, just as your earthly combinations, if maintained, accumulate around you and add up to something tangible and real; likewise your spiritual achievements are similarly real and accumulate as well.

Thank you for the opportunity to join you in your conversation this morning, it is always treasured, this experience of sharing together this microphone, this opportunity, this chance to come together. I bid you all have a good week, farewell.

Light: [Mark] Good morning my friends, I am Light here joining you as well. I am always intrigued by your interest in light, its uses, direction, its applications and your visualization of its various aspects. Going with your thought pattern about influencing the shade or the color of light, it is true that light contains within its various elements, all the shades and colors. They are all present in natural brilliant white light, but it is also true that there are elements within this spectrum which are suitable and appropriate to different aspects of the physical realm. And so it is that you are learning about the different applications of color just as you would learn about the different applications of sound.

There are certain frequencies of these which align themselves more closely with certain physical aspects than others and I encourage your efforts to, when visualizing the use of light and its application on yourself or on others, that you feel free to experiment with injecting shades or tone into your equation as you see fit. In this way you are refining your application, you are attempting to be as specific as you know how. Just as with prayer however, all prayers being directed to the proper channel in the end, all light applications will be filtered in the end through the right mechanism for its application.

Nevertheless, as light workers, you are empowered to experiment and play with your filters, your interpretation of what light might be most effective. Your application of your intention in this manner is entirely appropriate and all such application will be honored, for after all, you are the powerful co-creative source of the energy you would manifest. Therefore, your desires in the process will be honored to the highest degree and still you will be assisted by your divine counterparts in the process. So do not be concerned that your application may be misplaced or somehow ineffective, all applications are effective, all transfer of energy in this regard is safely executed. It is only reflective of your internal desire that you be as effective as possible, as pure in the process as possible and your requests along these lines will be honored.

As you are beginning to see, light is actually a carrier. It is energy and it carries the energy. This energy can be used as a conduit to transfer all manner of other forms of energy, therefore you use this as the cable that you would connect to bring power into the equation, the conduit that this energy would flow through in the process. Not only does the light permeate and condition, but the other aspects which are riding on the light may also permeate and condition. You see this is what may be so significant about your efforts at the portal, is that once the connection is made, once the conduit exists, then the power may be turned on and made to flow. It has access, it has a means to be distributed and so it may be accessed, it may be utilized and this is so because you have created it. This conduit exists because of you. I tell you, the things that you pursue in spirit are worthy. The accomplishments that you have made may not be fully grasped at this time but I assure you, you will be pleased in time as you are able to see all that you have accomplished while not being privy to know its true extent.

I personally deeply thank you for your efforts sent in spirit. I know their reality, I know of their fruits as do you and I remain eternally grateful that you have donated your energies in faith. Thank you once again for allowing me the space to be with you this morning. It is always my pleasure as it has been once again, good day to you all.

Michael: [Cathy] My children, I am drawn to the discussion of change as a part of the Correcting Time. It is indeed true that this process would not have been initiated if the successful conclusion were not inevitable. As you are in the beginning stages and limited in your view of the process, it seems that dark forces are increasing in power and influence. I would bring to your attention the increased spiritual pressure that has been applied to your world. This pressure has created a counterpart from the resistant negative forces. I would recommend that you would continue your efforts to bring the light and love to all situations. By focusing on powerful energy you are more effective in bringing the change that we desire. I participate with you upon your invitation. Ask and I will join you in bringing the change we desire. I love this world from the perspective of the Creator, but also from the perspective of an inhabitant. I am dedicated to bringing this change to Light and Life. I embrace you all as we go forward to face this challenge. I am always your brother/Father friend.
Mary: [Coach...a finaliter] Come over to the side-line team, circle up, bring yourselves over here, coach is calling you in for a little huddle on the sidelines here. So hustle your little hearts on over here and circle up with your team members and cast your eyes about the circle. Recognize your fellow teammates, appreciate this energy of the team. Circle up our energy here, generate the light, charge the batteries if you need to, but then head out on the field to do what needs to be done today. Now, everybody put your hands in the middle of the circle so to speak. We're all touching and now we say, break the huddle, let's go - head out team!

Jonathan: [Cathy] My hand is with yours in this huddle, let's go.

Light: [Cathy] Your group experimentation has been effective from my viewpoint. The healing has been facilitated by your focus of light. Continue to apply your efforts to aid healing with Light. As you practice, you become more capable, your capacity is enhanced and you become even more effective. I am happy to join you in this effort.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Charles]]
[[Category: LIGHT]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Unknown]]
[[Category: JonathanT]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: Mary Rogers]]
[[Category: 2014]]