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==May 6, 2014==
==May 6, 2014==
'''Rob wrote on tml: Tue, May 6, 2014 at 9:55 AM'''
Dear Marty,
Dear Marty,
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'''Kurt Schluter wrote on tml: Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:06 AM'''
I agree with Marty's assessment of the global political situation but must point out that the TM is aimed at individuals not cultures creating the needed changes that will be forced upon us by natural catastrophe and the destruction of existing political structure. This is where both Daniel and Ron's transmissions are important pieces to build upon going forward.
==May 7, 2014==
'''Marty wrote on tml: Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:18 AM'''
Dear Kurt,
I don't think that I have ever known of your presence here on tml. Thanks for commenting on my post.
Though this thread is posted on tml, we are discussing the NEC #20 of the Magisterial Mission movement. NEC refers to New Age Conversations. Certainly the Correcting Time is a dynamic of both our individual inner lives and of our social experience here as it all happens. Don't you think that the planetary adjudication of the Luciferian mortal rebels is part and parcel of the correcting time on our world?
Our governments and courts and the military institutions on our world plus the economic system and other institutions such as education, social welfare, agriculture, trade and investment, religion, science, et al are all under the yoke of control by the Godless Luciferian rebel cabal which is running our world to its death. How will it be possible to "correct" our planetary evolutionary course without the final and complete adjudication of this rebellion on our world.
Our population is in hypnosis, under the mind-control and traumas conducted by these iniquitous rebels. It certainly seems to me that our supernal guides must have a plan for the salvation of this world.
Thanks again for your comments.
'''Rob wrote on tml: Wed, May 7, 2014 at 2:42 PM'''
Hello Marty-
As you asked me to post replies to the discussion page, I must ask did Kurt reply to you privately or on tml? I can't find his original post on tml for time stamping purposes, and if he posted to you privately, it may be inappropriate to include it in the discussion page. Nevertheless, I would reply to your query with the following.
<blockquote>1)  Your world is making a transition between the time when might made right and when right will be valued for its own sake. Your people have not cherished righteousness, but power, so your nations do likewise. You are going through a time when people are recognizing the need for global restructuring, and will, when presented with positive leadership, respond and actually recreate the political structure of your world. But, all these things must be done in an entirely positive manner. There can be no stick, only carrots in the future world order.</blockquote>
<blockquote>It is good that your nation is going through a soul searching time now for the truth is its own power. The truth doesn't need money. The truth doesn't need self-gratification. When you find leaders among you who will represent the truth in its purity, you will find that corruption will fall away of its own. There is no area of your world where there is not corruption now, in the churches, in your educational system, your political system, all your businesses, everything. So, look well within your hearts and seek divine aid to purge the elements of corruption that exist there. - [ Ham]</blockquote>
in regards to catastrophic adjustments referred to by so many that are ongoing
<blockquote>2) This activity that appears as prophecy is not the prediction of events to come but more correctly a demonstration of what can manifest through yourselves and a rally call to your fellows that they likewise can undertake the same and thereby accomplish the hoped-for conditions. Therefore, it is not the best orientation to speak of events as impinging upon you, something to be waited for. Instead, these apparently prophetic changes are instigated within you and will make their outworking obvious. So, when you do attempt to let it be known the kingdom of heaven is at hand, as your Master said 2000 years ago, underline the very principle that he taught, that the kingdom of heaven is within, that the expression of the great changes to come emerges from the well of deep relationship you have with the Father. That is all that is needed, that this be recognized. Your fellows may not seek the inner dialogue and not recognize this potential. It may appear as an event that will rise up and overcome them, but it is an event that will rise up and come from them. - [ Malvantra]</blockquote>
and I would close with two citations from the Magisterial Mission
<blockquote>3)  Many view the world as ‘out there’ interacting with them not realizing that they are in fact choosing the world that they will interact with. This choice may be changed, and when it does, the very nature of their surroundings follow suit with change. To many this may appear on the outside as if material manifestations are causing spiritual growth when in fact it is the growth which precedes the shift in material manifestation.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This is where pioneers in this new paradigm such as yourselves are important. Having traversed these understandings of spirit and matter and spirit content, then you become valuable guides to those who will be buffeted about by the interaction of spirit and its subsequent material manifestations. You who are growing to understand this connection will be valuable guides to many who have yet to understand this dynamic. - [ Monjoronson]</blockquote>
In my view, the citations above point directly to the inner life as the source of life around us. Those who look around them for solutions are looking in the wrong direction. In truth, what we witness falling down around us is a result of the spiritual pressure of which our lives are a contribution.
<blockquote>4) Look all around you,(your world) is disintegrating, it is falling like a bridge that has been abandoned, and in some cases your infrastructure is literally burning. My friends, it is not as a result of malice. It is a result of the rising tide of illumination which has left behind these things of former association. - [ Monmacion]</blockquote>
'''Marty wrote on tml: Wed, May 7, 2014 at 3:09 PM'''
There has been no private response Rob.
Thank you for finding these clear teachings on this subject.
We need constant reminders of these exegeses since we see only physical light through our eyes but truth through our hearts.
'''Rob wrote on tml: Wed, May 7, 2014 at 3:26 PM'''
You're welcome Marty! Unless Kurt says otherwise, I have included the comments in the discussion page.